Supported Discharge

The request was partially successful.

Dear Newcastle upon Tyne City Council,

The local authority employs Social Workers working out of local hospitals to facilitate safe discharge. This support may take the form of a care package or personal budget.

In the year 2009-2010 how many people were provided with social work support on leaving hospital?

Furthermore can you please provide a general breakdown of the primary health condition necessitating the support. For example an individual admitted with a broken hip may need home carers to assist with personal care on discharge.

How many people received intermediate care or reablement services (short term support on leaving hospital)?

How much was spent on care packages for people leaving hospital as part of their discharge arrangements?

How many people received a social work needs assessment whilst an inpatient?

How many qualified social workers working within hospitals does the local authority employ?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter. All information is gratefully received.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M Jones

FOI Requests, Newcastle upon Tyne City Council

RFI - 2983

Thank you for your request for information received on 5th January I am
dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I
have passed your request to relevant colleagues, and we will respond to
your request within 20 working days of receipt.



Gemma Snowball
Senior Admin Assistant
Chief Executives Office
Corporate Services
0191 211 6046 / x26046

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McDowell, Alison, Newcastle upon Tyne City Council

For the attention of  Mr M. Jones

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request with regards to
Supported Discharge

Please find below the information you have requested from Newcastle City

Number of people receiving Hospital Discharge service 569
or discharged to community rehab service in 2009/2010
Number of people receiving Assessment (not incl
Reassessment) during 09/10 from Hospital Social Work 643
Service breakdown by Type
Service Type Total SU's
Community Rehab 115
Hospital Discharge Team (hdt) -  Stroke 25
Hdt - 6 Week Prevention service 17
Hdt – Orthopaedic 41
Hdt - Surgical / Med 274
Hdt -Palliative Care 97
Grand Total 569
How much was spent on Care Packages as part of people’s
discharge arrangements has been set out below.
Approx Cost
Service Type Approx Cost 09/10
Community Rehab 181,371.44
Hospital Discharge Team (hdt) -  Stroke         27,318.05
Hdt - 6 Week Prevent 14,725.09
Hdt - Orthopaedic 32,013.68
Hdt - Surgical / Med 198,976.83
Hdt -Palliative Care 137,300.03
Grand Total 591,705.12
I have been unable to gain information with regards to
the primary health condition necessitating the support
provided, but I have grouped the information using the
Wards the initial referral arrived from.

The Local Authority currently employs 43 Social Workers
across 3 Hospitals.

I hope the information answers your queries.

If you are unhappy with our response to your request
you can ask for an internal review of our decision.
Please send details of your request for review to the
following address:

Information Governance Coordinator
Chief Executive’s Directorate
Civic Centre

NE99 2BN
Telephone: 0191 277 7666
E-mail: [Newcastle City Council request email]

If you are still unhappy with how we have handled your
request following our internal review you can complain
to the Information Commissioner. Contact details are as

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone: 0303 123 1113
E-mail: [1][email address]

Once again thank you for contact us.


Alison McDowell

Service Manager

Older People

Adult and Culture Services

Civic Centre



Tel: 0191 2116303 (ext 26303)


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1. mailto:[email address]