Superstar scheme & adjustment

The request was successful.

Dear King's College London,

May I request information for the following questions.

1) What courses were made available through adjustment and which through superstar scheme for the years 2017-2020?

2) What is the difference between UCAS adjustment and superstar scheme for an applicant? Is there any difference in terms of method of applying through either routes?

3) When will KCL decide which courses will be partaking in adjustment or superstar scheme for 2021 entry?

Yours faithfully,
Joshua Kong

Information Compliance, King's College London

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Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards
Information Compliance

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear Joshua

Thank you for your email. We will treat your request for information as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received by the university on 7 June 2021. We will endeavour to respond to your request within the statutory 20 working day time frame.

Please note that the university has adopted the Model Publication Scheme and also publishes FOI responses on our Disclosure Log.

Kind regards

Jade Roche
Information Compliance
King's College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA

show quoted sections

Information Compliance, King's College London

2 Attachments

Please find attached your response.
Kind regards,
Information Compliance.


From: Joshua <[FOI #763316 email]>
Sent: 07 June 2021 10:27
To: Information Compliance <[King&#39;s College London request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Superstar scheme & adjustment
[You don't often get email from
[FOI #763316 email]. Learn why this is important at

Dear King's College London,

May I request information for the following questions.

1) What courses were made available through adjustment and which through
superstar scheme for the years 2017-2020?

2) What is the difference between UCAS adjustment and superstar scheme for
an applicant? Is there any difference in terms of method of applying
through either routes?

3) When will KCL decide which courses will be partaking in adjustment or
superstar scheme for 2021 entry?

Yours faithfully,
Joshua Kong


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