Supervision registers

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Department of Health and Social Care should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Can you please confirm if there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Clark

Department of Health and Social Care

This is an acknowledgement - please do not reply to this email.

Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care. 

We are currently experiencing high volumes of enquiries and we are
focusing our resources on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

The answers to many questions, including the latest information on
COVID-19, can be found on [1]GOV.UK, the [2]Department of Health and
Social Care website or by visiting the [3]NHS website. We may not respond
to you if the answer to your enquiry can be found on either of these
websites. Where a reply is appropriate, we aim to send a response within
18 working days, or 20 working days if your query is a Freedom of
Information request or complaint.

If you are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, please
visit [4] or telephone your GP surgery immediately for further
advice. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital directly.

If you are a business interested in helping the government increase
COVID-19 testing capacity, please visit this [5]Government website. Please
note that the service to offer other COVID-19 support from your business
has closed.

If you are clinician looking to support the NHS, please visit the NHS
Professionals website for further

If you are a clinician who has retired within the last 6 years and would
like more information on how to apply for the temporary register, please
visit the NHS England

If you want to volunteer during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
please visit this
website[6] for
more information. 

The Department of Health and Social Care does not process complaints about
the NHS or social services. If you wish to make a complaint about a
healthcare professional, an NHS organisation or a social care provider,
please visit the [7]Complaints Procedure page on GOV.UK.

You can find out more about the Department’s commitments from our Personal

This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all
copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this
message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic


Visible links

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark

Thank you for your email.

The Freedom of Information Act only applies to recorded information such as paper or electronic archive material. As your correspondence asked for general information rather than requesting specific recorded information or documentation, it did not fall under the provisions of the Act. It will be answered as general correspondence in due course.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Freedom of Information,

Health Service Guidlines HSG(94)5 issued on 1 February 1994 and in force from 1 April 1994, requires all Health Authorities to ensure through their contracts for mental health services that providers draw up, maintain and use supervision registers.

I contacted the below and they have stated it would be the Department for Health and Social Care, and yet you are saying it is not you, so there is clearly an issue here.


We are not the Health Service. That would be the Department for Health and Social Care.

For information, here is a link from our website that explains our function:

I think, Health and Safety Guidance (HSG) has been confused with Health Service Guidelines (HSG).

Kind regards


Helen McGlown PC.foi | Information Management Unit | Central Disclosure Unit Health & Safety Executive | 5.N.3. Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle L20 7HS |

show quoted sections

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

Department of Health and Social Care

Our ref: DE-1293985
Dear Mr Clark,
Thank you for your correspondence of 19 January about supervision
registers. I have been asked to reply.

The Freedom of Information Act only applies to recorded information such
as paper or electronic archive material.  As your correspondence asked for
general information, rather than requesting recorded information or
documentation, it did not fall under the provisions of the Act.
I apologise I cannot assist directly.

Yours sincerely,
Lucy Ogan
Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Of course this is recorded information, you have Barristers quoting this as a legal duty, the Department of Health is yet again abusing the FOIA process and acting in a perfidious manner

Yours faithfully,

Mr Clark

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Supervision Registers are a component of the Care Programme Approach.
Supervision register HSG(94)5, 'Introduction of supervision registers for mentally ill people from 1 April 1994', proposed that all individuals who are under the care of an NHS provider unit known to be at significant risk of committing serious violence or suicide or of serious self-neglect as a result of severe and enduring mental illness (including personality disorder) should be on a supervision register.

To claim that you do not hold the information is unacceptable when you would lawfully hold the information as per the duty from the Secretary of State for Health. Start acting transparent or this corruption with have to be made a public interest concern. This is abuse.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Clark

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your further email.

As you are aware, your correspondence did not meet the criteria of a freedom of information request and is therefore not subject to an internal review. Should you wish to complain about the response you received, you may do so at the following link:

Should you wish to submit an FOI request, you may find it useful to refer to the Information Commissioner’s guidance on communicating effectively and politely with public authorities at:

Please note that any further correspondence on this topic that is not an FOI request will be logged but may not be responded to.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Freedom of Information,

Can you please confirm if under the Department of Health guidance there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

Dear FreedomofInformation,

You have been provided with a perfectly logical FOIA request that pertains to the information held by the Department of Health and Social Care, you are required to acknowledge the request. If a complaint has to got to the DOH and ICO then I guess that will have to be made.

