Sunderland Software City Initiative
Dear Sir or Madam,
This request under the FOI Act is in relation to the Sunderland Software City initiative ( which One North East has provided funding to (see press releases: & &
I would be grateful if you could provide the following details relating to this initiative for the financial years 2008/09 and 2009/10 together with a forecast for 2010/11:
- The name of the applicant applying for the funding
- The process followed for developing and approving this funding application and award of funding, eg copies of business case, appraisal documentation and invitation to tender documentation
- The legal entity that the funding has been provided to
- Amount of funding provided
- Total number of staff on payroll directly and solely involved in delivering this initiative and details of legal entity employing them
- Breakdown of overhead costs for operating this initiative
- Details where funding has been provided to a third party of the initiative together with process/tender documentation regarding the transfer of these funds
- Detail regarding outputs (eg NTF4, NTF6 etc.) that this initiative is contracted to deliver
- Detail of any potential conflict of interest regarding staffing (eg employee, executive and board members) recorded
Yours Faithfully,
James Burke
Thank you for your e-mail received 14 December 2009 in which you made a
request for certain information from One North East.
I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
expect to revert to you within the 20 day deadline.
Kind regards
Jaymes Glew
Please find attached ONE's final response to your FOI request.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks
Jaymes Glew
Legal Secretary
Dear Jaymes Glew,
Thank you for your reply dated 24th December 2009.
In relation to the original request and response provided I would be grateful if you could clarify/provide more detail on the following to allow completeness of this request:
- Provide breakdown of funding, overheads and outputs for the financial years 2008/09, 2009/10 and forecast for 2010/11
- Supply of documentation (eg copies of “business base, appraisal documentation” etc.) relating to the process followed for developing and approving this funding application(s) in accordance with the “Agency’s Business Process”
I would also be grateful if you could clarify the following in the reply to the above two points relating to the “Difference Engine” programme:
- Clarification of complete funding, overheads and outputs relating to the “Difference Engine” programme as per:
- Clarification of process followed, together with related documentation, relating to the development of the “Difference Engine” programme from the original “white paper”:
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
Thank you for your e-mail received 4 January 2010 in which you made a
request for clarification on a previous FOI.
I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
expect to revert to you within the 20 day deadline.
Kind regards
Jaymes Glew
Dear James
I would be grateful if you could contact me to discuss your requests.
Given the volume of your requests we are quickly approaching the
'appropriate limit' as set out in the Freedom of Information and Data
Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004.
It may be that your interest in these topics is best served by a meeting
or discussion with the relevant contact within One North East and I
would be happy to discuss this with you.
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
Stella House
Goldcrest Way
Newburn Riverside
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE15 8NY
Tel: (+44) 191 229 6817
Fax: (+44) 191 229 6201
James Burke left an annotation ()
Meeting arranged with ONE on the 27th January to discuss/clarify/finalise FOI request.
James Burke left an annotation ()
Awaiting additional documentation to close this FOI request following on from meeting with ONE on the 27th January.
James Burke left an annotation ()
Additional information received, awaiting final closure meeting before publication.
James Burke left an annotation ()
Following a meeting on 19th April with ONE a number of clarifications surrounding information provided remain. Further clarification is being sought.
Dear Nicola Barnett,
Further to request by Nicola Barnett via email 10th May 2010 for clarification on FOI requests that are long overdue and not complete:
For info, business cases as received via this FOI request:
NE005325 -
NE004134 -
NE004801 -
NE004802 -
FOI response received via email 30th March 2010:
Further to your queries in the above letter relating specifically to the SSC/DEV/Difference Engine, please see the below responses from our client department.
1) Please clarify the discrepancy of £784,323
There is no discrepancy. The total funding for the entire SSC Enterprise Programme is £2,105,030.
2) Please clarify discrepancy in outputs from the business case and FOI response.
Again, there is no discrepancy. The 120 jobs created/safeguarded and 260 businesses supported/assisted/created were specifically related to SSC Enterprise and SSC Education and Innovation, as that is what the FOI request and response targeted.
3) Please confirm that no payments have been made to third party companies, consultants, or contractors.
No funding has been given in relation to this by the agency to third parties. The proposer as part of the project delivery may procure services subject to the necessary procurement process.
4) Please confirm that there is no perceived conflict in the same person taking a Board level role at ONE and that there is no perceived conflict in the same person taking the role of Chair of SSC Board and Advisory Boards whilst also having a Board role at ONE.
