Statistics 2022/2023
Dear Portsmouth City Council,
Could you please provide answer to the following information
What are your operating hours for your warden service (or equivalent) ? (i.e. typical shift pattern)
What is your total staffing budget for your warden service (or equivalent)?
At full establishment how many wardens do you employ?
What is the training budget for you warden service?
Does your warden service have first aid training, and if so to what level?
Is your warden service CSAS (Community Safety Accreditation Scheme) approved?
Are your wardens Police vetted, if so to what level?
Are your wardens issued and/or operate Police airwaves radios?
If yes to the above, do you pay an Airwaves licensing fee / or user charge?
At full establishment how many Environmental Health technical/enforcement officers do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is your budget for staffing for your Environmental Health technical/enforcement officers? (or equivalent)
At full establishment how many Trading Standards technical/enforcement officers do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is the staffing budget for your Trading Standards technical/enforcement officers? (or equivalent)
At full establishment how many Housing technical technical/enforcement do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is the staffing budget for your Housing technical/enforcement officers? (or equivalent)
At full establishment how many Food Safety technical/enforcement officers do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is the staffing budget for your Food Safety technical/enforcement officers? (or equivalent)
At full establishment how many General Licensing technical/enforcement officers do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is the staffing budget for your General Licensing technical/enforcement officers? (or equivalent)
At full establishment how many Taxi Licensing technical/enforcement officers do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is the staffing budget for your Taxi Licensing technical/enforcement officers? (or equivalent)
At full establishment how many Dog Control Officers / Dog Wardens do you employ? (or equivalent)
What is the staffing budget for your Dog Control Officers / Dog Wardens team(s)? (or equivalent)
- Please provide a flow chart / diagram of your current operating procedure relating to environmental investigation and enforcement.
- Using the below table please identify which officer discharges each stage of the below duties
Duties Environmental Health Enforcement Officer CPO / Warden or Equivalent Other Investigation (Please specify job role or team) Other Enforcement (Please specify job role or team)
Business Compliance & Regulation as per below If Investigation and Enforcement is conducted by separate teams, please define each below.
- Trade Waste checks with Businesses
- Food Premises Checks
- Premises Licence Checks
- Scrap Metal Checks
- Highways Amenities Licence Checks
Environmental Crime detection, investigation & enforcement as per below If Investigation and Enforcement is conducted by separate teams, please define each below.
- Statutory noise nuisance (Domestic)
- Statutory noise nuisance (Commercial)
- S215 & PDPA / untidy garden
- Fly-Tipping
- On street littering
- From vehicle littering
- Vehicles for sale on the highway
- Vehicles for repair on the highway
- Bins on street
- Fly-Posting
- Graffiti
- Dog fouling
Statutory stray dogs collection
PSPO enforcement – please break down by PSPO restriction
Out of hour ASB response
Community Trigger investigations and output delivery
External housing inspections (Selective Licensed)
Illegal encampment evictions / Repossession of local authority land
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping engagement & safeguarding
Out of Hours safeguarding support for vulnerable citizens
Councillor Casework (ASB/Environmental)
Yours faithfully,
- Official -
Information Governance
Corporate Services
Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL
Telephone: 023 9284 4385
Reference: 2023/0634
Dear AJ
Thank you for your request for information received on 18th May 2023
Your request will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations
2004 (EIR) if it relates to environmental information as defined in Part
1(2)(1) of the EIR. Subject to the points made below, you will receive the
information requested as promptly as possible within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days.
If we need to obtain clarification from you to help us understand what
information you require, we will contact you as soon as possible. If this
is the case, the 20 working day time limit will not begin until the
necessary clarification has been received.
There are a number of lawful reasons why we may not be able to release
certain information. These reasons are referred to as 'exemptions' in the
FOIA or 'exceptions' in the EIR. The Council will consider whether any of
these apply and, where required, will carry out a Public Interest Test to
decide whether information should be disclosed. If any information is to
be withheld, we will explain which exemption or exception applies. We may
be entitled to extend the deadline in certain cases, for FOIA this would
be to consider the Public Interest Test and for EIR where the request is
particularly complex or voluminous. In both cases we will be permitted to
extend deadline by a further 20 working days and will inform you if this
is the case.
