Staff with Criminal Convictions
Dear Suffolk Constabulary,
1. How many people does your force have in each of the following roles:
a. Police Officer (Detective or Constable, including Specials)
c. Other Police staff
2. How many staff have criminal convictions?
a. How many are Police Officers (Detective or Constable, including Specials)?
b. How many are PCSOs?
c. How many are other Police staff?
3. Please provide the following information for each conviction:
a. The person's role and/or rank
b. The offence
c. Whether the person received a custodial sentence (suspended or otherwise)
d. Whether the person was convicted before they joined the police
Yours faithfully,
Charlie McNeive
Many thanks for your email, which has been received by the Freedom of Information Team.
This email account is not manned 24/7 and as such, your email will be responded to as soon as a member of the team is available.
Please note that our office hours are as follows:
Monday - Friday - 9.00am - 4:30pm
For non-emergency calls to Suffolk Constabulary please use the 101 telephone number.
In the case of an emergency, please dial 999.
Kind Regards,
The Freedom of Information Team
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
Police Headquarters
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk
[Suffolk Constabulary request email]
Dear Suffolk Constabulary,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Suffolk Constabulary's handling of my FOI request 'Staff with Criminal Convictions'. Your response is long overdue.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Charlie McNeive
Good Afternoon Mr McNeive,
Please refer to Norfolk's response regarding this request. A a result of collaborative working some requests is being dealt with as a Joint FOI Request and the data you require is within the response Norfolk sent you on 10th July, 2019.
Kind Regards,
Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
Police Headquarters
Portal Avenue, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich
Suffolk, IP5 3QS
01473 613888 Ext 2051
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