Statistics in relation to support provided under the local offer to care leavers.
Dear Doncaster Borough Council,
1. How much funding was allocated by the Council for the Higher Education bursary for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 academic years respectively? (By Higher Education bursary we mean the relevant amount referred to in s23C(5A) Children Act 1989).
(a) How many applications for a Higher Education bursary were received in each of the stated years?
(b) What was the total number of successful applications for each of the stated years?
(c) What was the total amount paid out in bursaries in each of the stated years?
2. How much funding was allocated by the Council for the ‘setting up home grant’, as referred to in Doncaster's local offer to care leavers, for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 financial years respectively?
(a) How many applications for the grant were received in each of the stated years?
(b) What was the total number of successful applications in each of the stated years?
(c) What was the total amount paid out for the grants in each of the stated years?
3. How much was allocated by the Council for the “money based incentives for attendance in education or training”, as referred to in Doncaster’s local offer to care leavers, for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 financial years respectively?
(a) How many requests for such incentives were received in each of the stated years?
(b) What was the total amount paid out in such incentives in each of the stated years?
4. How many former relevant children were given free access to sports facilities in Doncaster in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively?
(a) How many applications for such free access were received in each of the stated years?
5. How much was allocated in funding for transport costs when travelling to training, school/college, apprenticeships or job interviews, as referred to in Doncaster’s local offer to care leavers, for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 financial years respectively?
(a) How many requests were made for support with transport costs in each of the stated years?
(b) What was the total amount paid out in such transport costs for each of the stated years?
6. How many ring-fenced opportunities for work experience, apprenticeship and employment, as referred to in Doncaster’s local offer to care leavers, existed in 2018, 2020 and 2022.
(a) How many of those opportunities were applied for in each of the stated years?
(b) How many of those applications were successful in each of the stated years?
In respect of questions 4 and 6, we are content to be provided with the information either for the 2018, 2020 and 2022 calendar years or the 2017/18, 2019/2020 and 2021/22 financial years depending how such information is collected by you. Please specify which years you are using in your response.
Yours faithfully,
Olivia Letza cooper
Dear Olivia,
Re: Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information.
I can confirm your request has been passed to the relevant department who will endeavour to search for any information held and provide you with a response as soon as is possible. This will be within 20 working days and in any case by the 28th March 2023.
Please note that some service areas within the City of Doncaster Council are still working on the response to Covid-19 and therefore may not be available to respond to your request at this time. Should this be the case with regard to your request, please be assured we will contact you to advise you further.
Yours Sincerely
Dear Ms Cooper
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 1st March 2023, for information about in relation to support provided under the local offer to care leavers.
Please find below City of Doncaster Council’s responses to the questions you have raised.
1. How much funding was allocated by the Council for the Higher Education bursary for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 academic years respectively? (By Higher Education bursary we mean the relevant amount referred to in s23C(5A) Children Act 1989).
(a) How many applications for a Higher Education bursary were received in each of the stated years?
2017/18 = 5
2019/20 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
2021/22 = 11
The information for 2019/20 is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The information requested is third party personal data (i.e. personal data about someone other than you). Section 40 (2) provides that information which is third party personal data is exempt from disclosure if one of three conditions is satisfied. In this case the following condition applies:
Disclosure would contravene one of the data protection principles
Information has not been provided in this case as City of Doncaster Council believes that the release of such low numbers could specifically lead to the identification of a child/young person.
(b) What was the total number of successful applications for each of the stated years?
2017/18 = 5
2019/20 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
2021/22 = 11
The information for 2019/20 is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The information requested is third party personal data (i.e. personal data about someone other than you). Section 40 (2) provides that information which is third party personal data is exempt from disclosure if one of three conditions is satisfied. In this case the following condition applies:
Disclosure would contravene one of the data protection principles
Information has not been provided in this case as City of Doncaster Council believes that the release of such low numbers could specifically lead to the identification of a child/young person.
(c) What was the total amount paid out in bursaries in each of the stated years? = Please see information below.
Year Budget Outturn
17-18 8,615.04
19-20 7,649.64
21-22 27,498.90
2. How much funding was allocated by the Council for the ‘setting up home grant’, as referred to in Doncaster's local offer to care leavers, for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 financial years respectively?
(a) How many applications for the grant were received in each of the stated years? = City of Doncaster Council do not hold this information.
(b) What was the total number of successful applications in each of the stated years? = City of Doncaster Council do not hold this information.
(c) What was the total amount paid out for the grants in each of the stated years? = Please see information below.
Setting Up Home Allowance
Year Budget Outturn
17-18 62,000.00 70,216.90
19-20 67,500.00 87,673.57
21-22 62,000.00 67,518.34
3. How much was allocated by the Council for the “money based incentives for attendance in education or training”, as referred to in Doncaster’s local offer to care leavers, for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 financial years respectively?
(a) How many requests for such incentives were received in each of the stated years? = City of Doncaster Council do not hold this information.
(b) What was the total amount paid out in such incentives in each of the stated years? = City of Doncaster Council do not hold this information.
4. How many former relevant children were given free access to sports facilities in Doncaster in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively?
(a) How many applications for such free access were received in each of the stated years? = City of Doncaster Council do not hold this information. We do provide young people with free access to leisure facilities however this is done within the area team on an ad-hoc basis and is not recorded.
5. How much was allocated in funding for transport costs when travelling to training, school/college, apprenticeships or job interviews, as referred to in Doncaster’s local offer to care leavers, for the 2017/18, 2019/20 and 2021/22 financial years respectively?
(a) How many requests were made for support with transport costs in each of the stated years? = City of Doncaster Council do not hold this information.
(b) What was the total amount paid out in such transport costs for each of the stated years? = Please see information below. Please note This does not include the Children with Disabilities Service.
Transport Costs
Year Budget Outturn
17-18 3,200.00 10,003.71
19-20 12,110.00 10,364.34
21-22 2,480.00 5,516.68
6. How many ring-fenced opportunities for work experience, apprenticeship and employment, as referred to in Doncaster’s local offer to care leavers, existed in 2018, 2020 and 2022.
(a) How many of those opportunities were applied for in each of the stated years?
2018 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
2020 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
2022 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
(b) How many of those applications were successful in each of the stated years?
2018 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
2020 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
2022 = See Section 40 refusal Notice below
The information for questions 6(a) and 6(b) is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The information requested is third party personal data (i.e. personal data about someone other than you). Section 40 (2) provides that information which is third party personal data is exempt from disclosure if one of three conditions is satisfied. In this case the following condition applies:
Disclosure would contravene one of the data protection principles
Information has not been provided in this case as City of Doncaster Council believes that the release of such low numbers could specifically lead to the identification of a child/young person.
I hope that this information is useful to you.
City of Doncaster Council estimates that it has cost £50 to respond to this request for information.
Reviewing any decisions made:
If you are not happy with this reply you can ask us to review our response. To do this write to us within 40 working days of receiving your response at the address below or email [email address]
If you do not agree with the review decision you can apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a decision about our compliance or otherwise with the Freedom of Information legislation. Contact details for the ICO are: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone 0303 123 1113.
Yours sincerely,
Lucy McMahon
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Resources
City of Doncaster Council
Phone 01302 736000
Address Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Email [email address]
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