Can you please confirm if under the Department of Health and Social Care guidance there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

Dear FreedomofInformation,

By law you should have answered this request by 16 February. What you have declared is contrary to what has been communicated and you have sought to fail to have reasonable adjustments in place and have taken my communication style (Autism) as a means to block my request. I have since updated this to meet your standards, but you have chosen to act arbitrary and ignore me when you have a duty to make a reasonable adjustment.

Can you please confirm if under the Department of Health and Social Care guidance there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

Can you please confirm if under law that regulates the Department of Health and Social Care there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your further email.

As you have been advised numerous times, correspondence on this topic that is not a specific FOI request will not be responded to. The Department will not replying to your latest email.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your further email.

As you have been advised numerous times, correspondence on this topic that is not a specific FOI request will not be responded to. The Department will not replying to your latest email.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your further email.

As you are aware, the Freedom of Information Act only applies to recorded information such as paper or electronic archive material. As your correspondence continues to ask for general information rather than requesting recorded information or documentation, it does not fall under the provisions of the Act. It will be answered as general correspondence in due course.

Please note that any further correspondence on this topic that is not an FOI request will be logged but may not be responded to.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear FreedomofInformation,

You have declared:
As you are aware, the Freedom of Information Act only applies to recorded information such as paper or electronic archive material. As your correspondence continues to ask for general information rather than requesting recorded information or documentation, it does not fall under the provisions of the Act. It will be answered as general correspondence in due course.

I have declared:
Can you please confirm if under the Department of Health and Social Care guidance there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

Can you please confirm if under law that regulates the Department of Health and Social Care there is a requirement for supervision registers to include persons suffering from Personality Disorder?

These two questions relate to information that is certainly held by the Department of Health and Social Care. I will have to make a complaint to both the ICO and the Department of Health and Social Care as you are not making any reasonable adjustments for someone with Autism, and you are not acknowledging that there is documentation that evidences that the Department of Health and Social Care holds specific information that evidences these two questions, you appear to be being very hostile when all I am trying to achieve in the interests of the public is to ascertain the facts relative to information that has been authored by the Department of Health and Social Care.

It is most difficult to understand the reasoning of the responses that I have received when one has tried to be open and honest. It is known that the Department of Health and Social Care holds this information, you have claimed as you have, that is very confusing when the Department of Health and Social Care are who published information explaining the supervision registers.

This is not general information and to claim that it is a request for general information is incorrect, data held by the Department of Health and Social Care evidences these questions. I am requesting confirmation of what you hold, and if you take the time to ascertain the facts then you will see that you are the holders of the information requested.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

Dear FreedomofInformation,

I am not sure how you expect me to ask these questions as I do not understand any expectations, but I should imagine that it is reasonable of an Autistic person who feels that there is a public interest in this matter is able to ask:

Are you able to confirm if the Department of Health Circular HSG(94) require that all Health Authorities establish and maintain supervision registers?

One you have established this then you will realise that you do hold the information that has been requested.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your further email.

As you are aware, your continued correspondence does not fall under the provisions of the Act. It will be answered as general correspondence in due course.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your further email.

As you are aware, your correspondence does not fall under the provisions of the FOI Act. It will be answered as general correspondence in due course.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear FreedomofInformation,

I believe that you are incorrectly applying the Act in this instance and this will have to form a complaint to the Department of Health and Social Care and the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

Yours sincerely,

Mr Clark

Department of Health and Social Care

Our ref: DE-1307170
Dear Mr Clark,
Thank you for your further correspondence of 19 February about supervision
registers. I have been asked to reply.

The Department always tries to answer correspondence to the best of its
ability, but I am afraid that policy colleagues are unable to find the
information you have requested. If you could provide more details
regarding the supervision orders you refer to or any further information
that you think may help, I will forward it to the appropriate officials to
see if we are able to provide an answer to your queries.

