Status Assessments under chapter 10
Dear Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust,
The Off-payroll legislation was introduced in Chapter 10 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003, with the new legislation going live from April 6th 2017. This new legislation overrode, in the public sector, the existing Intermediaries Legislation (Chapter 8, ITEPA).
The new legislation is here:
One of the key differences between the chapter 8 and chapter 10 is that the public authority is required to decide whether the off-payroll working rules (Chapter 10) apply based on whether the conditions have been met in section 61M(1)(d).
61MEngagements to which Chapter applies
(1)Sections 61N to 61R apply where—
(a)an individual (“the worker”) personally performs, or is under an obligation personally to perform, services for another person (“the client”),
(b)the client is a public authority,
(c)the services are provided not under a contract directly between the client and the worker but under arrangements involving a third party (“the intermediary”), and
(d)the circumstances are such that—
(i)if the services were provided under a contract directly between the client and the worker, the worker would be regarded for income tax purposes as an employee of the client or the holder of an office under the client, or
(ii)the worker is an office-holder who holds that office under the client and the services relate to the office.
This requires the public authority to test whether the worker would be considered an employee based on employment status case law.
These assessments would have been completed by you with each assessment receiving its own determination.
Please can you provide:
A monthly breakdown, from April 2017 onwards of the number of assessments conducted by you, together with the number of assessments that are considered to be “inside IR35” (i.e. 61M(1)(d) applies) and the number that are “outside IR35” (i.e. 61M(1)(d) does not apply)
If the FOI time limit of 3.5 hours is such that not all of these records can be obtained in the time limit of 3.5 hours, then please provide them for as many of the most recent months as possible until the time limit is reached. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Dave Chaplin
Thank you for your request, please note that this acknowledges receipt of
your request.
Please ensure that you use appropriate language when making a request,
obviously saying please and thank you will always be greeted more
We are facing an increase of around 30% each year.
Any requests received between 15:30 and 23:59 will be dealt with as being
received the following day.
Due to email problems that we are having, would you where possible please
use a ".net" or "" address.
Please avoid using gmail unless you do not have another email address,
because we seem to have most issues with the users of this.
I will be out of the office on Tuesday working from home between 07:00 and
11:30 approx if not on leave, although cover will be provided when on
Please bear with us as we are very busy.
Thank you and kind regards,
Nigel D Sinaga-Heness
Freedom of Information
Information Governance
CNWL - Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
1st Floor The Gordon Hospital, Bloomburg Street, London SW1V 2RH
CNWL (Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust) has almost 7,000
staff providing integrated healthcare to a third of London's population,
Milton Keynes and areas beyond.
Dear Mr Chaplin,
Please find response attached.
Kind regards,
Pauline McGandy
Information Governance Officer
Information Governance
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Gordon Hospital, Bloomburg Street, Westminster, London, SW1V 2RH
Tel: 020 3214 5700
Mobile: TBC
Email: [email address] Website:
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