We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are A J Morton please sign in and let everyone know.

Subject: Assessment of Planning Application 1/16/9005

We're waiting for A J Morton to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Cumbria County Council,

My request is made under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and/or the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

My request concerns information held by Cumbria County Council (CCC) on the assessment(s) made of the impact of 1/16/9005 prior to CCC's determination of 1/16/9005.

1. It is not clear from the DCR report on 1/16/9005 that the impact of 1/16/9005 on employment opportunities in the surrounding area was considered by Cumbria County County. Please provide all information held by Cumbria County Council (CCC) on CCC’s assessment of the possibility of any adverse impact on employment opportunities in the Primary Employment Area of 1/16/9005.

2. It is not clear from the DCR report on 1/16/9005 that CCC considered site restoration measures if the proposed facility had been built but then became non-operational. Please provide all information held by CCC on CCC’s consideration of appropriate measures necessary for site restoration as part of CCC's consideration of 1/16/9005.

3. The DCR report on 1/16/9005 suggests that CCC considered the location of the proposal to be industrial. Please provide all information held by CCC on CCC’s consideration of the mixed nature of the location and landscape (which is not purely industrial) in CCC’s assessment of planning application 1/16/9005.

4. Please provide all information held by CCC on CCC’s consideration of whether planning application 1/16/9005 complied with all the requirements of Carlisle City Council policy SP 6 of the Carlisle District Local Plan 2015-2030 including with regard to the mixed nature of the location and landscape.

5. The DCR report on 1/16/9005 makes no mention of the perception of harm except to say that Carlisle City Council considered that the assessment of the application should consider the perception of harm. Please provide all information held by CCC on CCC’s consideration of the perception of harm in CCC’s assessment of planning application 1/16/9005 prior to CCC’s determination of 1/16/9005.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

A J Morton

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

Dear A J Morton 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Reference: FOI-8173-2021

Thank you for your request for information regarding Assessment of
Planning Application 1/16/9005, which was received on 03/02/2021.

The council aims to provide you with the information within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days in this case the date is 03/03/2021.
Subject to the information not being exempt or containing any references
to third parties.

While we endeavour to respond to in these timescales, we want to make you
aware that responding to the current clinical priority of Covid-19 may
mean at times, we struggle to meet these timescales.

The council will, as a matter of routine make information available in
electronic format. Where it is not practical to do this information will
be provided in hard copy (paper). If information is required in
alternative formats e.g. language, audio, large print, etc., please
indicate this as soon as possible so the council can consider your

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 define a number of
exemptions/exceptions which may prevent information being released to you
automatically. The council will make an assessment about the application
of any exemptions/exceptions and issue you with a decision letter, which
will include details of your right to appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party the
council will consult with them prior to making a decision about the
release of information.

In accordance with the council's Charging Policy a fee may be charged for
supplying information. If a fee is payable you will be issued with a fees
notice. The applicable fee must be paid in full before the information is
processed and released. The statutory time limit for responses is
suspended until the council has received and processed your payment. If
payment is not received within three months of issuing the fees notice
your request will be closed.

If you have any queries or concerns about this email do not hesitate to
contact us.

Many thanks 

Information Governance Team
Corporate, Customer & Community | Cumbria County Council
Service Centre | Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park
| Carlisle | CA6 4SJ
t: 01228 221234 


Visible links
1. https://cumbria.gov.uk/

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

1 Attachment

Dear A J Morton 

Freedom of Information Act 2000, Reference: FOI-8173-2021

Please see attached for a response to your request for information.

Many thanks 

Information Governance Team
Corporate, Customer & Community | Cumbria County Council
Service Centre | Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park
| Carlisle | CA6 4SJ
t: 01228 221234 


Visible links
1. https://cumbria.gov.uk/

Dear Cumbria County Council,

Thank you for your response to my information request.

I am sorry that the fifth part of my request was not clear. There are many examples where the 'Perception of harm' is cited as a material planning consideration as distinct from actual harm. One such example is Cumbria County Council's committee report on planning application 4/10/9001 where CCC stated :

"The actual risk and the objective perception of risk or harm to human health are material considerations as far as this application is concerned"

At appeal, the inspector upheld CCC's decision and stated "perception of harm is capable of being a material consideration".

Given this clarification of "perception of harm" as a material planning consideration, please confirm that CCC holds no information regarding any consideration by CCC of the perception of harm in CCC's assessment of planning application 1/16/9005 prior to the determination of 1/16/9005.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,

A J Morton

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

Dear A J Morton 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Reference: FOI-8658-2021

Thank you for your request for information regarding planning application
1/16/9005, which was received on 19/03/2021.

The council aims to provide you with the information within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days in this case the date is 20/04/2021.
Subject to the information not being exempt or containing any references
to third parties.

While we endeavour to respond to in these timescales, we want to make you
aware that responding to the current clinical priority of Covid-19 may
mean at times, we struggle to meet these timescales.

The council will, as a matter of routine make information available in
electronic format. Where it is not practical to do this information will
be provided in hard copy (paper). If information is required in
alternative formats e.g. language, audio, large print, etc., please
indicate this as soon as possible so the council can consider your

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 define a number of
exemptions/exceptions which may prevent information being released to you
automatically. The council will make an assessment about the application
of any exemptions/exceptions and issue you with a decision letter, which
will include details of your right to appeal.

If the information you request contains reference to a third party the
council will consult with them prior to making a decision about the
release of information.

In accordance with the council's Charging Policy a fee may be charged for
supplying information. If a fee is payable you will be issued with a fees
notice. The applicable fee must be paid in full before the information is
processed and released. The statutory time limit for responses is
suspended until the council has received and processed your payment. If
payment is not received within three months of issuing the fees notice
your request will be closed.

If you have any queries or concerns about this email do not hesitate to
contact us.

Many thanks 

Information Governance Team
Corporate, Customer & Community | Cumbria County Council
Service Centre | Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park
| Carlisle | CA6 4SJ
t: 01228 221234 


Visible links
1. https://cumbria.gov.uk/

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

1 Attachment

Dear A J Morton 

Freedom of Information Act 2000, Reference: FOI-8658-2021

Please see attached for a response to your request for information.

Many thanks 

Information Governance Team
Corporate, Customer & Community | Cumbria County Council
Service Centre | Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park
| Carlisle | CA6 4SJ
t: 01228 221234 


Visible links
1. https://cumbria.gov.uk/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are A J Morton please sign in and let everyone know.