Statistics for speeding NIPs in M25 Bell Common roadworks
Dear Essex Police,
Now that the temporary 40mph limit is no longer in force through the current M25 roadworks nr Bell Common Tunnel, can you provide me with statistics of NIPs issued, please.
Specifically, can you provide for October 22nd 2009, when the now-inactive 40mph limit was apparently in place, the number of NIPs issued for each of these speed brackets on the M25 westbound carriageway :
o 40-50 mph
o 50-53 mph
o 53-55 mph
o over 55mph
Please show this breakdown separately for daytime(08:00-21:00) vs overnight(21:00-08:00) traffic.
Yours faithfully,
Mr C Clark
Thank you for your enquiry which has been logged under the above reference.
Under the Freedom of Information Act we are required to reply within 20 working days but given the current very high number of requests being received this may not be possible.
We will reply as soon as possible and please accept our apologies for the inconvenience any delay may cause.
Steve Grayton
Information Officer
Data Protection & Freedom of Information
Information Management
Corporate Development Department
Essex Police Headquarters
PO Box 2, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM2 6DA
Tel: 0300 333 4444 Ext 54551
Fax: 01245 452256
Email : data[Essex Police request email]
Personal email: [email address]
Hours of work : Mon - Thurs 7:30 to 15:30
Fri 7:30 to 15:00
-----Original Message-----
From: C Clark [mailto:[FOI #24499 email]]
Sent: 11 December 2009 10:00
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Statistics for speeding NIPs in M25 Bell Common roadworks
Dear Essex Police,
Now that the temporary 40mph limit is no longer in force through
the current M25 roadworks nr Bell Common Tunnel, can you provide me
with statistics of NIPs issued, please.
Specifically, can you provide for October 22nd 2009, when the
now-inactive 40mph limit was apparently in place, the number of
NIPs issued for each of these speed brackets on the M25 westbound
carriageway :
o 40-50 mph
o 50-53 mph
o 53-55 mph
o over 55mph
Please show this breakdown separately for daytime(08:00-21:00) vs
overnight(21:00-08:00) traffic.
Yours faithfully,
Mr C Clark
Thank you for your enquiry which has been logged under the above reference. Having completed my enquiries I am able to respond as follows:
Now that the temporary 40mph limit is no longer in force through the current M25 road works nr Bell Common Tunnel, can you provide me with statistics of NIPs issued, please.
Specifically, can you provide for October 22nd 2009, when the now-inactive 40mph limit was apparently in place, the number of NIPs issued for each of these speed brackets on the M25 westbound carriageway :
Please show this breakdown separately for daytime(08:00-21:00) vs overnight(21:00-08:00) traffic.
Having checked with the Safer Roads Bureau the numbers as requested are as follows:
22nd Oct 22nd / 23rd Oct
08:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 08:00
1. 40-50 mph 83 40
2. 50-53 mph 57 26
3. 54-55 mph 22 12
4. over 56mph 30 23
Total 192 101
I hope the information provided is of use.
Steve Grayton
Information Officer
Data Protection & Freedom of Information
Information Management
Corporate Development Department
Essex Police Headquarters
PO Box 2, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM2 6DA
Tel: 0300 333 4444 Ext 54551
Fax: 01245 452256
Email : data[Essex Police request email]
Personal email: s <mailto:[email address]> [email address]
Website: <>
Hours of work : Mon - Thurs 7:30 to 15:30
Fri 7:30 to 15:00
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original request and should be addressed to the Senior Information Officer at the above address.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
-----Original Message-----
From: data foi
Sent: 11 December 2009 11:08
To: 'C Clark'
Subject: RE: Foi request our ref. 2552 - Statistics for speeding NIPs in M25 Bell Common roadworks [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
Thank you for your enquiry which has been logged under the above reference.
Under the Freedom of Information Act we are required to reply within 20 working days but given the current very high number of requests being received this may not be possible.
We will reply as soon as possible and please accept our apologies for the inconvenience any delay may cause.
Steve Grayton
Information Officer
Data Protection & Freedom of Information
Information Management
Corporate Development Department
Essex Police Headquarters
PO Box 2, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM2 6DA
Tel: 0300 333 4444 Ext 54551
Fax: 01245 452256
Email : data[Essex Police request email]
Personal email: [email address]
Website: <file://>
Hours of work : Mon - Thurs 7:30 to 15:30
Fri 7:30 to 15:00
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