Students with visual impairments

The request was successful.

Dear Heriot-Watt University,

Please could you provide the following information:
The number of registered students with a visual impairment
The number of students with visual impairments that are text to speech users
The number of students with visual impairments that are screen reader users
The total number of students

Yours faithfully,


Freedom Of Information,, Heriot-Watt University

1 Attachment


Dear applicant


Thank you for your information request which we acknowledge. As a Scottish
Public Authority, we will be processing your request through the Freedom
of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), the details of which can be
found at the link below.


We are currently experiencing a high volume of information requests, and
so we aim to respond within the statutory deadline, taking into account
any Scottish Bank Holidays.


Scottish Information Commissioner Guidelines.


Further information about timescales for responding to requests for
information and your rights under the Act can be found on the Scottish
Information Commissioner's website:




or by contacting the Scottish Information Commissioner's Office at the
following address:


Scottish Information Commissioner,

Kinburn Castle,

Doubledykes Road, St Andrews,

Fife KY16 9DS

Telephone: 01334 464610

Fax: 01334 464611

E-mail: [2][email address]

Website: [3]


Please visit the pages below to see if the information you require is in
the public domain.






Kind regards





Heriot-Watt University

Governance and Legal Services

Edinburgh Campus


Edinburgh EH14 4AS

Telephone: 0131 451 3274


[6]E-mail Signature - HWU - YoftheSea - IYOTY





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Freedom Of Information,, Heriot-Watt University

1 Attachment

Dear applicant


Thank you for your request to Heriot-Watt University regarding student
mental health which we handle under Scottish legislation,


Please see the link below to the Scottish Information Commissioner's
guidance regarding the submission of Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act
2002 requests.  We would specifically draw your attention to the
paragraphs regarding the provision of a valid name and address.




Unfortunately, your ‘names’ appear to be invalid on this occasion.  If you
would like to resubmit your request using a valid first name /surname in
accordance with the Scottish Commissioner’s guidance, please do so and we
will be more than happy to process your request within 20 days.


Kind regards




Heriot-Watt University

Governance and Legal Services

Edinburgh Campus



EH14 4AS


[2]2017 email signature


show quoted sections

Dear Freedom Of Information,

Please could you provide the following information for the current academic year (2017-2018):
The number of registered students with a visual impairment
The number of students are text to speech users
The number of students are screen reader users
The total number of students

Yours sincerely,

Beth Beggs

Freedom Of Information,, Heriot-Watt University

Dear applicant


Thank you for your information request dated 10 July 2018 regarding
students with visual impairments. Your request has been handled under
Scottish legislation: the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.


Please see our response to your questions below;


Question 1: The number of students with a visual impairment?


In 2017 -18 rounding it to the nearest 5 , we had the following on campus
students declaring a serious visual impairment :         


Scotland - 10

Dubai - 5      

Malaysia - 5


Question 2: The number of student with visual impairments that are text to
speech users?


All students have access to text to speech software. Students with a
disability are offered one to one training on the software.



Question 3: The number of students with visual impairments that are screen
reader users?


No users are currently using screen readers



Question 4: The total number of students?


In 2017 -18 we had approx. 15,000 students studying on-campus, broken down
as follows:


Scotland - 9,700

Dubai - 3,450         

Malaysia - 1,900



We hope you find this informative and useful. If we can be of any further
assistance, please do not hesitate in contacting us via [1][Heriot-Watt University request email]


Your right to seek review of our decision


If you are not satisfied with our response or our reasoning set-out above,
you have forty working days from today in which to request a review of our
decision. Any request should be put in writing and should be sent to Ann
Jones, Head of Information Governance, at the address detailed at the
bottom of this email. The request should:


(a) detail your request for a review of our decision to be undertaken;


(b) describe the nature of your original request; and


(c) explain the reasons why you are dissatisfied with our response.


If you remain dissatisfied with how your request for information has been
dealt with, you also have the right to apply to the Scottish Information
Commissioner for a decision as to whether we have handled your request


Information relating to your right to seek review is available from the
Scottish Information Commissioner's web page at:




or by contacting the Scottish Information Commissioner's Office at the
following address:


Scottish Information Commissioner,

Kinburn Castle,

Doubledykes Road,

St Andrews,

Fife KY16 9DS

Telephone: 01334 464610

Fax: 01334 464611

E-mail: [3][email address]  



Contact us


Finally, should you wish to discuss the contents of this email, please do
not hesitate in contacting us via [5][Heriot-Watt University request email]




Heriot-Watt University

Governance and Legal Services

Edinburgh Campus


Edinburgh EH14 4AS



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