Dear Ms Holly,
Reference: FOI.22.SWL151
8 November 2022
Re: Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your request under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). This response is provided
by NHS South West London Integrated Care Board (ICB).
Your request, along with the ICB’s response is detailed below.
MH and Suicide Support for under 18s – Education
I should like to request the following information about the commissioned educational and awareness
raising activities and suicide prevention activities aimed at people under the age of 18 in Richmond, which
falls within the geographical remit of your organisation.
1. I would like to find out the following information about any
educational or awareness raising activities relating to mental health or
emotional/psychological wellbeing, or
suicide prevention activities aimed at people under 18 that you fund in Richmond:
a. The focus of the activity, i.e. mental health awareness raising or suicide prevention
Mental Health awareness raising as well as prevention and early intervention help:
• SWL CCG successfully bid for the Mental Health in Schools Trailblazer Programme since 2018/19
and established a first Mental Health Support Team (MHST) for a cluster of 14 Primary and
Secondary Schools in Richmond in wave 2 of the programme in 2019/20 and a second MHST for
a further cluster of Primary and Secondary Schools in Richmond in wave 4 of the programme in
2020/21. Both clusters of schools are committed to establish a ‘whole school approach’ to
promoting good mental health. Each cluster of schools have an agreed action plan for achieving
a whole school approach. MHSTs deliver workshops on a range of common mental health
challenges, offer consultations to teaching staff and parents as well as direct help and advice for
groups of students as well as individual counselling.
Achieving for Children (AfC) and SWL ICB (Kingston and Richmond) have the ambition to
establish a third MHST in Richmond in the next two years to achieve 100% cover of early mental
health help and timely access to early intervention in all Richmond Schools and FE Colleges by
• Prevention and Early Intervention has been a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
(CAMHS) Transformation Programme Priority since many years. It is also a priority of the NHS
Long Term Plan, which SWL ICB continue to implement across all SWL Boroughs (including
Richmond and Kingston).
• SWL ICB is promoting the local implementation of the i-Thrive approach to delivery of mental
Suicide Prevention
NHS SWL Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)/now NHS SWL Integrated Care Board decided in June 2021
to commission a suicide prevention programme.
b. The type of activity
• SWL CCG organised a suicide and self-harm prevention workshop in February 2022.
• SWL CCG and SWL Health and Care Partnership commissioned a series of suicide prevention
workshops ‘SP-EAK’ (= Speak, Explore, Ask and Keep Safe) for all secondary schools across SWL
including Richmond.
• SWL CCG agreed continued Suicide Prevention Programme for 2022/23 at the Mental Health
Transformation Board in April 2022.
c. The intended outcome for the activity
Increased awareness and knowledge of teacher, support staff and students at schools and
d. The audience for the activity
Staff, parents and students.
e. The structure of the activity, i.e. is it one-off or over several sessions
Mainly one off workshops, but some activities also planned across several sessions.
f. How many hours does the activity last in total
Workshops in March and April lasted 3.5 hours.
g. Who delivers the activity
h. The number of times the activity is expected to be delivered in a 12 month period
The ICB does not hold this information.
i. The number of times the activity has been delivered in the most recent reporting period
(quarter or year)
15 x 3.5 hours workshops in February and March 2022.
j. The number of people aged under 18 that can access the activity in a 12 month period
The ICB does not hold this information.
k. The number of people aged under 18 that access the activity in the most recent reporting
period (quarter or year)
The ICB does not hold this information.
2. For each activity, I would also like to request a copy of:
a. The safeguarding policy followed
All schools and mental health services have Safeguarding Policies, Papyrus also has a
Safeguarding Policy.
b. The confidentiality policy followed
Please see answer to question 2a. All schools and mental health services have a confidentiality
c. Any position statements on self-determination, decision making and choice
The ICB does not hold this information.
d. Any feedback about the activity that can be shared
The ICB does not hold this information.
Provision of School Nurses
3. I should like to request the following information about the commissioned provision of school
nurses in Richmond, which falls within the geographical remit of your organisation. I would like to
know this information to understand better the support that is available to people aged under 18
who are experiencing emotional distress and/or at risk of suicide.
Specifically, I would like to know:
a. The number of school nurses that are employed
b. The number of full-time equivalent posts the school nurses employed equates to
c. The type of support school nurses provide to people under the age of 18 who are experiencing
emotional distress or suicidal thoughts/feelings
d. What channels school nurses use to have contact with people aged under 18, e.g. telephone, text,
Whatsapp, email, face to face
e. Any structured educational or awareness raising activities that school nurses undertake with
people under the age of 18 in relation to mental health or emotional/psychological wellbeing
f. Any structure suicide prevention work that school nurses undertake with people under the age of
g. If there are any school nurses who have a specific remit covering:
mental health
suicide prevention, and/or
support for people under 18 who are experiencing suicidal thoughts/behaviours
h. If available, the number of people under 18 that have received support for:
mental health problems
emotional distress, and/or
suicidal thoughts/feelings from a school nurse in the most recent reporting period (quarter
or year)
If available, the number of people under 18 who were provided with crisis support from a
school nurse in the most recent reporting period (quarter or year)
4. For each school nurse in Richmond, I would also like to request a copy of their:
a. Safeguarding policy
b. Confidentiality policy
c. Policy statement in relation to capacity, decision making and choice
Questions 3 – 4
The ICB does not hold this information. School nursing is commissioned by the Local Authority. Contact
details for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames can be found here:
MH and Suicide Support - GPs
5. I should like to request the following information about the support provided by General
Practitioners to people under the age of 18 who are experiencing mental health problems,
emotional distress, or suicidal thoughts/feeling in Richmond, which falls within the geographical
remit of your organisation. I would like to know this information to understand better the support
that is available to people aged under 18 who are experiencing emotional distress and/or at risk of
Specifically, I would like to know:
a. Number of people under 18 that have received support for:
mental health problems
emotional distress, and/or
suicidal thoughts/feelings from a GP in the most recent reporting period (quarter or year)
b. Current waiting time to see a GP
Questions 5a and b
Please see below*.