I am sorry I cannot be more helpful at this time.

Yours sincerely,
Lucy Ogan
Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Are you serious?

Supervision registers were formally introduced into the NHS from 1 April 1994. Health Service Guidelines issued by the NHS Executive (HSG(94)5) in February 1994 set out the action that health authorities and provider units had to undertake. It was recognised that the timescale for implementation was unrealistically short and HSG(94)5 therefore conceded that full implementation could be delayed until 1 October 1994 at the latest.
Supervision registers for "patients who may be most at risk and need most support" form a component of the Secretary of State's "ten point plan for developing successful and safe community care", which was released to the press in August 1993.

The facts
According to HSG(94)5:
• All mental health provider units should "set up registers which identify and provide information on patients who are, or are liable to be, at risk of committing serious violence or suicide, or of serious self-neglect ... as a result of severe and enduring mental illness . . . including) people with a diagnosed personality disorder".
• Assessments and reviews of patients under the CPA should consider the question of whether the patient should be registered.
• Provider units should "incorporate the supervision register in the development of mental health information systems to support the full implementation of the CPA".


Health Service guidelines HSG 94 561 issued on first of February, 1994, and enforced from first of April, 1994 requires all health authorities to ensure through their contracts for mental health services that providers draw up, maintain, and use supervision registers registered is intended. First and foremost for patients being careful outside hospital supervision registers represent an extension of the care programme approach and are now an integral part of it. The purpose of the registers, is to enable NHS trusts and other NHS Trust provider units to identify known individuals known to be a significant risk of committing serious violence or suicide or of self serious self neglect. As a result of severe enduring mental illness, and who should therefore, receive the highest priority for care, and had to follow up for the purpose of the guidelines, mental illness includes people diagnosed with a personality disorder psychopathic disorder. 63.


Health Service guidelines. HSG(94)5 76 requires all Health Authorities to ensure through their contracts for mental health services that providers drawer up, maintain and use supervision registers. The register is intended first and foremost for patients being cared for outside hospital. Supervision registers represent an extension of the care programme approach and are now into an integral part of it.

Purpose of supervision registers

The purpose of the registers, is to enable NHS trusts (and other NHS “Provider Units”) to identify all individuals known “to be at significant risk of committing serious violence or suicide or have serious self-neglect as a result of severe and enduring mental illness” and who should therefore receive the highest priority for care and active follow-up. For the purpose of the guidelines “mental illness” includes people diagnosed with a personality disorder (psychopathic disorder).

Yours faithfully,

Mr Clark

Department of Health and Social Care

Our ref: DE-1305108 


Dear Mr Clark,  
Thank you for your correspondence of 12 February about mental health. I
have been asked to reply and I apologise for the long delay in doing so.  
I should explain that the Freedom of Information Act only applies to
recorded information such as paper or electronic archive material. As your
correspondence asked for general information, rather than requesting
recorded information or documentation, it did not fall under the
provisions of the Act.  


The Act does not cover unrecorded information that officials may remember,
opinions that officials might have, official advice (apart from past
advice the Department of Health has given, where a record of this has been
kept) or requests for an official policy statement (again, apart from past
policy statements, where a record has been kept). There is no obligation
under the FOI Act for public authorities to create new information. 


As the Department of Health and Social Care is currently receiving an
extremely high volume of enquiries due to the ongoing coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic, we are only able to provide an individual response to
the most sensitive and urgent cases.  


Although the Department recognises the importance of each concern and
would ordinarily respond to queries individually, the current
circumstances have required a temporary change in the method of handling

The Department is, however, continuing to record all the correspondence
that it receives so that it is able to track the main issues being raised
by the public. 


If your enquiry is in relation to the pandemic, the Government has
launched a COVID-19 ‘hub’, which can be found
at [1] and is regularly updated. The hub offers all
the Government’s latest advice and guidance, a link to the NHS website, a
portal for those offering assistance, a tracking service displaying the
latest information on cases in the UK, and an email alert service so
people can stay up to date with all the latest measures.  