All Board Members are required to make declarations of interest. Paul Callaghan made a declaration at the Board meeting where SSC was discussed. As a result he stepped out of the room when the relevant item was discussed. This is standard practice where there is a conflict. Our declarations of interest for our website are currently being updated and the amended version will be on our website by the end of March.
5) Please clarify on what grounds it was decided that it was not necessary to procure
As it states in both the NE004134 and NE004801 Business Cases, “as this is a grant aid project to a non-profit organisation which was nominated by the project board as the key strategic partner, this is an appropriate response”.
Please provide clear and unambiguous clarifications for the following:
re: 1) & 2)
Business Cases NE004134, NE004081 and NE005325 received via FOI appear to provide different information to that provided in the FOI responses in relation to Single Programme funding and Outputs.
FOI response via email on the 30th March 2010 states "There is no discrepancy. The total funding for the entire SSC Enterprise Programme is £2,105,030." Business cases NE004134 & NE004081 & NE005325 appears to be £2,889,353.
Please clarify the actual Single Programme funding and Outputs contracted with clear, unambiguous reasons for any differences between actual and signed off business cases for SSC Enterprise and SSC Education and Innovation strands. If the clarification refers to business cases that have not been provided then please provide them.
re: 3) Please confirm that the procurement of all services, supplies and goods, including the tender specifications for the provision of any services to the BIC for this initiative, is fully compliant with this handbook (eg sufficient degree of advertising, tender design, conflicts of interests of consultants etc.), if not, please specify any departures from the procurement rules and reasons for these variations. Please also provide copies of tender documentation and details of award (company name and value of tender awarded).
re: 4) Please confirm that declarations on the website have been updated and date when they were updated. Please clarify any conflicts of interest that have been declared during any activity as per 3) and if none please clearly state none.
An incomplete response had been provided for "Total number of staff on payroll directly and solely involved in delivering this initiative and details of legal entity employing them", please provide a complete response.
The response to the "Breakdown of overhead costs for operating this initiative" for the "BIC overheads" was stated as £72,824. This figure seems incredibly low and does not appear to correlate with the business cases, eg one business case NE004134 appears to have overheads of c£593k excluding salaries. Please provide a clear and unambiguous response.
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
Thank you for your email.
I refer you to our letter of 15 March 2010 (specifically paragraph 3),
which directly addresses the questions you have raised.
I repeat the substance of that paragraph below for your benefit.
The initial response dated 24/12/09 stated that there was £943,950 left
to be invested from the Fund on transfer to EDNE on 1 April 2009. This
was based on a total Fund size of £2,653,650 with £1,709,700 `invested'.
In the response dated 15 March 2010, total investments on transfer to EDNE
were stated as £1,327,500. The difference between these figures is that
the £1,709,700 is the amount signed up as investments, but includes
amounts not released at that date. The £1,327,500 reflects cash
actually released for investments from the DCF bank account. Therefore
as at the date of transfer, there was an amount of £382,200 that had been
signed up as an investment (i.e. committed) but the cash was not
physically released.
Similarly the £795,003 (24/12/09 response) relates to new investments
signed up by EDNE, whereas the £1,082,000 and £215,000 referred to in
the 15 March response are the cash amounts released by EDNE.
The response that the Fund Manager prepared was based on amounts committed
in investment agreements, and the Agency response focused on cash
Regarding the number of meetings and related information, the responses
reflected the difference between information held internally at One North
East and information held externally by the Fund.
Having restated our response to your repeat clarifications, we now
consider this matter - and the outstanding related FOI requests - to be
Kind regards
Dear Nicola Barnett,
I would be grateful if you clarify the last paragraph in your reply and specifically list all "outstanding related FOI requests" that you consider closed.
I would also be grateful if you could confirm, or otherwise, if you consider these requests to have already undergone an "internal review".
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
I refer to the requests (to which you provided links) that you sought clarification on. I do not include as closed the most recent round of requests regarding JEREMIE, the Difference Engine and FOI and Complaints.
If you have reason to believe that the clarifications have been responded to incorrectly you of course have the right to an internal review. If you wish an internal review to take place please let me know. I do not consider that these clarifications have been subject to an internal review.
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6817
È07733 465 964
6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]
Dear Nicola Barnett,
Many thanks for the quick clarification.
I'd be grateful if you could reply to each of the links accordingly and separately so that it is clearer to read, review and hopefully close. It would also make it clearer for an independent review of each FOI request should that need arise.
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
For absolute clarity, I confirm that my response related to your email to Jaymes Glew (11/5/2010 attached). I now consider that query closed. Please do let me know if you require an internal review to be undertaken by Peter Judge on this point.
