Summary of Ofsted reports

The request was partially successful.

Dear Office for Standards in Education,

Would you kindly inform me of the following:

1) Whether Ofsted makes available time-based summaries of inspections - for example, such a document may contain details of every inspection Ofsted has undertaken (and made the results of such public) in the last twelve months, and the date of inspection, name, identifier, and grade given to each institution in any format that is not PDF.

2) If so, the location of such information on the Ofsted website or other publicly available resource.

3) If not, whether it is possible to provide such information under FoI.

4) If this is the case, the following data for each institution assessed in the last three years:

Standard identifier (e.g. UKPRN/URN)
Name of institution
Grade awarded (1-4)
Date of inspection
Link to PDF or HTML report

This information would ideally be provided in either HTML or Excel/CSV format. Please, if possible, do not provide this information in PDF format.

Yours faithfully,

James Inman

Sally Hall (Information Access), Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Inman

Please find attached our acknowledgement for your request for information.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries.

Yours sincerely

Sally Hall
Information Access Administrator
Tel: 0117 94 56230

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Helen Barugh, Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

Dear Mr Inman

Thank you for your query, which has been passed on to me for response.

It would be helpful if you could clarify which information you are interested in. As you may know, Ofsted inspects a range of different providers including maintained schools, independent schools, early years and childcare settings, children's homes, local authority provision for adoption and fostering, private adoption and fostering arrangements, colleges, work based learning, prisons and probation education provision ...

Your request doesn't specify which institutions you are interested in. If the request covers the whole of Ofsted's remit then it is possible that it will exceed the FOI limit. However, if you are able to pinpoint exactly what you are after - for example, maintained schools, then we will be able to provide you with the information you are looking for.

Please could you let me know which types of institution you would like covered in the response. I think the best thing at this stage is for you to say everything that you are interested in, and then we can assess whether we can provide it under the provisions of the Act.

Best wishes

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Dear Helen Barugh,

Many thanks for your communication.

If possible, I would like the following included, in order of priority:

- Maintained primary and secondary schools
- Independent schools
- Academies
- Special education schools
- Pupil referral units

I am in any event not interested in data about children over the age of 18 and under the age of 3.

Yours sincerely,

James Inman

Helen Barugh, Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

Dear James

Excellent, that's very helpful.

Best wishes

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Helen Barugh, Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Inman

Please find attached a response to your query.

Best wishes

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