If you consider your situation to be of a particularly sensitive or urgent
nature that does require a bespoke response, please contact the Department
again using ‘Sensitive’ and quote the case reference at the top of your
letter. We will, if deemed appropriate, aim to send a response to the
majority of such correspondence within 18 working days. However, please be
aware that due to current COVID-19 working from home guidance, there may
be a delay in us responding to physical correspondence in particular.  

Yours sincerely,  
Joseph Rawlinson  
Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries 
Department of Health and Social Care 


Please do not reply to this email. To contact the Department of Health and
Social Care, please visit the [2]Contact DHSC section on GOV.UK 
To receive news about DHSC: [3]sign up to our monthly newsletter 

This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all
copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this
message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic


Visible links
1. https://healthsharedservice-my.sharepoin...

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health and Social Care's handling of my FOI request 'Supervision registers'.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr C

Department of Health and Social Care

Our ref: DE-1407692
Dear Mr Clark,
Thank you for your further correspondence of 2 June about an internal

In our previous responses to you, it was explained that your
correspondence did not qualify as a Freedom of Information request.
Therefore, it is not possible to conduct an internal review of this
request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

I appreciate that this may be a disappointing reply, but I hope it
clarifies the department’s position.

I am sorry I cannot be more directly helpful.

Yours sincerely,
C Winters
Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Can you confirm that Supervision registers were formally introduced into the NHS from 1 April 1994/issued by the NHS Executive (HSG(94)5) Health Service Guidelines?

Can you confirm the purpose of Supervision registers?

Can you confirm the qualifying aspects to be registered on the Supervision registers?

Yours faithfully,

Mr C

Department of Health and Social Care

This is an acknowledgement - please do not reply to this email.

Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care. 

If your enquiry is in relation to the pandemic, the Government has
launched a COVID-19 ‘hub’, which can be found
at [1] and is regularly updated. 

The answers to many other questions can be found on [2]GOV.UK,
the [3]Department of Health and Social Care website or by visiting
the [4]NHS website. We may not respond to you if the answer to your
enquiry can be found on either of these websites. Where a reply is
appropriate, we aim to send a response within 20 working days.
Please note that the department cannot arrange vaccinations. [5]This
webpage gives information on vaccination. You can also contact your GP,
clinical commissioning group or call 119.


If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you must get tested as soon as possible.
The swab test takes less than a minute and is pain-free. Results from test
sites are generally received within 24 hours of the test being
administered. Further information, including what symptoms to look out
for, can be found [6]here.
If your business is interested in helping the Government increase
COVID-19 testing capacity, please visit [7]this webpage. Please note that
the service that was set up for businesses to offer other COVID-19 support
has closed. If you have a product to sell to the NHS, please visit
Since 15 February 2021, anyone travelling to the UK from a red-list
country has been required to quarantine in a managed quarantine facility
for a period of ten days. There will be periods where no countries are
listed, but the red list remains ready to be stood up should the global
epidemiological situation change. In these circumstances, there is
guidance available on a range of queries.

To find out how to apply for a medical or compassionate exemption, please

If you have been in quarantine and have a complaint about the hotel,
please raise your concerns with the hotel itself in the first instance. If
your complaint is unresolved, please email the complaints team at
[10][email address].
If you are writing in connection with an NHS or social care service please
note that the department does not manage health and social services
directly, nor does it process complaints. It also cannot give clinical
advice or intervene in matters concerning patient care or social services.
If you wish to make a complaint about a healthcare professional, an NHS
organisation or a social care provider, please visit [11]this link.

If you would like to raise your concerns about a COVID-19 testing
provider, or have any other NHS Test and Trace enquiries, you can
contact [12]NHS Test and Trace enquiries, feedback and complaints. 

Our [13]Personal information charter and [14]privacy notice explain how we
treat your personal information.


This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all
copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this
message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic


Visible links
10. mailto:[email address]

Department of Health and Social Care

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Clark,

Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1413247).

