Supported Discharge
Dear North Yorkshire County Council,
The local authority employs Social Workers working out of local hospitals to facilitate safe discharge. This support may take the form of a care package or personal budget.
In the year 2009-2010 how many people were provided with social work support on leaving hospital?
Furthermore can you please provide a general breakdown of the primary health condition necessitating the support. For example an individual admitted with a broken hip may need home carers to assist with personal care on discharge.
How many people received intermediate care or reablement services (short term support on leaving hospital)?
How much was spent on care packages for people leaving hospital as part of their discharge arrangements?
How many people received a social work needs assessment whilst an inpatient?
How many qualified social workers working within hospitals does the local authority employ?
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. All information is gratefully received.
Yours faithfully,
Mr M Jones
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Paul Atkinson, for
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North Yorkshire County Council
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North Yorkshire County Council.
Dear Mr Jones
I refer to your Freedom of Information Act request, please find attached our response.
Kind regards
Carol Gibson
Committee Services Officer
Adult and Community Services
Tel: 01609 535852
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