Supply Teachers (E02 and E26)

The request was refused by Islington Borough Council.

Dear Islington Borough Council,

I would like to know how much each school in the LA spent on temporary supply teaching and other supply staff from external supply teaching agencies from September 1st 2020 - 12th October 2020. I would like to know this information for each Nursery, Primary, Secondary and SEND school. I would also, in addition to this, like to know which agency/s each school spent money with, broken down per school. As this information is not available on any Government website for this time period, this information is not already available, readily, to the public. I believe all LAs will have this information listed under 'E02' and 'E26'.

Yours faithfully,

Andy Smith

FOIA, Islington Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Smith,


Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request, received on
12/10/2020.  Your request has been processed, and your unique reference
number is FOI 499736. Please make note of this reference number should you
need to contact us about your request.


Our team will send your request to the appropriate service area within
Islington Council, and an officer from that team will respond directly to
your request.


Please be aware that the council is taking precautions in line with
Government instructions and the Information Governance Team and many other
council officers will not be office based for the foreseeable future. 
This may have an impact on the processing of requests as we may have to
work with limited resources. Should this be the case, this could result in
a delay in providing the information you have requested.  We will
endeavour to avoid delay where possible and aim to provide your response
within 20 working days but unfortunately we may face unavoidable delays.


If you have any questions, please contact us by email at
[1][Islington Borough Council request email]




Access to Information Administrator

Information Governance Team


3^rd Floor, 7 Newington Barrow Way


N7 7EP





Follow us on Twitter@IslingtonBC and @IslingtonLife


FOIA Acknowledgement Privacy Information

The information you have provided as part of your request for information
will be used for the purposes of your Freedom of Information Act request.
All data is held securely and will be processed in accordance with the
Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. In
order to satisfy your request, we will share your name and contact details
and your request with other services in the council so that a response can
be made to you. If matters are escalated, by you, to the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to investigate we may need to share some
information with them, however this will always be limited to what is
required for their investigation. We will retain your original request and
all associated information gathered to process and respond to your request
for three years following our response. For further details please visit
our privacy notice:


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PFOI, Islington Borough Council

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Please see attached reply to your recent Freedom of Information request.


Kind Regards,


People Directorate Freedom of Information

People Directorate

Islington Council

222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR

[1][email address]



Follow us on Twitter @IslingtonBC and @IslingtonLife


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