Support for children who are suicidal - school nurses
Dear FOI officer,
I should like to request the following information about the commissioned provision of school nurses in Richmond, which falls within the geographical remit of your organisation. I would like to know this information to understand better the support that is available to people aged under 18 who are experiencing emotional distress and/or at risk of suicide.
Specifically, I would like to know:
• The number of school nurses that are employed
• The number of full time equivalent posts the school nurses employed equates to
• The type of support school nurses provide to people under the age of 18 who are experiencing emotional distress or suicidal thoughts/feelings
• What channels school nurses use to have contact with people aged under 18, e.g. telephone, text, Whatsapp, email, face to face
• Any structured educational or awareness raising activities that school nurses undertake with people under the age of 18 in relation to mental health or emotional/psychological wellbeing
• Any structure suicide prevention work that school nurses undertake with people under the age of 18
• If there are any school nurses who have a specific remit covering:
1. mental health
2. suicide prevention, and/or
3. support for people under 18 who are experiencing suicidal thoughts/behaviours
• If available, the number of people under 18 that have received support for:
1. mental health problems
2. emotional distress, and/or
3. suicidal thoughts/feelings from a school nurse in the most recent reporting period (quarter or year)
• If available, the number of people under 18 who were provided with crisis support from a school nurse in the most recent reporting period (quarter or year)
For each school nurse in Richmond, I would also like to request a copy of their:
• Safeguarding policy
• Confidentiality policy
• Policy statement in relation to capacity, decision making and choice
I should prefer to receive these in electronic format at this email address, however, I am happy to receive them by post if that is more convenient.
It would be helpful if you were to provide any brief notes which might be necessary to understand the context of the information provided, although I recognise that you are not obliged to do this. If for any reason you feel this request is unclear, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07866 105 093. If you are not the appropriate authority for this request, or for part of it, please let me know as soon as is convenient.
If the information requested contains sections of confidential information, please blank out or remove these sections, and mark clearly that they have been removed.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Jennifer Holly
Thank you for contacting NHS South West London Clinical Commissioning
We will now pass on your query to the most appropriate person and/or team
to respond to you. This will be done during 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday,
or outside of these times, the next working day.
Please note that, due to the current situation regarding Covid-19, we may
not be able to respond to you as quickly as we would normally. Do feel
free to contact us again if you have not heard from us after five working
Thank you for your patience at this time.
Dear Ms Holly
Re: Freedom of Information Requests
Thank you for your recent requests for information received on 15th
October 2022 by NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (ICB),
relating to Mental Health and Suicide Support Services for under 18s. The
requests detailed below have been received:
FOI.22.SWL151 – Education Support
FOI.22.SWL152 – School Nurses Support
FOI.22.SWL153 – GP Support
FOI.22.SWL154 - Crisis Services Support
Regulation 5(2) of the Freedom of Information and Data Protection
(Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 makes specific procedural
provision for the handling of cases that are received from the same
applicant, on a similar theme, within a short space of time.
This provision was made specifically to reduce the burden and cost on
public authorities. As such your requests noted above will be amalgamated
and processed under a single reference number of FOI.22.SWL151.
An initial investigation is currently taking place into whether the
information you have requested is held by the ICB and if so, whether it
can be released in accordance with the legislation.
Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as
they can be determined. Your request will then be placed on hold and you
will have the choice of whether to proceed with your request. Should any
clarification of your request be required we will advise you accordingly.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request,
please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference number –
Yours sincerely
IG & FOI Team
NHS South West London
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH
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Dear Ms Holly
Please find attached response to FOI request reference FOI.22.SWL151, on
behalf of NHS South West London ICB.
Kind regards
IG & FOI Team
NHS South West London
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH
[1][email address]
[2] | [3]
Follow us on Twitter [4]@SWLNHS_
From: SWL ICB - IG & FOI TEAM <[email address]>
Sent: 18 October 2022 13:58
To: Jennifer Holly <[FOI #907809 email]>
Subject: Request Acknowledged
Dear Ms Holly
Re: Freedom of Information Requests
Thank you for your recent requests for information received on 15th
October 2022 by NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (ICB),
relating to Mental Health and Suicide Support Services for under 18s. The
requests detailed below have been received:
FOI.22.SWL151 – Education Support
FOI.22.SWL152 – School Nurses Support
FOI.22.SWL153 – GP Support
FOI.22.SWL154 - Crisis Services Support
Regulation 5(2) of the Freedom of Information and Data Protection
(Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 makes specific procedural
provision for the handling of cases that are received from the same
applicant, on a similar theme, within a short space of time.
This provision was made specifically to reduce the burden and cost on
public authorities. As such your requests noted above will be amalgamated
and processed under a single reference number of FOI.22.SWL151.
An initial investigation is currently taking place into whether the
information you have requested is held by the ICB and if so, whether it
can be released in accordance with the legislation.
Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as
they can be determined. Your request will then be placed on hold and you
will have the choice of whether to proceed with your request. Should any
clarification of your request be required we will advise you accordingly.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request,
please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference number –
Yours sincerely
IG & FOI Team
NHS South West London
NHS South West London Integrated Care Board
120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH
[5][email address]
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