Staffing Cost For Swimming Pools

The request was partially successful.

Dear Bradford City Council
I would like to request through the freedom of information the following information,

1) Between November 2011 to August 2012 the total staffing costs/wage bill of both Shipley Swimming Pool and Bowling Pool.
2) Between November 2012 to August 2013 the total staffing costs/wage bill of both Shipley Swimming Pool and Bowling Pool.
3) All Lieu time accumulated by staff between November 2011 and August 2012 at both sites.
4) All lieu time accumulated by staff between November 2012 and August 2013 at both sites.
5) The number of hours required to be worked by casual staff, in all area's of the facility's (Shipley & Bowling) between November 2011 and August 2012.
6) The number of hours required to be worked by casual staff, in all area's of the facility's (Shipley & Bowling) between November 2012 and August 2013.

Yours faithfully,

A. Duffy

Dear Bradford City Council,

Could I please have an acknowledgment that you have received my F.O.I request.

Yours faithfully,

A. Duffy

Dani Mistry, Bradford City Council

Dear Ms Duffy,

Further to our telephone conversation on Wednesday 13th August 2014 we have received your request below. This matter is receiving our attention, and we aim to have a response out to you by 20.08.14 within the period of 20 working days allowed for disclosure.

Should you have any queries regarding your request, please feel free to contact us at [Bradford City Council request email] quoting the reference no: ENQ01342

Kind regards


Miss Dani Mistry
Freedom Of Information & Data Protection Officer
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council- Business Support
5th Floor Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX
Tel: 01274 434506

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Andy Ross, Bradford City Council

1 Attachment

Ms Duffy,

Please see attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
request to Bradford Council.

Kind regards,


Andy Ross

Sport Events Officer

Sport & Leisure Service


Tel: 01274 437513 ● [mobile number] ● Fax 01274 432109 ● BBM: 22A6A1E1

3rd Floor, Jacobs Well,


City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Environment & Sport



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Dear Andy Ross,

Thank you for your response.

I would however like to see all evidence, documentation and accounts that support your claim that between the two dates requested, Shipley Swimming Pool saved £38010.00 and Bowling Swimming Pool saved £11995,00 a total saving of £50,005.00. between the two sites.

I would like to see all the documentation and evidence that supports your claim that Shipley Swimming Pool's lieu time increased by a total of 458 hours and Bowling Swimming Pool's lieu time decreased by a total of 18 hours between the two specific dates requested.(The documentation must include any lieu time worked by any staff. including staff "covering" hours at the two sites. Shipley and Bowling. The staff may be contracted to work elsewhere throughout the Department of Environment and Sport but worked additional hours to support activities at the two sites e.g. swimming teachers, lifeguards, managers etc.) I did ask for "All lieu time accumulated by staff at both sites" in my original F.O.I. request, but I believe this may not have been accounted for.

Finally I would like to see all documentation and evidence that supports your claim that Shipley Swimming Pool's casual hours decreased by a total of 2567 hours and Bowling Swimming Pool's decreased by a total of 1882 hours between the two dates requested, a grand total of 4449 hours lost in a 10 month period. I am not requesting personal information about individual staff, I am however requesting a breakdown in areas where the casual hours were worked and lost , e.g. lifeguards, swimming teachers, receptionists, managers etc.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Andy Ross, Bradford City Council

1 Attachment

Ms Duffy,

Please find following and attached further information in relation to your Freedom of Information request and subsequent request for clarification.

Attached is an extract from our accountancy software that details the staffing costs at the facilities in question.

Due to the size of other documents they have been provided via a separate "We Transfer" Link.

Information relating to the lieu time of an individual member of staff at Bowling Pool is currently unavailable.

The total actual lieu time for Bowling Pool Nov 2012 - Aug 13 has been revised to 63.5 hours.