In response to your queries addressed directly to me of 11/05/10 (11:17am)I am seeking absolute clarification from our client department and will revert to you as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6817
È07733 465 964
6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]
Dear Nicola Barnett,
Can you confirm (and maybe copy & paste if correct) that this response actually relates to a different FOI request - eg this one?
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
It was in direct response to your query earlier today. You did not quote specifically which FOI request it related to. I assume it does relate to the POC/DCF FOI.
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6817
È07733 465 964
6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]
OK, thank you.
I sent you an email this morning at 11:27 that contains the information below, all other "emails" relating to these FOI requests will have been generated from the website and should provide direct links within them that you can reply to.
Email as sent this morning:
"I’ve updated the related FOI requests on the “WhatDoTheyKnow” website as per the links below.
You and Jaymes Glew should have received automated email notifications as I replied via the website to the last reply.
Related links for reference:
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
I have received that email, thank you - the confusion was generated by you sending Jaymes and I separate emails with different requests.
Regarding your email of 11:17 this morning, whilst relating to previous requests, it does in our view raise 5 additional and new queries (excluding your assertion that an incomplete response was provided in relation to payroll of staff, which will be investigated), which we will be treating as FOI requests in their own right.
We will be logging and responding to them accordingly. Please accept this email as an acknowledgment and we will revert to you in due course with a response (and in any event within 20 working days).
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6817
È07733 465 964
6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]
Regarding the payroll question - One North East does not hold payroll information regarding non-employees of the Agency. However continuing our attempts to provide help and assistance, our business team have contacted the BIC and Sunderland University and obtained the below figures, accurate as of Jan-March 2010:
Sunderland University: 8 FTE
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6817
È07733 465 964
6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]
James Burke left an annotation ()
Note: Response dated same date as today relates to query above ( and the second from last paragraph. Still awaiting other responses to this query.
Dear Nicola Barnett,
Thank you for the response received today relating to the following paragraph in the request:
"An incomplete response had been provided for "Total number of staff on payroll directly and solely involved in delivering this initiative and details of legal entity employing them", please provide a complete response.""
I look forward to receiving responses to the remaining request (
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
James Burke left an annotation ()
Annotation for clarification - awaiting responses to the following as set out above:
Please provide clear and unambiguous clarifications for the
re: 1) & 2)
Business Cases NE004134, NE004081 and NE005325 received via FOI
appear to provide different information to that provided in the FOI
responses in relation to Single Programme funding and Outputs.
FOI response via email on the 30th March 2010 states "There is no
discrepancy. The total funding for the entire SSC Enterprise
Programme is £2,105,030." Business cases NE004134 & NE004081 &
NE005325 appears to be £2,889,353.
Please clarify the actual Single Programme funding and Outputs
contracted with clear, unambiguous reasons for any differences
between actual and signed off business cases for SSC Enterprise and
SSC Education and Innovation strands. If the clarification refers
to business cases that have not been provided then please provide
re: 3) Please confirm that the procurement of all services,
supplies and goods, including the tender specifications for the
provision of any services to the BIC for this initiative, is fully
compliant with this handbook (eg sufficient degree of advertising,
tender design, conflicts of interests of consultants etc.), if not,
please specify any departures from the procurement rules and
reasons for these variations. Please also provide copies of tender
documentation and details of award (company name and value of
tender awarded).
re: 4) Please confirm that declarations on the website have been
updated and date when they were updated. Please clarify any
conflicts of interest that have been declared during any activity
as per 3) and if none please clearly state none.
The response to the "Breakdown of overhead costs for operating this
initiative" for the "BIC overheads" was stated as £72,824. This
figure seems incredibly low and does not appear to correlate with
the business cases, eg one business case NE004134 appears to have
overheads of c£593k excluding salaries. Please provide a clear and
unambiguous response.
Please find attached our final response to your freedom of information
Many thanks
Jaymes Glew
Legal Secretary
To see one of the ways in which One North East is helping regional businesses through current economic difficulties, please click here:
James Burke left an annotation ()
Copy of final reply -
The initial FOI responses (re: outputs, single programme costs, overheads etc.) appear to differ from figures provided in the business cases that were subsequently supplied and linked to above.
Clarifications raised about the differences unfortunately appear to remain unclear.
Dear Nicola Barnett,
Further to a ONE North East Press Release today -
This press release states that over the last 12 months "£9.45m towards developing the Sunderland Software City initiative" has been provided via ERDF investment.
The business cases that have been provided in response to this FOI request dated 14th December 2009 ( & & do not appear to correlate with this press release.
