Student transport services
Dear University of Reading,
I would like to request the following information please. Where possible, could this be provided in a spreadsheet:
Do you have an existing transport service for students? If yes:
When is the contract due for renewal?
Which companies provide your transport services?
What is your annual budget for student transport?
Do you charge students to use the transport service? If so, how much and what type of tickets do you provide (daily, termly, annual)?
How many students use the transport per day?
What is your occupancy rate?
How many parking spaces available vs. demand for spaces?
How much do you charge for parking, and how much money is generated per year?
Please explain how you procure student transport services.
Please identify any frameworks and or buying groups that your organisation is a part of.
What job role is responsible for managing the transport budget?
How many staff members are in the transport team?
Yours faithfully,
S Knight
Dear S Knight
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information below and to let you know it is being processed.
We'll get back to you as soon as we can, but in any case within 20 working days from 28/09/2022.
Yours sincerely,
Sinead Latham
Information Management & Policy Services (IMPS), University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AH
t: +44 (0)118 378 8981
Dear S Knight,
We have completed the compilation of information in response to your
We can confirm that we do hold some information of the description
specified in your request. Our responses are given below each limb of your
************ FOI RESPONSE *************
Do you have an existing transport service for students?
Please note: it is possible that transport hire for ad hoc student trips
and events could be considered a ‘transport service’, however as this is
not centrally recorded in a way that can be reported on within cost limits
under the FOIA, we have not considered these within our response.
We do have information for students on transport options for getting to
and from campus available here:
If yes:
Responses to the following six questions are ‘N/A’ by virtue of answer to
the above question.
When is the contract due for renewal?
Which companies provide your transport services?
What is your annual budget for student transport?
Do you charge students to use the transport service? If so, how much and
what type of tickets do you provide (daily, termly, annual)?
How many students use the transport per day?
What is your occupancy rate?
How many parking spaces available vs. demand for spaces?
No information held. The University does not hold information on the
number of parking spaces there are against the demand for spaces.
We do have some information on parking availability and options at:
How much do you charge for parking, and how much money is generated per
Parking charge information is available here:
(Technically, this is exempt information section 21 of the FOIA as the
information is accessible by other means)
Further charges are:
Student charges are £53 for an annual permit or £21.50 per term
Commercial tenants are £315.18 +VAT for an annual permit
Associates are £13.10 per month/£157.20 for an annual permit
Associates (Senior Common Room and Students Union) £52 per year
Contractor parking is free of charge (FOC)
Visitor’s to campus are FOC with a temporary permit or if parked in car
park 1A the charges are £1.50 per hour/£10 per day
Visitor’s to halls of residence are £5.25 for a half day or £8.40 for a
full day
Disability Badge holders permits are FOC
Income generated for 2021/22 was £307,949.21.
Please explain how you procure student transport services.
Please identify any frameworks and or buying groups that your organisation
is a part of.
What job role is responsible for managing the transport budget?
How many staff members are in the transport team?
****************** END ***************
We are required to include details of our complaints procedures, including
your rights to apply to the Information Commissioner. The procedure is
detailed in our Freedom of Information and Environmental Information
Regulations policy on the web at
If we are unable to resolve any complaint, you can complain to the
Information Commissioner, the independent body who oversees the access to
information regimes: [4]
Yours sincerely,
Sinead Latham
Information Compliance Officer
Information Management & Policy Services (IMPS), University of Reading,
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AH
[5][University of Reading request email] t: +44 (0)118 378 8981
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