Student deaths
Under the freedom of information act, please can I request the following information in relation to your university and any institutions you accredit degrees for.
a) The number of student deaths in each calender year of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, as well as the first quarter of 2022 (with separate figures for each year please);
b) Of these, the number of student deaths recorded as suicide by a coroner in each calender year of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, as well as the first quarter of 2022;
c) For each death recorded as suicide by a coroner, the date of death;
d) For each death recorded as suicide by a coroner, the campus or college which the student had been attending (if your institution has more than one college/campus).
If the following request cannot be met within cost limits, please can you provide me with advice on how I might refine my request?
Yours faithfully,
Claire Wilde
Dear Applicant
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent request for information from
the University under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, it is
being dealt with and you will hear from us shortly.
Please note that all subsequent correspondence with the University should
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Kind regards
Kim Watson
Administrator (Mon-Fri 9.30-1.30pm) | Governance and Academic Quality |
Robert Gordon University | G408| Central Services Building | Garthdee
Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7QB
| E: [2][email address]
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Dear Claire
F (11/05) 190422-1 Student Deaths
Please find attached the University's response to your recent request for
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to contact me in the first instance, to determine if I can resolve your
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This concludes the University’s response to your enquiry.
Yours sincerely
Robert Gordon University
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Many thanks for this response, giving part of the information I had asked for.
To clarify, can I check that the university holds no records of the number of student suicides?
Or is there another way I could phrase my question, perhaps by asking about other university records rather than coroner verdicts, for instance, to get any figures (partial or full) that you might have on the number of student suicides each year?
Many thanks in advance,
Claire Wilde
Dear Claire
Thank you for your follow up email.
The information we provided is correct. We record the number of deaths but
we do not record how a student has died.
Kind regards
Kim Watson
Administrator (Mon-Fri 9.30-1.30pm) | Governance and Academic Quality |
Robert Gordon University | G408| Central Services Building | Garthdee
Road | Aberdeen | AB10 7QB
| E: [1][email address]
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