Statistical information re PCA case load
Dear Pubs Code Adjudicator,
I would like to request the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1. Current PCA case load waiting 12 months or more for a decision.
2. Current PCA case load waiting 18 months or more for a decision.
3. Current PCA case load waiting 2 years or more for a decision.
I'd also like to know how long the oldest case on the PCA case load has been waiting for a decision.
I am aware that the PCA periodically publishes caseload data on its website, however the published data only goes up to cases waiting 'longer than six months'.
Yours faithfully,
Robin Eveleigh
Dear Mr Eveleigh
Please find attached response to your request made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Whiley
Pubs Code Adjudicator’s Office
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Dear Pubs Code Adjudicator Office,
Many thanks for your reply. My apologies, I see how my request is open to interpretation.
I'd actually like to know how many unresolved cases currently on the PCA case load have been on the case load for:
12 months or more
18 months more
2 years or more.
I'd also like to know the age of the oldest unresolved case on current case load. By 'age' I mean the period of time elapsed from the date of referral to the PCA until now.
I hope you can treat this request as a clarification of my original request and treat it accordingly.
Many thanks.
Robin Eveleigh
Dear Mr Eveleigh,
Please see attached correspondence for your attention.
Stacy Rigby
Office of the Pubs Code Adjudicator
Lower Ground, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4AJ
Dear Mr Eveleigh,
Please see attached correspondence for your attention.
Stacy Rigby
Office of the Pubs Code Adjudicator
Lower Ground, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4AJ
Dear Pubs Code Adjudicator Office,
In response to your query, please use your second interpretation of 'unresolved' thus:
2. Every open arbitration case where there is any issue to be resolved,
including costs, this being the categorisation of data which we publish
Perhaps I can clarify further: the most recent quarterly data shows that 59 cases on the current arbitration case load have been opened for longer than 6 months. How many of those 59 have been opened for:
A year or more
18 months or more
2 years or more
How long has the oldest one been opened for?
Yours sincerely,
Robin Eveleigh
Dear Mr Eveleigh,
Please find attached correspondence for your attention.
Stacy Rigby
Office of the Pubs Code Adjudicator
Lower Ground, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4AJ
Dear Mr Eveleigh,
Please see attached correspondence for your attention.
Kind Regards
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B2 4AJ
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