Student Numbers: MSc Crime Science
Dear University College London,
I would like to request the statistics on the number of students enrolled on the UCL MSc Crime Science over the past 3 years.
I would also like to request the average degree grade achieved by those students, each year.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Mason
Dear Mr Mason,
Please find the attached in respect of your request.
Jon Tomkinson
Records Office
Dear Tomkinson, Jon,
Your earlier correspondence suggested that the information (REQ 110092) would be made available by now. I am disappointed by such poor performance, especially from an institution held in such high regard as UCL.
Please investigate this further and provide the information that has now lapsed outside of the legally required time frame.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Mason
Dear Mr Mason,
Thank you for your email.
I am not in the office today but shall give this matter my immediate attention upon my return, which is next Tuesday.
From recollection, this request was dealt with and the information was dispatched. Clearly, this has not occurred and I shall ascertain the reason.
Yours sincerely
Jon Tomkinson
Dear Mr Mason,
Many thanks for your query of last week.
As promised I have looked into the matter and our records indicate that
information was provided pursuant to the request.
I have checked my in-box to establish whether my email bounced back but am
unable to find the same. It is entirely possible that I may have deleted
such a message. If this is the case then please accept my apologies for
overlooking the matter.
With regards the information, should you require the additional details,
then I can of course provide this information once it is collated in
Jon Tomkinson
Records Office
From: Tomkinson, Jon
Sent: 26 June 2011 16:44
To: [FOI #72498 email]
Subject: FW: FOI Request
Dear Mr Mason,
Please find the attached in respect of your request.
Jon Tomkinson
Records Office
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