We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are AJ please sign in and let everyone know.

Statistics 2022/2023

We're waiting for AJ to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Salford City Council,

I’m writing to request records to be supplied and/or questions to be answered on the following information under the freedom of information act 2000.

please note that warden refers to any frontline officer carrying our duties on behalf of the authority of low level anti-social behaviour investigation and enforcement, and environmental crime. in other authorities will often be referred to as a community protection officer, public protection officer or ASB officer. this is not to be confused with a parking warden.

Please provide figures for the year 2022 / 2023

Stray Dogs Collected
Total fixed penalty notices (FPN) issued
Total amount of prosecutions for non-payment of FPN
FPNS for fly-tipping
FPNS issued for trade waste offences
FPNS for idling vehicles
FPNS for breach of PSPO
FPNS for breach of CPN
CPNW's issued
CPNS's issued
Cases referred by wardens/community/public protection officer or frontline officer equivalent for safeguarding
How many first aid incidents carried out by a warden or local authority equivalent
how many recorded complaints did your warden or equivalent service receive
What are your operating hours for your warden/equivalent service
How many wardens/equivalent are you budgeted for
How many wardens/equivalent do you currently have employed
How much do it cost to train one warden/equivalent
How Many environmental Health officers do you have
How much is your budget for staffing for environmental health

Yours faithfully,

Wrycraft, James, Salford City Council

1 Attachment

Dear AJ,

I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request on 04 May
2023. Please see attached response letter.

Many Thanks,

James Wrycraft
Principal Information Governance Officer

Salford City Council
Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5DA


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Thank you.

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are AJ please sign in and let everyone know.