Statistics for using Dr Cheng as TVP's SMP 2015 - 2018

The request was partially successful.

Dear Thames Valley Police,
I understand that your police force uses the services of a Dr William Cheng in the role of Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP). This role includes medical assessments of serving and former police officers in regard to police injury awards and police injury pensions.
For the period 1st January 2015 to August 8th 2018:

1. Please provide me with information on how many times Dr Cheng has been employed by TVP to make any assessment of a serving, or former, Thames Valley police officer under the Police (Injury Benefit) Regulations 2006.
2. Please give me, for the period quoted above, how many assessments, or re-assessments for serving, or former, Thames Valley police officers your organisation has undertaken in total under the above quoted regulations. (i.e., a total number of assessments or re-assessments by all SMPs employed by TVP).
3. Please provide me with information on how many appeals made by serving or former Thames Valley police officers to a Police Medical Appeal Board have resulted from the involvement of Dr Cheng in making decisions referred to him under the Police (Injury Benefit) Regulations 2006.
4. Please provide me with the outcome of any appeals. Were they found in favour of the appellant, or found in favour of the respondent?
5. Please also provide me with information on how many occasions has Dr Cheng conducted reconsiderations of any of his decisions, under provision of regulation 32-(2) of the Police (Injury Benefit) Regulations 2006.
6. Please provide me with the outcome of any reconsiderations. Did they result in no amended decision, or an amended decision?
7. With reference to questions 4, 5, & 6 above please provide similar information relating any other SMPs Thames Valley Police has employed during the same period.

Yours faithfully,
Belinda Kincavel.

Public Access, Thames Valley Police

Dear Ms Kincavel,

Thank you for your email. Please accept this reply as an acknowledgement to your email . We will respond within due course and within the legal requirements. We trust this assists.

Kind regards

Jasbir Ahluwalia| Public Access Assistant
Joint Information Management Unit | Hampshire Constabulary & Thames Valley Police
Telephone +44(0)1865  542051 | Internal | 300-6455
Email Address [email address] or [email address]

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Dear Public Access,
You acknowledged receipt of my FOI request but have failed to respond within the timespan defined by law. Please answer my original FOI request about Dr. Cheng and explain why you have failed to comply with the timescales set down in the FOI Act legislation.

Yours sincerely,

Belinda Kincavel

Dear Public Access,
A further week has passed and I have received nothing from you. Not even an acknowledgement of my chase-up email sent on 25th October 2018.

Yours sincerely,

Belinda Kincavel

Public Access, Thames Valley Police

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,


Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information


Kind Regards


Claire Baldwin - Public Access Officer

Joint Information Management Unit | Thames Valley Police and Hampshire

External: +44 (0)1865 542051 | Internal: 300-6773

Address: Thames Valley Police Headquarters, Oxford Road, Kidlington, OX5




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