Statistics on comparison between male and female in operational research entry
Dear University of Manchester,
I am currently undertaking a postgraduate degree in Business Analytics Consulting at Loughborough and my summer project involves looking at the comparison between men and women in Operational Research. I was querying whether I could obtain some statistics on the comparison of men and women who enter these sort of degrees at a student level and the number of teachers/ lecturers that are also in this field. This will hopefully allow analysis to be made and that identify possible improvements to be made to ensure more women are interested in the area of operational research.
Yours faithfully,
Rachael Taylor
Dear Rachael
Thank you for your email requesting data relating to the numbers of men
and women studying operational Research Degrees at The University of
Please would you clarify which operational research degrees that you
requires statistics for. Our courses can be searched via the link below:
I look forward to hearing back from you shortly.
With best regards
Dr Lisa Crawley l Records Officer l Information Governance Office
l Directorate of Compliance and Risk l Professional Support Services |
Room G6 Christie Building l Compliance & Risk Management Office l The
University of Manchester l Oxford Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l
Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400
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Thank you for such a prompt response, could I have the numbers for the MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis, MSc Advanced Computer Science and IT Management and BSc Computer Science with Business and Management. If it is possible could I have the numbers for both male and female as many years as each of the programmes have been running?
Also, if it is additionally possible, could i have the number of women and men who teach with Operational Research at Manchester University?
Yours sincerely,
Rachael Taylor
Dear Rachael
I am writing in response to your request under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 whereby you requested –
‘could I have the numbers for the MSc Business Analytics: Operational
Research and Risk Analysis, MSc Advanced Computer Science and IT
Management and BSc Computer Science with Business and Management. If it is
possible could I have the numbers for both male and female as many years
as each of the programmes have been running?
Also, if it is additionally possible, could i have the number of women and
men who teach with Operational Research at Manchester University?’
Please see the attached spreadsheet which contains the breakdown of
students for the above courses broken down by gender.
In relation to the number of staff you did not specify a timeframe for
this data so we have provided the figures for the 17/18 academic year. We
currently have 71 members of staff who teach the above courses, of these
55 are male and 16 are female.
I hope this information is useful.
Best wishes
Holly Haslam|Information Officer | Information Governance Office |
Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Support Services | G6
Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road |
Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 275 5782 | [1]
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