This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Student Deaths in the last 10 years'.

F (09/07) 140619‐3 Student Deaths‐RESPONSE 
1. For each of the past ten academic years (2008-09 to 2018-19), how many 
Robert Gordon students have died while a student at the university?  
2008/09                5 
2009/10                6 
2010/11                8 
2011/12                6 
2012/13                <5 
2013/14                <5 
2014/15                <5 
2015/16                <5 
2016/17                <5 
2017/18                <5      
2018/19                <5 
2. Please provide, if possible, a breakdown by gender for each year.   
3. For each of the past ten academic years (2008-09 to 2018-19), how many 
Robert Gordon students have committed suicide while a student at the university?  
The University is unable to provide any data. There is no requirement on the part 
of the police or next of kin to share the circumstances of a student's death with 
us.  Should highly sensitive information of this nature ever be made known the 
University it would be highly inappropriate of us to release it under the Act.   We 
are therefore exempting the above information under section 17 of the Freedom 
of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 as we 'do not hold it’. 
4. The university’s rationale behind choosing to record or not to record student 
The University is unable to accurately obtain this data. See the above. 
5. University policy regarding all actions the university take after a student 
commits suicide  
If Student Life are aware of a student death of any kind they offer fellow 
roommates, classmates, family etc. support in various forms depending on what 
is needed.