Summary of Insurance Cover for Local Authority and Subsidiary Companies for 1st April 2022 - 31 March 2023

[name removed] made this Freedom of Information request to East Ayrshire Council as part of a batch sent to 32 authorities This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear East Ayrshire Council,

Per FOISA 2002, Please provide the following information contained in your records:

Summary of Insurance Cover for your Local Authority and Subsidiary Companies for 1st April 2022 - 31 March 2023

Yours faithfully,

[name removed]
[name removed]

Freedom Of Information, East Ayrshire Council

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Graham, Sarah (Chief Executive Office), East Ayrshire Council

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Good Afternoon

Thank you for your FOI request.

The attached summarises the main liability policies of the Council. In addition, I can confirm that the Council has motor insurance which covers any vehicle which is the property of or in the custody or control of the policyholder.

I trust this information is of assistance, however, if you are dissatisfied with how this has been dealt with please see the attached Review Procedure Notice for your next steps.

Sarah Graham
Senior Business Support Administrator to
Joseph McLachlan, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Finance and ICT

East Ayrshire Council
Council Headquarters
London Road
T: 01563 576002
E: [email address]

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Dear East Ayrshire Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of East Ayrshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Summary of Insurance Cover for Local Authority and Subsidiary Companies for 1st April 2022 - 31 March 2023'.

Thank you for your response.

However, This is not the full high level Insurance cover I am requesting for your council.

Please find attached Link for an example of the levels of current insurance provided to Fife Council, it is this level of information, I am looking for from your council.


A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

[name removed]
[name removed]

Freedom Of Information, East Ayrshire Council

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Dear East Ayrshire Council,

Hello, in order to assist you to disclose exactly what we are looking for, I have enclosed the link to the 'perfect' response by City of Edinburgh Council.

I am trusting this will indeed to be helpful for you to save the burden of any internal review. I am aware as a designated agencies of FOISA you have the duty to assist the requester, however there are times when it is prudent for the requester to assist the designated body, courtesy works two ways. Kindest regards.

Yours faithfully,

[name removed]
[name removed]

Freedom Of Information, East Ayrshire Council

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If your enquiry concerns any other matter, your email will be passed to

relevant section for appropriate action to be taken.


MND Scotland is the leading charity in Scotland providing care and support
to people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND), as well as funding
vital research into finding a cure. 

Please consider donating to the Provost’s chosen charity for the next two
years to help people living with Motor Neurone Disease.



Visible links

Phelps, Donna, East Ayrshire Council

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Dear [name removed],

Request for Review
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

I refer to your email of 4th October 2022 stating your dissatisfaction with the response you received on 30th September 2022 to your Freedom of Information request of 28th September 2022.

I note that your original request of 28th September 2022 sought the following information:

"Summary of Insurance Cover for your Local Authority and Subsidiary Companies for 1st April 2022 - 31 March 2023"

The response from the council dated 30th September 2022 provided you with a document which summarised the main liability policies of the Council with Zurich Municipal Insurance. This document provides the following information:

"This is to confirm that East Ayrshire Council with East Ayrshire Leisure Trust Trading as East Ayrshire Leisure have in force with this Company until the policy expiry on 30 September 2023 Insurance incorporating the following essential features:

Limit of Indemnity Public Liability £50,000,000 any one event

Pollution/Products Liability £50,000,000 for all claims in the aggregate during any one period of insurance any one event inclusive of costs

Employers’ Liability £50,000,000 any one event inclusive of costs


Public Liability/Products Liability/ Pollution £500 any one event

Employers’ Liability £500 any one event

Indemnity to Principals - Covers include a standard Indemnity to Principals Clause in respect of contractual obligations

Full Policy - The policy documents should be referred to for details of full cover"

Review Request

On 4th October 2022 you requested a review of the original response summarised and responded to as follows:

"This is not the full high level Insurance cover I am requesting for your council.

Please find attached Link for an example of the levels of current insurance provided to Fife Council, it is this level of information, I am looking for from your council.


Your original request asked for a summary of insurance cover for the local authority and any subsidiary companies. I note that no mention was made of subsidiary companies in the original response. Please be advised that we do not have any subsidiary companies and the insurance cover provided for East Ayrshire Council also covers East Ayrshire Leisure (an ALEO). However, other than the omission of this explanation, on review of the information provided to you on 30th September 2022, I consider that an appropriate response was provided to your original request. The Council’s Finance Department provided you with a summary of the main liability policies held by the Council. Additionally, on review of the link you provided from Fife Council (and latterly Edinburgh City Council), I note that the information provided by Fife (and Edinburgh) is similar to that provided by East Ayrshire Council in that it provides you with a summary of the liability insurance cover for the local authority.

Notwithstanding the above, the Council’s Risk and Insurance section have provided a more comprehensive summary of all insurance cover for the Council which I now attach to this email for your information.

I trust that the foregoing adequately answers your original enquiry. However, if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the review you have a right to refer the matter to the Scottish Information Commissioner to determine whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. Any referral to the Information Commissioner must be made within six months from the date of receipt of this letter. The contact details for the Information Commissioner are contained within the Review Procedure Notice attached.

Yours sincerely

Donna Phelps
East Ayrshire Council
Council Headquarters
London Road

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Dear Phelps, Donna,

Many sincere thanks for diligent response to this request.

Yours sincerely,

[name removed]