Supply of all Waste Brokers
Dear Environment Agency,
I am requesting a near to full database of all waste brokers that operate throughout the UK. They are not to be confused with carriers but only the waste businesses who broker out waste services.
As an example:
Network Waste are a broker, not a carrier.
Please can you kindly provide this information couple with contact details.
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Allen
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Dear Mr Allen
Thank you for your request for environmental data.
We are treating your enquiry as an Information Request under the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004/Freedom of Information Act
Your request will be dealt with by our National Request Team under
reference NR120141.
The Environment Agency covers England only.
For Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, please see the links below:
The Environment Agency’s obligation under the relevant legislation is to
provide you with the requested information within 20 working days from the
date your enquiry is received, but we shall endeavour to respond as soon
as we can.
In the meantime should you have any queries regarding this request please
contact us at: [4][Environment Agency request email]
Kind Regards
National Request Team, NCCC
Contact Centre Services - Part of Operations, Regulation & Customer
( Tel: 03708 506 506
: Web Site: [5]
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Dear Mr Allen,
Enquiry regarding Waste Brokers
Thank you for your enquiry which was received on March 14.
We respond to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and
Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
Please find attached the data requested.
Please refer to [1]Open Government Licence which explains the permitted
use of this information.
Please get in touch if you have any further queries or contact us within
two months if you’d like us to review the information we have sent
Kind Regards
National Request Team
Environment Agency
03708 506506
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Dear National Requests,
Thank you for the information you have kindly supplied. However, this isn't what I had requested.
I specifically requested a database of all Waste Brokers. "They are not to be confused with carriers but only the waste businesses who broker out waste services.
Ie Network Waste, Reconomy and the like are waste management brokers. Not Chingford Tyres as what is on that spreadsheet you sent over.
Please can you look into this further.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Allen
Dear Mr Allen
The spreadsheet provided contains the requested data. If you right click in the fourth column (under "Registration Type") on any cell that says 'broker_dealer' it will bring up an option to "Filter by selected cells value" if you now click on this option, it will list the data in the format you have requested.
Please note: You must enable editing to perform this action.
I trust this helps with your query.
National Request Team, NCCC
Contact Centre Services - Part of Operations, Regulation & Customer
Tel: 03708 506 506
T Web Site:
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