Structure Chart Request
Dear Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),
Please provide me with an up to date Organisational Structure chart showing the names of all Team Managers, Service Managers, Heads of Service, Matrons & Clinical Leads and their email addresses (if available) for the following services; General Nursing, Primary Care, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Psychological Therapies across the trust.
Yours faithfully,
This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.
We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request. Our reference number for this request is listed in the subject line of this email.
You will be aware of the significant pressures on our health and social care services during the first peak of the CoVid19 pandemic. During this time we have been asking our staff to prioritise their professional caring duties and to support front line health and social care services in responding to the emergency. This has understandably had an impact on other duties within their role such as responding to legislative requirements under FOI and the processing of Subject Access Requests.
We are refocussing our efforts to recover our corporate services; however this will take time due to a backlog of work and the gradual return of staff to their roles so we anticipate that there may still be some delays in responding to requests for information. We assure you that your request will be logged and processed, and we will do our utmost to respond as quickly as possible.
Kind Regards
Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]
This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.
Dear Michele
As per requirements under the FOI Act, can you provide us with your full name (including surname) in order to allow us to process your request?
Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]
Dear FOI Request,
Many thanks for your message. My surname is Dawson
Yours sincerely,
This e-mail is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.
Dear Ms Dawson
We refer to your information request as detailed below. Please find attached a response from the Western HSC Trust. Our reference number for this request is listed in the subject line of this email and should be quoted in any future communications about this response.
Kind Regards
Freedom of Information office
Western Health and Social Care Trust
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