Yours sincerely, 

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

The Department of Health has provided the below document that confirms that mental illness includes psychopathy and personality disorder, can you explain why you have not confirmed this also in view of the initial question requested in the FOIA request (your ref: DE-1293985)

NHS Management Executive
Health Service Guideline HSG(94)5

Mental illness in this context includes people with a diagnosed personality disorder including psychopathic disorders who are receiving treatment form specialist psychiatric services.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Clark

Department of Health and Social Care

Our ref: DE-1415097
Dear Mr Clark,
Thank you for your correspondence of 11 August about your request for
information. I have been asked to reply.

As stated in previous correspondence, the Freedom of Information Act only
applies to recorded information such as paper or electronic archive
material. As your initial correspondence (DE-1293985) asked for general
information, rather than requesting recorded information or documentation,
it did not fall under the provisions of the Act. 

I hope you find this reply helpful.

Yours sincerely,
C McManus
Ministerial Correspondence and Public Enquiries
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health and Social Care's handling of my FOI request 'Supervision registers'.

The guidance Best Practice in Managing Risk is recorded information.

So is Building Bridges A guide to arrangements for inter agency working for the care and protection of severely mentally ill people, both which contain information applicable to the PCL instruments, to risk, psychopathy, and the relevant registers and system(s) that these matters have been played out within.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mr Clark

Department of Health and Social Care

This is an acknowledgement - please do not reply to this email.

Thank you for contacting the Department of Health and Social Care. 

If your enquiry is in relation to the pandemic, the Government has
launched a COVID-19 ‘hub’, which can be found
at [1] and is regularly updated. 

The answers to many other questions can be found on [2]GOV.UK,
the [3]Department of Health and Social Care website or by visiting
the [4]NHS website. We may not respond to you if the answer to your
enquiry can be found on either of these websites. Where a reply is
appropriate, we aim to send a response within 20 working days.
Please note that the department cannot arrange vaccinations. [5]This
webpage gives information on vaccination. You can also contact your GP,
clinical commissioning group or call 119.


If you have symptoms of COVID-19 you must get tested as soon as possible.
The swab test takes less than a minute and is pain-free. Results from test
sites are generally received within 24 hours of the test being
administered. Further information, including what symptoms to look out
for, can be found [6]here.
If your business is interested in helping the Government increase
COVID-19 testing capacity, please visit [7]this webpage. Please note that
the service that was set up for businesses to offer other COVID-19 support
has closed. If you have a product to sell to the NHS, please visit
Since 15 February 2021, anyone travelling to the UK from a red-list
country has been required to quarantine in a managed quarantine facility
for a period of ten days. There will be periods where no countries are
listed, but the red list remains ready to be stood up should the global
epidemiological situation change. In these circumstances, there is
guidance available on a range of queries.

To find out how to apply for a medical or compassionate exemption, please

If you have been in quarantine and have a complaint about the hotel,
please raise your concerns with the hotel itself in the first instance. If
your complaint is unresolved, please email the complaints team at
[10][email address].
If you are writing in connection with an NHS or social care service please
note that the department does not manage health and social services
directly, nor does it process complaints. It also cannot give clinical
advice or intervene in matters concerning patient care or social services.
If you wish to make a complaint about a healthcare professional, an NHS
organisation or a social care provider, please visit [11]this link.

If you would like to raise your concerns about a COVID-19 testing
provider, or have any other NHS Test and Trace enquiries, you can
contact [12]NHS Test and Trace enquiries, feedback and complaints. 

Our [13]Personal information charter and [14]privacy notice explain how we
treat your personal information.


This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the
addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all
copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views expressed in this
message are not necessarily those of the Department of Health and Social
Care. Please note: Incoming and outgoing email messages are routinely
monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic


Visible links
10. mailto:[email address]

FreedomofInformation, Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Mr Clark,

Thank you for your request for an internal review.

To be able to process this request, we would be grateful if you could provide us with the FOI case reference number in question. We can only do an internal review on FOI cases. We would also be grateful for clarification as to what aspect of your FOI request you would like reviewed.

Your sincerely,

Freedom of Information Team
Department of Health and Social Care

show quoted sections