Staffing Gaps and Overtime Payments
Dear Hywel Dda University Health Board,
I write about an FOI on staffing gaps and would be grateful if you could tell me the following information:
1. The number of Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) currently on rota broken down by profession (doctors, nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants)
2. The number of currently unfilled WTE places broken down by profession
3. The weekly hours given in overtime by profession in 2020-21 and 2021-22
4. Overtime spend in 2020-21 and 2021-22 broken down by profession
Yours faithfully,
Bleddyn ap Dafydd
Cais am Wybodaeth o dan Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000
Diolch am eich cais diweddar am gyflenwi gwybodaeth gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda.
O dan y Ddeddf, mae'n ofynnol i'r Bwrdd Iechyd gyflenwi'r wybodaeth i chi cyn pen 20 diwrnod gwaith, felly'r dyddia dhwyrach y gallwch chi ddisgwyl derbyn ymateb yw 7 Medi 2022. Yn yr achos annhebygol na allwn ymateb o fewn y terfyn amser hwn, byddwn yn cyfathrebu â chi ymhellach.
Atodwch ddolen ar ein tudalen sy'n darparu arweiniad ar ein gweithdrefn ar gyfer rheoli ceisiadau am wybodaeth a gwmpesir o dan y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000.
Rhyddid gwybodaeth - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda (
Information requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your recent request for the supply of information from Hywel Dda University Health Board.
Under the Act, the Health Board is required to supply the information to you within 20 working days, therefore the latest date by which you can expect to receive a response is 7 September 2022. In the unlikely event that we are unable to respond within this deadline, we will communicate with you further.
Please find attached a link to our webpage which provides guidance on our procedure for managing requests for information that is covered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Freedom of information - Hywel Dda University Health Board (
Diolch/Thank you,
Hannah Jones.
Corporate Information Officer/Swyddog Gwybodaeth Corfforaethol
I’m currently working from home and therefore only contactable by email
E-bost/ Email: [email address]
Dear Bleddyn,
Please accept my apologies for the lateness in seeking clarification.
To allow us to process your request could you please clarify;
What information is needed for question 1 (On rota), whether it is for WTE data on the E-rostering system or the overall WTE for the staff groups?
Diolch/Thank you,
Hannah Jones.
Corporate Information Officer/Swyddog Gwybodaeth Corfforaethol
I’m currently working from home and therefore only contactable by email
E-bost/ Email: [email address]
Dear FOI HywelDda (Hywel Dda UHB - Freedom of Information),
Thanks for your email - it's the overall WTE figures.
Yours sincerely,
Bleddyn ap Dafydd
Dear Bleddyn
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request,
please accept my apologies for the delay in our response.
Katie Jenner
Senior Corporate Information Officer/Uwch Swyddog Gwybodaeth Corfforaethol
Hywel Dda University Health Board/Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda
Corporate Offices
Ystwyth Building/Adeilad Ystwyth
Hafan Derwen
St David's Park/Parc Dewi Sant
Job's Well Road/Fynnon Job
Carmarthenshire/Sir Gaerfyrddin
SA31 3BB
Rhif Ffôn / Telephone Number: 01267 239730 (WHTN 01825 4730)
E-bost: Email: [1][email address]
Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yw enw gweithredol Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol
Hywel Dda / Hywel Dda University Health Board is the operational name of
Hywel Dda Local Health Board
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
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