The Council’s standard approach is to provide the information in the form
in which we hold it. If you require an alternative format, for example,
an audio file, large print or information in a different language, please
let us know and we will provide it if reasonably practicable to do so.
There may be a fee payable for providing the information, for example, if
the cost of complying exceeds the appropriate limit set out in Section 12
of the FOIA or for photocopying or postage. If a fee is to be charged,
we will send you a Fees Notice. Any fee must be paid before the
information will be provided. The time between the issue of the Fees
Notice and receipt of payment will be excluded from the calculation of the
20 working day time limit.
Any personal information you provide us with will only be used to enable
us to comply with your request.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the Information
Governance Team at Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall
Square, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2AL, telephone 023 9283 4385, e-mail
[1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Wendy Burton
FOI Officer
- Official -
Information Governance
Corporate Services
Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL
Telephone: 023 9284 4385
Reference: 2023/0634
Dear AJ
Further to our acknowledgement of your request, we need some clarification
from you so that we can provide you with an appropriate response.
Details of clarification required:
Our Adult Social Care Team would actually like to know what information
you are asking them to supply when you ask:
safeguarding Out of Hours safeguarding support for vulnerable citizens
Please e-mail your response to us at [1][email address]
The normal time limit for responding to a request for information, under
the Freedom of Information Act is 20 working days from the day after it is
received. However, in accordance with section 10(6)(b) of the Act, the
20-day period will begin when we receive the clarification we need to be
able to identify and locate the information you have asked for.
You should be aware that if we do not receive clarification within 30 days
your request for information will be closed.
We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Wendy Burton
FOI Officer
From: FOI <[Portsmouth City Council request email]>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:47 AM
To: AJ <[FOI #981874 email]>; FOI
<[Portsmouth City Council request email]>
Subject: 2023/0634 - Statistics 2022/2023
- Official -
<< OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) >>
Information Governance
Corporate Services
Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2AL
Telephone: 023 9284 4385
Reference: 2023/0634
Dear AJ
Thank you for your request for information received on 18th May 2023
Your request will be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations
2004 (EIR) if it relates to environmental information as defined in Part
1(2)(1) of the EIR. Subject to the points made below, you will receive the
information requested as promptly as possible within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days.
If we need to obtain clarification from you to help us understand what
information you require, we will contact you as soon as possible. If this
is the case, the 20 working day time limit will not begin until the
necessary clarification has been received.
There are a number of lawful reasons why we may not be able to release
certain information. These reasons are referred to as 'exemptions' in the
FOIA or 'exceptions' in the EIR. The Council will consider whether any of
these apply and, where required, will carry out a Public Interest Test to
decide whether information should be disclosed. If any information is to
be withheld, we will explain which exemption or exception applies. We may
be entitled to extend the deadline in certain cases, for FOIA this would
be to consider the Public Interest Test and for EIR where the request is
particularly complex or voluminous. In both cases we will be permitted to
extend deadline by a further 20 working days and will inform you if this
is the case.
The Council’s standard approach is to provide the information in the form
in which we hold it. If you require an alternative format, for example,
an audio file, large print or information in a different language, please
let us know and we will provide it if reasonably practicable to do so.
There may be a fee payable for providing the information, for example, if
the cost of complying exceeds the appropriate limit set out in Section 12
of the FOIA or for photocopying or postage. If a fee is to be charged,
we will send you a Fees Notice. Any fee must be paid before the
information will be provided. The time between the issue of the Fees
Notice and receipt of payment will be excluded from the calculation of the
20 working day time limit.
Any personal information you provide us with will only be used to enable
us to comply with your request.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the Information
Governance Team at Portsmouth City Council, Civic Offices, Guildhall
Square, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2AL, telephone 023 9283 4385, e-mail
[2][email address].
Yours sincerely
Wendy Burton
FOI Officer
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