Status of boundary at Plas Newydd, Llangollen

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please advise from your Title Deeds for Plas Newydd, Llangollen what is the status of the ownership and maintenance responsibility of the right hand (South side) boundary alongside the driveway into Plas Newydd?

It was described in a consultant’s report in 1999 as being the boundary of the “Registered Landscape”, Plas Newydd being a Listed Property and landscape - what is the Legal Officer’s interpretation of this description, please?

Is this boundary the responsibility of Denbighshire Council or an adjoining owner or is it in fact a “Party Boundary” with Shared maintenance responsibilities?

Yours faithfully,

M. W. Edwards

Denbighshire County Council

1 Attachment

EIR Acknowledgement


Dear Michael Edwards,

Environmental Information Regulations 2004 - Request for Information

Thank you for your recent request for environmental information held by
Denbighshire County Council received 02/09/2019 regarding the Plas Newydd
As set out by the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 it will be
our aim to respond to your request by 30/09/2019. In some cases, however,
we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this occurs we will advise
you of the likely timescale within which the response will be provided.

Under the Environmental Information Regulations the Council may charge up
to £25 per hour for any access to information requests, and may also
charge for disbursement costs (e.g. photocopies, postage). However should
there be any such costs, you will be notified of this prior to the
commencement of any work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance
relating to the above.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw
ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi. We welcome
correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh
which will not lead to a delay.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address] Gwefan Website

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Your details, as given by you in your request, will be processed by
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Dear Sirs,

With reference to my Freedom of Information request regarding Plas Newydd, Llangollen.

You promised a reply by the 30th September, 2019 in accordance with your Statutory Obligations. Regrettably I have not yet received the required information.

I would be grateful to receive your response without further delay?
Yours faithfully,

M. W. Edwards

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

I have received a partial response, but require further information from another Legal Manager and Property Services in order provide a full picture.

I hope to be able to furnish you with this within the next two days.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen BA (Joint Hons) DipEcon
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

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Information, Denbighshire County Council

2 Attachments

Dear Michael Edwards,


Thank you for your request for information received 02/09/2019 regarding
the Plas Newydd Boundary. Please see the attached response – I apologise
for the delay in sending this.


If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact


If you have any queries regarding this response, please do not hesitate to
contact me at the following address: Access to Information Officer,
Corporate Information Management Team, PO BOX 62, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin,
LL15 9AZ or email [Denbighshire County Council request email]. Alternatively, if you
are unhappy with the way the council has handled your request and wish to
ask for internal review, please contact the Corporate Information Manager
at the same address. If you are subsequently not content with the outcome
of the review, you have the right to apply to the Information Commissioner
whose address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


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you may use it for any private study and non-commercial research. The
information may also be used for the purposes of news reporting. Re-use
for commercial publication requires the permission of this Council.


Please do not hesitate to contact me for further advice or guidance
relating to the above.



Yours sincerely


Kerry Standen BA (Joint Hons) DipEcon
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]
Gwefan [1]
Website [2]





Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw
ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence
in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.





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Visible links

Dear Kerry,

I find your Legal Officer’s reply vague and unhelpful, but
that is possibly what he wanted me to believe. If however
as he says there is no indication in your Council’s Title Deeds
or as he infers that of the adjoining property the boundary
is a party boundary and formal agreement in relation to any
works thereon should have been under the Party Walls etc,
Act procedures. Did you Council formally agree that an
ancient dry stone wall should be destroyed and replaced
in modern brick at a greater height than originally existed?

I find it incredibly that he also claims not to be able to locate
the consultant’s report, when you previously supplied me
with a copy! In deed it forms part of your Council’s ongoing
Responsibilities under your agreement with the 1999
Heritage Lottery Funded grant in relation to the restoration,
preservation and protection of this important Grade I Listed
Property and tourist attraction.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Edwards

Information, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

I acknowledge receipt of your email and will respond in due course.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen BA (Joint Hons) DipEcon
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

show quoted sections

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

Please could you let me know if you still require a response to your email below? I have spent some time getting hold of another copy of the 40MB report to provide to Legal Services.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen BA (Joint Hons) DipEcon
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

show quoted sections

Dear Kerry,

Thank you for your efforts in locating the report which I would have thought should be registered with the deeds of the property in view of its terms and conditions.

I do require a reply as soon as possible please?

Yours sincerely,

Michael Edwards

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

We are endeavouring to provide a fully accurate response, but there is room for confusion over the site of the wall. To that end I would be grateful if you would confirm that the wall you are referencing is the boundary between Glas Coes and Plas Newydd.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen BA (Joint Hons) DipEcon
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

show quoted sections

Dear Kerry,

As you take the main entrance into Plas Newydd off Bache Mill Road, the dry stone wall WAS on the right hand side of the access road and formed the boundary between Plas Newydd and GLASCOED. This has been replaced in brick and the entrance to Glascoed has been set back without planning permission.

With reference to my previous letter there is a subsisting agreement between your Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund and the consultant’s report referred to was integral to the substantial grant which was provided to protect the significant heritage of Plas Newydd.

Yours sincerely,

Michael W. Edwards FRICS, IRRV(Hons) retired

Kerry Standen, Denbighshire County Council

Dear Mr Edwards

We have spent some time looking into this matter and I do apologise for the delay. This is our final conclusion:

A copy of a report dated January 1998 which was prepared by Nicholas Pearson Associates on behalf of Denbighshire County Council has now been produced. The 1998 report is large. Whilst there appears to be reference at paragraph 7.3 of the report to “repair the southern boundary brick and stone wall (between stable block and entrance)”, which appears to be the boundary in question, it has not proved possible to locate reference to the wording “boundary of the Registered Landscape, Plas Newydd being a Listed Property and landscape” as stated in the requestor’s original request. It is however understood that the boundary in question forms the boundary of the historic garden which is listed in the CADW Register of Landscapes Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in Wales.

In the absence of any indication within the Title Deeds of Plas Newydd or evidence as to boundary responsibility at the Land Registry relating to the boundary in question, the boundary is regarded as a party boundary. It is understood that the boundary structure in question is not a listed building.

It is understood that the owner of the adjoining property consulted Denbighshire County Council with regard to works which he intended to carry out to the section of the wall in question. The Council was satisfied that the proposed work on the section of the wall would not have a detrimental impact on the historic integrity of Plas Newydd. The Council’s Planning and Public Section was involved in this discussion. The section of the wall in question was largely constructed in brick and was rebuilt in the same style, re-using existing bricks. A short section of dry stone wall was removed as part of the agreed works.

Yours sincerely

Kerry Standen BA (Joint Hons) DipEcon
Swyddog Mynediad i Wybodaeth / Access to Information Officer
Cyngor Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire County Council
Ffon / Tel: 01824 708242
E-bost:[email address]
E-mail:[email address]


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb i unrhyw ohebiaeth yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd hyn yn arwain at unrhyw oedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh which will not lead to a delay.

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