Student Counselling Services

The request was successful.

Dear Northumberland College,

I would like to find our more about your organisation's investment in Student Counselling Services (SCS)

For clarity, I define Student Counselling Services as confidential counselling services for your students (and possibly your workforce).

This can include offering confidential counselling, guidance, and resources for a range of challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, financial or legal issues, and more, either in person, face-to-face, online and via telephone

My questions are as follows...

1. Does your organisation currently operate an SCS delivered by an external provider?

- If yes, please provide details, including contract expiry dates where relevant

2. Has your organisation reviewed / explored the market regarding the provision of SCS

- If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

- If no - does your organisation have any plans to review / explore this market in the next 3 years?

3. Has your organisation allocated budget / financial resources in the current financial year, regarding the provision of SCS

- If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

- If no - does your organisation have any plans to allocate budget / financial resources in the next 3 years?

4. Has your organisation developed a business case (outline or otherwise) regarding the provision of SCS?

- If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

- If no - does your organisation have any plans to develop a business case in the next 3 years?

5. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation regarding the commissioning / procurement of SCS or similar in the next three years? If so, please explain how?

Yours faithfully,

Andy Ledger

Christine Stretesky,

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Dear Andy Ledger,


Northumberland College is in receipt of your Freedom of Information
Request pertaining to student counselling services (SCS).


Please note, Northumberland College is part of Education Partnership North
East and our response will cover all colleges within EPNE which includes
Sunderland College, Northumberland College and Hartlepool Sixth Form
College. We will endeavour to respond to your request within 20 working


Kind regards,


Christine Stretesky 
The gender pronouns I use are she / her

Head of Corporate Governance & Policy
Corporate Governance & Policy
Education Partnership North East
[1]+443007708000 x 07329

[3]Education Partnership North East[4]  [5] 

[6]Facebook [7]Twitter [8]Instagram [9]LinkedIn



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3. Education Partnership North-East

Christine Stretesky,

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    twitter dbe44aa6 9a56 426a 8c92 72e2eb111582.png

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    EPNE EnhanceYourSkills 3 455e720f 6f18 40ea 80f0 c28ed579890e.gif

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Dear Andy Ledger,


The City of Sunderland College (trading as Education Partnership North
East, Sunderland College, Hartlepool Sixth Form College and Northumberland
College) is in receipt of your request for information on student
counselling services for Northumberland College. As explained in my
previous correspondence, our response pertains to all colleges within City
of Sunderland College. 


Please see our responses to your requests in italics:


1. Does your organisation currently operate an SCS delivered by an
external provider?


No, our current SCS is not delivered by an external provider.


2. Has your organisation reviewed / explored the market regarding the
provision of SCS

- If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?


Yes – prior to implementing our current model, a review of the market and
models found within FE/HE was conducted.


3. Has your organisation allocated budget / financial resources in the
current financial year, regarding the provision of SCS

- If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?


Yes, we have allocated budget to SCS that enables the employment of 2.46
FTE Counsellors.  We have also secure funding for the next 2 years to
second 2 senior education wellbeing practitioners from CAMHS and our
provision also benefits from offering placements to trainee counsellors
and wellbeing practitioners from our local universities.


4. Has your organisation developed a business case (outline or otherwise)
regarding the provision of SCS?

- If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?


Yes, a Business Case was submitted to implement existing provision and an
additional case was submitted externally to secure revenue funding from
the Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group for the seconded provision
detailed in the previous question.


5. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation
regarding the commissioning / procurement of SCS or similar in the next
three years? If so, please explain how?


If we decide to change our model of delivery we would go through an
Invitation to Tender process – in alignment with the Public Contract


If you are dissatisfied in any way with the handling of your request, you
have the right to request a review. You should do this as soon as possible
or in any case within two months of the date of issue of this email. In
the event that you require a review to be undertaken, you can do so by
writing in the first instance to me at: Head of Corporate Governance and
Policy, Washington Campus, Stone Cellar Road, Washington NE37 2NH or by
emailing [1][email address].


If following an internal review, carried out by an independent decision
maker, you were to remain dissatisfied in any way with the handling of the
request you may make a complaint, under Section 50 of the Freedom of
Information Act, to the Information Commissioner’s Office and ask that
they investigate whether the College has complied with the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act. You can write to the Information Commissioner
at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


Yours Sincerely,


Christine Stretesky



Christine Stretesky 
The gender pronouns I use are she / her

Head of Corporate Governance & Policy
Corporate Governance & Policy
Education Partnership North East
[2]+443007708000 x 07329

[4]Education Partnership North East[5]  [6] 

[7]Facebook [8]Twitter [9]Instagram [10]LinkedIn



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2. file:///tmp/callto:+443007708000 x 07329
3. file:///tmp/callto:+447780229430
4. Education Partnership North-East