Dear Gillian
F (31/03) 100321-2 Student Mental Wellbeing stats and contacts
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotland)...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (S...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotl...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotl...
Dear Dave
(20/12) 111218-1 Payroll IR35
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for information under t...
Dear Poppy
F (26/07) 030719-4 Bereavement Services
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for info...
Dear Claire
F (11/05) 190422-1 Student Deaths
Please find attached the University's response to your recent request for
information under t...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the Univer...
Dear Ross
(03/11) FOI Request091017-1 Suicide rates
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
Dear Jack
(24/11)FOI request 311017-1 Library fines
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
Dear Basia
(03/09) 090818-3 Number of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller students
Please find in Blue below the University's response to you...
From: Ian Croft (sppd)
Sent: 17 November 2017 09:48
To: '[FOI #439827 email]'
Subject: (15/11) FOI Request 201017-2 Information Security
Dear Alisa
(13/06) FOI Request 190518-1 Mental health services
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent r...
Dear Alicia
F (31/03) 100322-1 Media Planning and Buying
Please find attached the University's response to your recent request for
Dear Johanna
F (26/03) 060321-1 Serious Incidents
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for informa...
Dear Benjamin
F (28/06) 070622-1 COVID Policies and Universities
Please find attached the University's response to your recent request for
Dear Russell
F (08/08) 180723-3 University Spiking Data
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your recent request
for i...
Dear Charlie
FOI Request 140318-5 Internet filtering and blocking policies
Please find in Blue below the University's response to your rece...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotland)...
Dear Applicant,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotla...
Dear Applicant,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotla...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scot...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scot...
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scot...