Structure Charts for Children’s and Adults Services
Dear South Ayrshire Council,
I would like to request the structure charts for children’s & adults social care please
I would like the following,
Names, email addresses, contact numbers and job title of all Deputy Team Managers, Team Managers & Service Managers that manage Children & Adults Statutory Social Care Services within the Local Authority please
Yours faithfully,
Taylor Coulson
Kind regards
FOI Team | Chief Executive’s Office | [1][email address] | Tel:
01292 612223 | South Ayrshire Council | County Buildings | Wellington
Square | Ayr | KA7 1DR| [2]
Dear Mr Coulson
Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information
request to South Ayrshire Council, which was given the above reference
Kind Regards
FOI Team | Chief Executive’s Office | [1][South Ayrshire Council request email] | 01292
612223 | County Buildings | Wellington Square | AYR | KA7 1DR |
[2] |
From: FOI,
Sent: 18 October 2019 11:50
To: '[FOI #613322 email]'
Subject: 2019/9947
Kind regards
FOI Team | Chief Executive’s Office | [3][email address] | Tel:
01292 612223 | South Ayrshire Council | County Buildings | Wellington
Square | Ayr | KA7 1DR| [4]
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