Dear Borders College,
I would like to know under the freedom of information (Scotland) act 2002:
1. How many places were made avalible to the public at the English Higher adult evening class of 2012/2013 (This years)
2. How many members of the public applied ?
3. How many of the applicants were accepted ?
4. When did the first day of this class start ?
Thank you
Thank you for your email. It will be passed to the appropriate
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Student Advice Team
Borders College
Dear Borders College,
I would like to know under the freedom of information (Scotland)
act 2002:
1. How many places were made avalible to the public at the English
Higher adult evening class of 2012/2013 (This years)
2. How many members of the public applied ?
3. How many of the applicants were accepted ?
4. When did the first day of this class start ?
Thank you
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #128689 email]
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Information requests to Borders College? If so, please contact us
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Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
Dear Sir,
The English Higher class has been postponed because of circumstances out
with the college's control. No places have been made available, nor have
we accepted anyone on to the course. We do not have a start date at
present because of the postponement. Places are allocated on the basis of
applicants having the necessary literacy skills or qualifications to enter
the course. The number of applications made prior to the postponement
stands at 21.
Yours sincerely
David Killean
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
>>> On 9/10/2012 at 03:06 PM, in message
<[email address]>, Oysterman
<[FOI #128689 email]> wrote:
Dear Borders College,
I would like to know under the freedom of information (Scotland)
act 2002:
1. How many places were made avalible to the public at the English
Higher adult evening class of 2012/2013 (This years)
2. How many members of the public applied ?
3. How many of the applicants were accepted ?
4. When did the first day of this class start ?
Thank you
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #128689 email]
Is [Borders College request email] the wrong address for Freedom of
Information requests to Borders College? If so, please contact us
using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your
web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
I have come to be informed by a collage staff member that the course has now proceeded, therefor I would ask that the FOIS request be internally reviwed to this date (24 Sept 2012)
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr [Name removed],
I understand that you were in contact with our evening class supervisor
last night who will write to you to explain why you were not successful in
securing a place on this year's Higher English evening class. I have
asked her to do this as a matter of importance.
Yours sincerely
David Killean
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
>>> Oysterman <[FOI #128689 email]> 24/09/2012
23:05 >>>
I have come to be informed by a collage staff member that the
course has now proceeded, therefor I would ask that the FOIS
request be internally reviwed to this date (24 Sept 2012)
Yours sincerely,
I note the response given is inappropriate to the internal review required of the collage by the law. I also note that the reply broke my data protection rights. I have asked and thank the site ’WhatDoTheyKnow’ for removing my name of which the collage divulged without my permission, however I have taken a copy of the illegal response for legal purposes. Please answer the questions originally put to the collage in line with both the act and the procedures proscribed to the respondent for conducting an internal review now relevant to this time.
If you wish me to clarify please let me know, but at all times on this site please refer to me as Oysterman.
Thank you.
Oysterman (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
The respondent wrote to me to inform me that there were 20 places allocated to the public and 21 applications from the public were received. All had the required qualification and one was rejected when they implemented a policy of favouring the applicants with the most grades in OTHER areas, in order to select the one who would do without. I have initiated the official complaints process and my complaint has been upheld at level one on grounds that the procedure they employed was not advertised nor explained. The collage has thus offered me a secured placement This has not been accepted but not rejected at this moment as I have asked the complaint to be investigated further in accordance to level 2 of there procedure.
The complaint is being investigated on ground of disability discrimination and other matters not for public disclosure at this time. The investigation is on going. The course started in late September. For the purposes of this site and the act I consider this partially successful.
I have reviewed the information supplied by us in response to your FOI
request and I am updating it as follows:
20 places were made available.
24 applications were made. 3 applications were withdrawn by the
20 applicants were accepted
The class started on 26th September 2012
David Killean
Vice Principal - Quality and Innovation
Borders College
Scottish Borders Campus
Nether Road
Tel. 01896 662528
Mobile 07805 436460
E-mail [1][email address]
Consider the environment before you printing this email and attachments
Borders College, Charity Number SC021180
>>> Oysterman <[FOI #128689 email]> 24/09/2012
23:05 >>>
I have come to be informed by a collage staff member that the
course has now proceeded, therefor I would ask that the FOIS
request be internally reviwed to this date (24 Sept 2012)
Yours sincerely,
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Oysterman (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
The respondent wrote to me to inform me that there were 20 places allocated to the public and 21 applications from the public were received. All had the required qualification and one was rejected when they implemented a policy of favouring the applicants with the most grades in OTHER areas in order to select the one who would do without. I have initiated the official complaints process and my complaint has been upheld at level one on grounds that the procedure they employed was on advertised nor explained and an offer made for next year to have a secured placement was given to me. This has not been rejected but not accepted at this moment as I have asked the complaint to be investigated further in accordance to level 2 of there procedure. The complaint was initiated and is being investigated on ground of disability discrimination and other matters not for public disclosure at this time while the investigation is on going. The course started in late September. For the purposes of this site I consider this partially successful.