Structure Chart Request
Dear South Ayrshire Council,
Please provide me with an up to date Organisational Structure chart for the Children’s Social Services and Adult’s Social Services including manager NAMES including Team Manager, Service Manager, Head of Service and Director level, contact email address, contact telephone numbers and job titles.
Yours faithfully,
Shelly Dawson
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Thank you for contacting South Ayrshire Council, Freedom of
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Information Governance | Chief Executive's Office |
[email address] | Tel: 01292 612223 | County Buildings,
Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7 1DR | [6]
Good afternoon
Thank you for your recent enquiry which was given the above reference
I now enclose the Councils response which I trust will be of assistance to
you. Please note that staff names and contact details below Head of
Service/Service lead level are redacted as it is not Council practice to
release these in to the public domain. This information is exempt under
Section 38(1)(b) – Personal Data. Staff below this level would not expect
their name and direct contact details to be made available to the public.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request you can ask for
a review. A request for a review must be submitted within 40 working days
and should be put in writing to Deborah McVey, Information Governance Team
Leader, South Ayrshire Council, County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr
KA7 1DR, Tel: 01292 612223, Email: [1][South Ayrshire Council request email]. If you
remain dissatisfied after a review, you have the right to apply to the
Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision. This must be submitted
within 6 months after the review and should be put in writing to the
Scottish Information Commissioner at Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St.
Andrews, Fife KY16 9DS, Tel: 01334 464610 Email:
[2][email address] or use the online portal
Kind regards
Information Governance | Chief Executive’s Office |
[4][email address] | Tel: 01292 612223 | South Ayrshire Council
| County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7 1DR |
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