Sunderland software city

The request was partially successful.

Dear One North East,

Dear Sunderland City Council,

Can you please advise me of the nature of your relationship with

Sunderland Software City ?

Are you a shareholder ?

Who are the shareholders ?

What information do you hold on this organisation ?

Can you provide me with the names of any board members and the last
three years accounts ?

Are any of their board members also your board members or officers or one any of your committees ?

Do you operate their payroll ?

Have you provided them with any money or payments in kind ? ( How much, and when)

Do you hold any performance information for this organisation - such as jobs created and at what cost per job ?

Yours faithfully,


John Hammill, One North East

1 Attachment

Dear Amanda


Thank you for your FOI request.


I am pleased to enclose our response.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Kind regards






John Hammill
Extended Enterprise & Corporate Support Manager

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6582

È07917 087460

6 0191 229 6227
* [1][email address]

" [2]


One North East - the regional development agency for North East England,
visit to find out more.

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