I can only assume therefore that incorrect, or incomplete information has been provided in response to this FOI request and I would be grateful if you could update with complete documentation for the Sunderland Software City initiative as originally requested.
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
Thank you for your email. I am out of the office until 21 June.
If your query is urgent please contact Anna Flood on 0191 229 6444.
If you are making a Freedom of Information request, please redirect your
query to [OneNorthEast request email]
To see one of the ways in which One North East is helping regional
businesses through current economic difficulties, please click here:
Dear Jaymes Glew,
For info: please note that this FOI request ( has had a new reply added today but an "out of office" reply has been provided.
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
Thank you for your e-mail received 17 June 2010 in which you made a
request for certain information from One North East.
I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
expect to revert to you within the 20 day deadline.
Kind regards
Jaymes Glew
Legal Secretary
I can confirm that your assertions are incorrect. The press release was subject to human error which resulted in the decimal place being moved. This is being looked at by the press team. The information given in response to your FOI requests is accurate.
Please let me know if you require any further information.
Kind regards
Dear Nicola Barnett,
Thank you for the quick reply, I notice that the press release ( has been updated to now show £945,000 rather than the £9.5m as shown last week.
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
Thank you for your swiftness in pointing out the error to us.
Kind regards
Dear Nicola Barnett,
The aim of this note is to provide a summary of the responses to this FOI request.
This FOI request and the responses from One North East have raised a number of issues.
Since 2008 One North East provided funding of £4,501,496 (including an additional £1,799,540 from ERDF) via 3 projects relating to "Sunderland Software City” (SSC) to the North East Business Innovation Centre (BIC) with no tender process. Bernie Callaghan is the CEO of the SSC initiative who is the brother of the current One North East Chairman Paul Callaghan who was recently appointed by Vince Cable. When One North East provided funding to the SSC Initiative Paul Callaghan was a One North East board member in addition to being Chair of the SSC Board and Advisory Boards and has “made a declaration at the Board meeting where SSC was discussed. As a result he stepped out of the room when the relevant item was discussed.” -
Three business cases have been provided in response to the FOI request. The initial FOI responses and additional responses received after the supply of signed off business cases appear to show discrepancies in figures provided in the business cases (re: outputs, single programme costs, overheads etc.) and in the FOI response summaries. Clarifications sought about the differences in the figures appear to remain unclear, e.g. BIC overheads was stated as being £72,824 when one of the three business cases clearly shows overheads of c£593,000. A response of “no funding is provided to a third party” is provided yet sub-contracted activity appears to have been delivered by, and continues to be delivered by, a number of third parties.
Additionally, funding of £336,000 to deliver the “Difference Engine” project appears to have been awarded by One North East to the BIC to manage the project with again no tender process. A further £180,000 has been provided to support this project via the Design and Creative Fund (DCF) a Fund Managed by EDNE Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of One North East). The Difference Engine programme manager and DCF Fund Manager appear to be the same person who was recruited by the BIC in 2009 following a tender process carried out by the BIC for the provision of Project Management services for the Difference Engine programme. This tender process appears to have been carried out in breach of the ONE North East Single Programme and European Funding Procurement Handbook guidelines and which appears to be eligible for “clawback” of £134,000 (see Peter Judge, the One North East Head of Legal Services, is listed as a signatory on the One North East Business Case for the Difference Engine (previously known as has “The Cloud Foundry” Peter Judge Head of Legal Services at One North East was made fully aware, in April 2010, of the apparent procurement irregularities relating to the Difference Engine Programme Manager post the perceived numerous conflicts of interest relating to Jon Bradford etc. Peter Judge was also involved in the direct handling of various FOI requests and discussions at meetings relating to these issues. It is not clear that these issues have been addressed by One North east. Peter Judge has subsequently issued a Section 14(1) FOI refusal notice regarding FOI requests seeking further clarifications: ( Further details regarding the Difference Engine procurement are available here:
As a Section 14(1) refusal notice has been issued and upheld following an internal review by One North East ( it appears that I am unable to seek further clarifications.
Yours sincerely,
James Burke
Thank you for your email. Nicola Barnett has left the Agency. Please
contact Jaymes Glew for administrative queries on
[email address] or Anna Flood for legal/FOI queries on
[email address].
One North East - the regional development agency for North East England,
visit to find out more.
Maris Hunt left an annotation ()
Mr Burke
I have been following your queries with a keen eye. I was just wondering how this appeal is coming along?
Many thanks
M Hunt
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James Burke left an annotation ()
Following telephone call on the 6th January still awaiting confirmation of a meeting date to discuss this FOI