Sunderland software city
Dear One North East,
Dear Sunderland City Council,
Can you please advise me of the nature of your relationship with
Sunderland Software City ?
Are you a shareholder ?
Who are the shareholders ?
What information do you hold on this organisation ?
Can you provide me with the names of any board members and the last
three years accounts ?
Are any of their board members also your board members or officers or one any of your committees ?
Do you operate their payroll ?
Have you provided them with any money or payments in kind ? ( How much, and when)
Do you hold any performance information for this organisation - such as jobs created and at what cost per job ?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Amanda
Thank you for your FOI request.
I am pleased to enclose our response.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards
John Hammill
Extended Enterprise & Corporate Support Manager
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6582
È07917 087460
6 0191 229 6227
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" [2]
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