Kind regards


Andy Ross

Pool Development Project Manager

Estates Service

Tel: 01274 437513 ● [mobile number] ● Fax 01274 432109 ● BBM: 765A51E6

7th Floor, Jacobs Well, Bradford, BD1 5RW

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Regeneration and Culture

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[1][email address]
sent you some files
‘Information to support ENQ01342.’
[2][IMG] [3]Download [4][IMG]
Files (38.9 MB total)
Shipley Pool - Manpower Sheets - 2013.04-2013.08.pdf
Bowling Pool - Lieu Time Records - 2011.11-2012.08.pdf
Bowling Pool - Lieu Time Records - 2012.11-2013.08.pdf
Bowling Pool - Manpower Sheets - 2011.11-2012.08.pdf
Bowling Pool - Manpower Sheets - 2012.11-2013.08
Shipley Pool - Lieu Time Records.pdf
Shipley Pool - Manpower Sheets - 2011.11-2012.03.pdf
Shipley Pool - Manpower Sheets - 2012.04-2012.08.08
Shipley Pool - Manpower Sheets - 2012.11-2013.03.pdf
Will be deleted on
23 October, 2014
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Dear Dani Mistry,
Please could I have all the information sent by Andy Ross to my
F.O .I request (Staffing Cost For Swimming Pool) sent in paper format to my home address. I am unable to print all the information sent.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Dani Mistry, Bradford City Council

Dear Ms Duffy,

Please can you give me a call and give me your address or send this from a secure e-mail address so we can arrange to post these out to you.

Kind regards


Miss Dani Mistry
Information Governance Officer
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council- Department of Finance 
5th Floor Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX
Tel: 01274 434506
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Dear Dani Mistry,
I left my home address with you over two weeks ago yet am still waiting for the documentation.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Dear Dani Mistry,
I've now been waiting over four weeks for this information. You have left me with no other option but to request an internal review.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Dani Mistry, Bradford City Council

Dear Ms Duffy,

I have been on annual leave since 4th November and have only just returned to work this week. You should have received my out of office message redirecting you to send your e-mail to [Bradford City Council request email]

I sent all the information in the post a week before I went on leave, I will look into this matter and get back to you.

In the meantime I will print off these copies again and send them recorded delivery to the address you have given I will drop you an e-mail as soon as I have done this, in the meantime if you want to give me a call to discuss this matter further please do so on 01274 434506.

Kind regards


Miss Dani Mistry
Information Governance Officer
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council- Department of Finance 
5th Floor Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX
Tel: 01274 434506
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Dear Dani Mistry,

I have an email from you dated Friday 31/10/2014 that totally contradicts you last statement.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Dear Bradford City Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Bradford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Staffing Cost For Swimming Pools'.

1) I only had access to the information I requested for 1 week before it was withdrawn from the internet. (Because of this, I have requested the documentation in writing/paper format)
2) I have been waiting since 20th October 2014 (nine weeks) for the information to be sent to my home address and am still waiting.
3) A statement has been written on the "What do they know?" site from Dani Mistry....however I have an email from her totally contradicting this statement.

A history of my FOI request and some of the correspondence are available on the Internet at this address: I do however have more correspondents that have been sent to my private email.

Yours faithfully,

A. Duffy

Sally Marshall (Complaints\Data Protection), Bradford City Council

Dear A Duffy

I acknowledge the receipt of your request asking for a review regards your
response to the FOI request. This matter is now receiving our attention
and we aim to have a response out to you by 21 January 2015 within the
period of 20 working days allowed for disclosure under a review.


Should you have any queries regarding your request, please feel free to
contact us at [1][Bradford City Council request email]  quoting the
reference no: ENQ01342

Kind regards


Sally Marshall

Information Governance Officer

Tel: 01274 431322 

5th Floor Britannia House, Bradford, BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Business Support


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Dear Sally Marshall (Complaints\Data Protection),

The internal review is now a week over due.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Dear Sally Marshall (Complaints\Data Protection),

The internal review is now two weeks overdue.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Sally Marshall (Complaints\Data Protection), Bradford City Council

Good Afternoon

We have responded to this review. It was sent to your private email address. Please check this and call me if there are any problems.


Sally Marshall

Information Governance Officer

Tel: 01274 431322

5th Floor Britannia House, Bradford, BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Business Support

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Dear Sally Marshall (Complaints\Data Protection),

I have checked my email account thoroughly, I have not received the email you say you have sent.

Yours sincerely,

A. Duffy

Sally Marshall (Complaints\Data Protection), Bradford City Council

Dear A Duffy

Please would you send me your personal email address and I will resend.


Sally Marshall
Information Governance Officer
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council- Department of Finance
5th Floor Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX
Tel: 01274 431322
e-mail: [email address]
Visit our website at
If you would like to make a Freedom of Information/Subject Access request, please send your request to the FOI central mailbox: [Bradford City Council request email] 
Please include your name, address and telephone number so we can contact you to discuss your request if necessary. Please be as specific as possible about the information you require as this will help us to respond promptly

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