c. Organisations that GPs regularly refer under 18’s to
Achieving for Children provide Tier 2 CAMHS and South West London & St George’s Mental Health
NHS Trust provide Tier 3 CAMHS for Richmond children and young people who require onward
referral for more support.
d. Organisations that GPs regularly signpost under 18’s to
e. How many GPs have a specialist remit covering:
i. mental health,
ii. suicide prevention, and/or
iii. support for people under 18 who are experiencing suicidal thoughts/behaviours
f. Any structured educational or awareness raising activities that GPs undertake with:
people under the age of 18 in relation to mental health or emotional/psychological
professionals who have contact with people under the age of 18
g. Any structure suicide prevention work that GPs undertake with people under the age of 18
Questions 5d – g
Please see below*.
6. For each GP in Richmond, I would also like to request a copy of their:
a. Safeguarding policy
b. Confidentiality policy
c. Policy statement in relation to capacity, decision making and choice
*Questions 5 a,b,d-g and 6a – c
The ICB does not hold this information. This may be held by individual practices.
Emotional Support and Crisis Services for under 18s
I should like to request the following information about the commissioned emotional support and crisis
services available to people under the age of 18 in Richmond, which falls within the geographical remit of
your organisation.
7. I would like to find out the following information about support services that you directly fund in
Richmond to people under the age of 18 who are experiencing emotional distress and/or who are
at risk of attempting suicide, excluding that delivered through Child and Adolescent Mental Health
a. Inclusion/exclusion criteria
b. How the service is accessed, i.e. open access, self-referral, third party referral
c. Channels of support, e.g. telephone, email, text, webchat, face-to-face, and types of location if
d. Opening hours/availability
e. Type of support provided, i.e. structured therapeutic counselling, peer support, helpline
f. If support is provided to parents or carers
g. Length of support offered
h. If the support is provided by paid employees, freelance/contract staff, volunteers.
i. Intended outcomes for the service
j. If available, the number of people under 18 that can be supported
i. at any one time and/or
in any given twelve month period
k. Where relevant, number of people under 18 that have been referred to the service in the most
recent reporting period (quarter or year)
l. Number of people under 18 supported in the most recent reporting period (quarter or year)
8. For each service, I would also like to request a copy of their:
a. Safeguarding policy
b. Confidentiality policy
c. Policy statement in relation to capacity, decision making and choice
Questions 7 – 8
The ICB does not hold this information. For Richmond, South West London & St George’s Mental Health
NHS Trust provides Tier 3 CAMHS services and Achieving for Children provides Tier 2 CAMHS Services.
These may hold some of the service information requested, along with their policy statements. Contact
details for these can be found here:
Freedom of information (
Freedom of Information | Achieving for Children
Review procedure
If you feel that we have not met the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you should
contact the IG and FOI Team at:
If you remain dissatisfied, you can ask us to review our decision by making a written request for an internal
review. In order to assist with the review, you should include your address, a description of the original
request and the reasons why you are dissatisfied. Please send this to:
Postal address
NHS South West London ICB
120 The Broadway
SW19 1RH
The review will be handled by more senior staff who were not involved in the original decision. Although this
will not apply to Section 36 claimed exemptions in accordance with Department of Health Directive, your
request will still be reviewed. We aim to complete all internal reviews within 20 working days. If you then
wish to appeal you should contact the Information Commissioner for an independent review at the following
Postal address
Website address
0303 123 1113
The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
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The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for
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Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.
Use of information expressly made available under this license indicates your acceptance of the terms and
conditions as set out in the OGL.
To make an application for re-use you must:
• Make a request in writing to the address below,
• State the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence,
• Specify the document to be re-used,
• State the purpose for which the document is to be re-used
Postal address
NHS South West London ICB
120 The Broadway
SW19 1RH
For information where the copyright is owned by another person or organisation, you must apply to the
copyright owner to obtain their permission to re-use. Further guidance for re-users can be found at:
NHS South West London ICB complies with the
Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 and we
encourage the re-use of the information that we produce, hold and disseminate. We are open and
transparent, and treat all applications to re-use in a fair and non-discriminatory way.
Privacy Notice (formerly known as Fair Processing Notice)
We will record your contact and request details in order to monitor and improve the service we provide and
in order to discharge our statutory obligations under the Act. This information will be handled in accordance
with the NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice and the
Data Protection Act 2018.
Using personal data we provide
You are required not to use personal data which is provided to you for electronic marketing (telesales, fax, e-
mail) to our staff and comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations
2003. Provision of such personal data in response to a Freedom of Information or Environmental Information
request does not constitute consent from the individual concerned.
Data Protection Act gives individuals rights to prevent processing likely to cause substantial unwarranted
damage or unwarranted distress (section 10) and to prevent processing for the purposes of direct marketing
(section 11). You should be aware that selling, giving or sharing of personal data could breach the
Protection Act.
Your feedback is welcome to help us improve the service we provide. Please send comments or suggestions
to our address.
Yours sincerely,
IG and FOI Team
NHS South West London ICB