Staff turnover specifically in the SEND dept.

L Cunnington made this Freedom of Information request to Derbyshire County Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Derbyshire County Council,
After experiencing numerous changes of SEND admin over the past couple of years I am interested in staff turnover. I'm interested in years 2022 and 2023.

Please detail the number of staff, sorted by their pay grade, who joined the SEND dept in both years? Please also give me the figures as a percentage of the total SEND dept workforce?

Please detail the number of staff, sorted by their pay grade, who left the SEND dept in both years? Please also give me the figures as a percentage of the total SEND dept workforce?

Please detail number of staff currently working their notice?

Please detail the number of positions currently vacant?

Please detail the number of positions being actively recruited?

Yours faithfully,

L Cunnington

CST Access 2 Info (Corporate Services and Transformation), Derbyshire County Council

Dear L Cunnington,


I refer to your request for information received 14 December 2023.


Your request for information will be considered under the provisions of
Freedom of Information Act 2000, if your request also relates to
Environmental Information e.g. information about the environment or land
development your request will then be considered under the  Environmental
Information Regulations 2004. In accordance with the legislation, the
deadline for responding is usually 20 working days from the receipt of the
request, this being the 17 January 2024. However, we shall endeavour to
deal with your request promptly, and if possible before this date.



Yours sincerely,


Access to Information Team

Corporate Services & Transformation

Derbyshire County Council

County Hall


DE4 3AG       




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personal views that are not the views of Derbyshire County Council. It is
intended solely for the addressee. If this email was sent to you in error
please notify us by replying to the email. Once you have done this please
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CST Access 2 Info (Corporate Services and Transformation), Derbyshire County Council

Dear L Cunnington,


I refer to your request dated 14 December 2023, which is included below
for your reference.  In order to provide you with a response I would be
grateful if could provide some clarification in respect of your request.


Therefore, please clarify whether you require data for the whole of the
SEND department including the SEND administration staff, or data for the
Administration staff in SEND only.


Once the requested clarification has been received the deadline will be



Yours sincerely,


Access 2 Information Team

Corporate Services & Transformation

Derbyshire County Council

County Hall






show quoted sections

Dear CST Access 2 Info (Corporate Services and Transformation),
Please send me staff turnover in SEND administration only from Head of SEND to basic admin assistants.I don't require detalis of Ed psych dept pr legal services .

Yours sincerely,

L Cunnington

CST Access 2 Info (Corporate Services and Transformation), Derbyshire County Council

Dear L Cunnington,


I write further to your freedom of information request sent via email on
14 December 2023 and note you sent clarification regarding your request on
19 January 2024.


The deadline date has been re-calculated and your new deadline is 16
February 2024. However, we shall endeavour to deal with your request
promptly, and if possible before this date.



Yours sincerely,


Access 2 Information Team

Corporate Services & Transformation

Derbyshire County Council

County Hall





The cold weather can cause problems for older and more vulnerable people.
Get advice and support on how to Stay Well This Winter. Find out more on
[1]our website here.


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this email?

Derbyshire County Council works to improve the lives of local people by
delivering high quality services. You can find out more about us by
visiting [2]
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[3] You can register for e-mail alerts,
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Please Note
This email is confidential, may be legally privileged and may contain
personal views that are not the views of Derbyshire County Council. It is
intended solely for the addressee. If this email was sent to you in error
please notify us by replying to the email. Once you have done this please
delete the email and do not disclose, copy, distribute, or rely on it.
Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000
the contents of this email may be disclosed.
Any personal information you have given us will be processed in accordance
with our privacy notices, available at

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received emails.




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CST HR Management Information Team (Corporate Services and Transformation), Derbyshire County Council

Good morning,


Thank you for your information request dated 14^th December 2023. The
request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and
I can confirm we do hold the information. 


The response to your request is as follows:


 1. Please detail the number of staff, sorted by their pay grade, who
joined the SEND dept in both years? Please also give me the figures as
a percentage of the total SEND dept workforce? – 8 (44%)
 2. Please detail the number of staff, sorted by their pay grade, who left
the SEND dept in both years? Please also give me the figures as a
percentage of the total SEND dept workforce? – 10 (56%)
 3. Please detail number of staff currently working their notice? - 0
 4. Please detail the number of positions currently vacant? - 2
 5. Please detail the number of positions being actively recruited? - 0


I hope this now deals with your request for information. However, should
you wish the outcome to be reviewed, please follow the procedure as set
out below.


Stage 1:

In the first instance, please send in your comments, and wherever
possible, a copy of your request and the covering letter enclosing the
information or refusing your request to:


Access to Information Solicitor

Legal Services

Derbyshire County Council

County Hall




Email: [1][Derbyshire County Council request email]


Please ensure that correspondence is marked as “Request for a review of my
Freedom of Information Act / Environmental Information Regulations
request”, and bears any case references you have been given.   


Stage 2:

After completing the above procedure, if you wish to challenge the
decision further, please see link [2] as the
primary way of escalating to the ICO. Alternative ways of contacting the
ICO are below: 


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Tel. 0303 123 1113/ Fax: 01625 524510


Kind regards,



HR Management Information Team | HR – People and Organisational Change
Division | Corporate Services and Transformation | Derbyshire County

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on [5]Facebook



The cold weather can cause problems for older and more vulnerable people.
Get advice and support on how to Stay Well This Winter. Find out more on
[6]our website here.


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this email?

Derbyshire County Council works to improve the lives of local people by
delivering high quality services. You can find out more about us by
visiting [7]
If you want to work for us go to our job pages on
[8] You can register for e-mail alerts,
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Please Note
This email is confidential, may be legally privileged and may contain
personal views that are not the views of Derbyshire County Council. It is
intended solely for the addressee. If this email was sent to you in error
please notify us by replying to the email. Once you have done this please
delete the email and do not disclose, copy, distribute, or rely on it.
Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000
the contents of this email may be disclosed.
Any personal information you have given us will be processed in accordance
with our privacy notices, available at

Derbyshire County Council reserves the right to monitor both sent and
received emails.



Visible links
1. mailto:[Derbyshire County Council request email]