Sunderland City Council’s FORMAL COMPLAINT PROCESS
Genuine and polite FOI request sent to SCC solicitor Elaine Waugh, Liz St Louis and Sunderland Council Freedom of Information solicitors.
1/Kindly advise and confirm which member of SCC staff is responsible for investigating a formal complaint made against another member of Sunderland Council staff.
(To clarify and confirm, a formal complaint from a member of the public).
I am >not< requesting personal details of the investigating officer.
2/Kindly also advise if a close working colleague of the staff member complained about is allowed to carry out the SCC investigation into the formal complaint.
3/Also please confirm should the member of the public responsible for making the formal complaint be dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint, >for any reason> , can the said member of the public be denied the further option of an internal review request .
For legal reference and transparency, I confirm that my FOI request is genuine and is not intended to be vexatious.
Thank you.
Pearl Clow
For the attention of Sunderland Council’s Freedom of Information solicitors.
Kindly supply a reference number to FOI request, FORMAL COMPLAINT PROCESS.
Thank you .
Pearl Clow .
For the attention of Sunderland city council freedom of information solicitors.
As previously requested, please supply reference number of Freedom of information request.
Thank you.
Pearl Clow
For the attention of Elaine Waugh, Liz St Louis and Sunderland City Council’s Freedom of Information solicitors.
As previously requested kindly supply a reference number for >FORMAL COMPLAINT PROCESS< request.
Thank you.
For the attention of Elaine Waugh, SCC Freedom of information solicitors and Liz St Louis.
Kindly supply information to long overdue foi as initially requested.
Thank you.
Pearl Clow.
For the attention of Elaine Waugh, Liz St Louis and SCC Freedom of Information solicitors.
Reference: Ignored genuine and polite FOI request relating to SCC formal complaint process.
Kindly respond to long overdue FOI request.
Also kindly provide the reason Sunderland council have seriously failed to follow their lawful FOI obligations.
Thank you.
Pearl Clow.
To Liz St Louis, Elaine Waugh and FOI solicitors.
Reference:Formal complaint procedure.
I am politely requesting to be given the reason why Sunderland Council have failed to acknowledge my genuine and polite foi request.
Thank you.
Pearl Clow.
For the attention of Liz St Louis, Elaine Waugh and SCC foi solicitors.
Reference: Ignored polite and genuine, non vexatious foi request.
Kindly advise if Sunderland City Council are ignoring my straightforward foi request by applying /referring to section 14/vexatious requests.
By law, SCC are obliged to give the requester a reason for refusing a (polite), FOI request.
I await your response.
Thank you.
Pearl Clow.
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