Student numbers at Highlands and Islands / Forres campus

The request was successful.

Dear The Glasgow School of Art,

Since opening in 2016, how many students have enrolled (by academic year) in the following courses based at the Altyre estates in Forres: i) Design Innovation and Collaborative Creativity; ii) Design Innovation and Interaction Design; iii) Design Innovation and Transformation Design; iv) Master of Research. In addition, what is the % completion rate per course.

Yours faithfully,

Dr C Hopkins

Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

1 Attachment

Dear Dr Hopkins


Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 391


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by
Glasgow School of Art on 19 August 2019.


We will respond to your request as soon as possible, and no later than 16
September 2019, pending any clarification we may need to seek from you.


Kind Regards


Academic Quality Office

Glasgow School of Art  |  167 Renfrew Street  | Glasgow G3 6RQ

E: [1][GSA request email] 


[2]cid:[email address]



show quoted sections

Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

1 Attachment

Dear Dr Hopkins  


Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 391


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by
Glasgow School of Art on 19 August 2019.  


The response below was received from GSA’s Head of Academic Registry:


  2016/17 2016/17 2017/18 2017/18 2018/19 2018/19
No. of No. of
No. of % students % students %
students completion completion completion
Design 0 0 0 0% 0 50%
Innovation and
Design 0 100% 10 100% 25 90%
Innovation and
Design 0 100% 5 100% 5 75%
Innovation and
Master of 5 80% 5 60% 0 Not yet
Research complete


Please note – due to the numbers on these programmes we have used the
Higher Education Statistics Agency standard rounding methodology in the
statistics presented:


 1. All numbers are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5
 2. Any number lower than 2.5 is rounded to 0
 3. Halves are always rounded upwards (e.g. 2.5 is rounded to 5)
 4. Percentages based on fewer than 22.5 individuals are suppressed
 5. Averages based on 7 or fewer individuals are suppressed
 6. The above requirements apply to headcounts, FPE and FTE data
 7. Financial data is not rounded

This concludes our response to your Freedom of Information request.


Your right to seek a review: -


If you are dissatisfied with the way in which the Glasgow School of Art
has dealt with your request, you have the right to ask us to review our
actions and decisions. If you wish to request a review, please contact Mrs
Janet Allison, Academic Registrar, [1][email address] or email:
[2][GSA request email] within 40 working days. Your request must be in a
recordable format (letter, email, audio tape, etc.). You will receive a
full response to your request for review within 20 working days of its
receipt. Please quote the reference number above in any future


If you are dissatisfied with the way in which we have handled your request
for review, you have a right of appeal to the Commissioner. You can now
make an appeal online, using the new Commissioners online appeal service.
Please find the direct link to this service at
[3] The online appeal service is
available 24/7 and offers you real time help and advice about your


The Commissioner recommends that you [4]appeal online.


Other ways to appeal include:


By email to:  [5][email address]


By post to: Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn
Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, KY16 9DS


Kind Regards  


Academic Quality Office

Glasgow School of Art  |  167 Renfrew Street  | Glasgow G3 6RQ

E: [6][GSA request email] 


[7]cid:[email address]


show quoted sections

Foicoor, The Glasgow School of Art

1 Attachment

Dear Dr Hopkins  


Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 390


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by
Glasgow School of Art on 19 August 2019.  


The response below was received from GSA’s Senior Policy Officer:


·         Dating from January 2014 until present day, has there ever been
an instance where a vote of no confidence has taken place in respect of
the roles:  i) secretary to the board of governors; ii) chair of the board
of governors? Answer: No.


·         If such a vote has taken place, what was the outcome and by whom
was the vote instigated? Answer: Not applicable.


Your right to seek a review: -


If you are dissatisfied with the way in which the Glasgow School of Art
has dealt with your request, you have the right to ask us to review our
actions and decisions. If you wish to request a review, please contact Mrs
Janet Allison, Academic Registrar, [1][email address] or email:
[2][GSA request email] within 40 working days. Your request must be in a
recordable format (letter, email, audio tape, etc.). You will receive a
full response to your request for review within 20 working days of its
receipt. Please quote the reference number above in any future


If you are dissatisfied with the way in which we have handled your request
for review, you have a right of appeal to the Commissioner. You can now
make an appeal online, using the new Commissioners online appeal service.
Please find the direct link to this service at
[3] The online appeal service is
available 24/7 and offers you real time help and advice about your


The Commissioner recommends that you [4]appeal online.


Other ways to appeal include:


By email to:  [5][email address]


By post to: Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn
Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, KY16 9DS


Kind Regards


Academic Quality Office

Glasgow School of Art  |  167 Renfrew Street  | Glasgow G3 6RQ

E: [6][GSA request email] 


[7]cid:[email address]


show quoted sections

Dear Foicoor,

In my request on student numbers, you have given an answer to this and also to a second request made by myself separately around the same time.

Please ensure the response to my other enquiry has the correct answer attached rather than the two that have been placed here.

Yours sincerely,

Dr C Hopkins