Staff Travel

The request was successful.

Jermaine Agyapong

Please see FOI request:

1) Do you provide parking within walking distance of Council buildings for your staff?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) staff have to pay normal/public parking rates

2) If you only provide parking to some staff can you please list their roles/job titles?

3) Do you provide pool cars?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) full charges

4) Do you provide pool bicycles?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) full charges

5) Do you provide parking permits for your staff?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) staff have to pay normal/public permit rates

6) If you only provide permits to some staff can you please list their roles/job titles?

7) Do you have a cycle to work scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

8) Do you have a car user milage scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

9) Do you have a lift share scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

10) Do you provide a season ticket loan scheme for staff? If yes, is it interest free?

11) Do you provide a car purchase loan scheme for staff? If yes, is it interest free?



accessinfo, Southwark Borough Council

Dear Jermaine

Thank you for your request for information. For us to process your request, we require your full name. Section 8(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires us to collect your name and contact address (e.g. email or postal address) and without this information, your request is invalid and cannot be processed.

Please can you confirm your full name so we can validate your request and continue to process it.

Kind regards,

AccessInfo Team
London Borough of Southwark
PO BOX 64529

show quoted sections

Jermaine Agyapong

Full name

Jermaine Agyapong

Southwark Council, Southwark Borough Council

Southwark Council - Information request
Our reference: 12029053  
Dear Jermaine Agyapong,
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information, that was received on 20 March

The request is as follows:

Please see FOI request:

1) Do you provide parking within walking distance of Council buildings for
your staff?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) staff have to pay normal/public parking

2) If you only provide parking to some staff can you please list their
roles/job titles?

3) Do you provide pool cars?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) full charges

4) Do you provide pool bicycles?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) full charges

5) Do you provide parking permits for your staff?
If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) staff have to pay normal/public permit

6) If you only provide permits to some staff can you please list their
roles/job titles?

7) Do you have a cycle to work scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

8) Do you have a car user milage scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

9) Do you have a lift share scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

10) Do you provide a season ticket loan scheme for staff? If yes, is it
interest free?

11) Do you provide a car purchase loan scheme for staff? If yes, is it
interest free? 

We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and we aim to send a response by 19 April 2023.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 may restrict the release of some or
all of the information you have requested. We will carry out an assessment
and if any exemptions apply to some or all of the information then we
might not provide that information to you. We will inform you if this is
the case and advise you of your rights to request an internal review and
to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.
We will also advise you if we cannot provide you with the information
requested for any other reason together with the reason(s) why and details
of how you may appeal (if appropriate).
Yours sincerely, 
Martyna Plewniak
Senior Information Officer
Chief Executive's
020 7525 1585
[email address]
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
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If you are not the intended recipient, an addressing or transmission error
has misdirected this e-mail; you must not use, disclose, copy, print or
disseminate the information contained within this e-mail. Please notify
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Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender,
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Southwark Council.
This email has been scanned for all viruses and all reasonable precautions
have been taken to ensure that no viruses are present. Southwark Council
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of this email or attachments.

Jermaine Agyapong

Dear Southwark Council,

Reminder that this FOI request is due.

Please advise.

Yours sincerely,

Jermaine Agyapong

CEXaccessinfo, Southwark Borough Council

Dear Jermaine Agyapong,


Re request ref no: 12029053


Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 21 March
2023. This information is being provided as a statutory obligation under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Your request

1)         Do you provide parking within walking distance of Council
buildings for your staff? If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) staff have to
pay normal/public parking rates

2)         If you only provide parking to some staff can you please list
their roles/job titles?

3)         Do you provide pool cars?If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c)
full charges

4)         Do you provide pool bicycles? If yes, a) free, b) subsidised,
c) full charges

5)         Do you provide parking permits for your staff?

         If yes, a) free, b) subsidised, c) staff have to pay
normal/public permit rates

6)         If you only provide permits to some staff can you please list
their roles/job titles?

7)         Do you have a cycle to work scheme? If yes, what does this

8)         Do you have a car user milage scheme? If yes, what does this

9)         Do you have a lift share scheme? If yes, what does this entail?

10)      Do you provide a season ticket loan scheme for staff? If yes, is
it interest free?

11)      Do you provide a car purchase loan scheme for staff? If yes, is
it interest free?



Our response


1)         No


2)         Yes, Disabled Only


3)             Yes – free to use


4)             Yes – free to us


5)             Yes, for business reasons only


6)             Staff with essential car user allowance based on the usage
criteria (not grade) are entitled to use one.


│Deputy Manager │Trading │
│ │Standards │
│ │Team Leader │
│Social Worker │CCTV │
│ │Technical │
│ │Supervisor │
│Team Manager │Environment │
│ │Enforcement │
│ │Officer │
│Peer Mentoring │Team Leader │
│Co-ordinator │ │
│Senior Practitioner│Warden & │
│ │Enforcement │
│ │Manager │
│Assistant │Anti-Social │
│Practitioner │Behaviour │
│ │Officer │
│Service Development│Assistant │
│Manager │Noise │
│ │Officer │
│Experienced │Noise │
│Practitioner │Enforcement │
│ │Officer │
│Multiple │Lighting │
│Disadvantage Coach │Engineer │
│RJ & Victim Worker │Delivery │
│ │Manager │
│ │Lighting & │
│ │Electrical │
│Trainee YJS Officer│Principal │
│ │Lighting │
│ │Engineer │
│YJS Officer │Area Manager│
│Independent │BCO │
│Reviewing Officer │Structural │
│ │Engineer │
│Personal Advisor │Group │
│ │Manager │
│Senior Social │Head of  │
│Worker │Specialist │
│ │Services │
│Service Manager │Business │
│ │Support Team│
│ │Leader │
│Early Years Quality│Operations │
│Improvement Officer│Manager │
│Travel Resources │Service │
│Coordinator │Point │
│ │Operations │
│ │Manager │
│Educational │Senior │
│Psychologist │Investigator│
│Principal │Clerk of │
│Educational │Works │
│Psychologist │ │
│SEND Inclusion │Estimator │
│Practitioner │ │
│Senior Educational │Fire Safety │
│Psychologist │Surveyor │
│Senior Education │Technical │
│Leader │Officer │
│Early Years │Compliance │
│Consultant │Manager │
│Early Years │Compliance │
│Education Adviser │Officer │
│Head │Lift │
│Teacher-Behavioural│Engineer │
│Support Service │ │
│Social Worker │Lift │
│(NRPF) │Engineer │
│ │(1st Calls) │
│Highways Inspector │Senior │
│ │Electrical │
│ │Engineer │
│Technician │Senior │
│ │Engineer │
│Engineer │Mechanical │
│ │Engineer │
│Markets Team Leader│Mechanical │
│ │Project │
│ │Engineer │
│Road & Streetworks │Senior │
│Inspector │Heating │
│ │Engineer │
│Road & Streetworks │Electrical │
│Manager │Manager │
│Senior Licensing │Repairs │
│and Enforcement │Resolution │
│Officer │Manager │
│Contract Manager │Communal │
│ │Repairs │
│ │Manager │
│Estate Parking │Communal │
│Manager │Repairs │
│ │Technical │
│ │Manager │
│Commercial Services│Communal │
│Unit Manager │Repairs │
│ │Technical │
│ │Officer │
│Enforcement Officer│Repairs │
│ │Contract │
│ │Manager │
│EPT Team Leader │Technical │
│ │Quality │
│ │Officer │
│Principal │Building │
│Enforcement Officer│Surveyor │
│Legal Disrepair │Financial │
│Surveyor │Counsellor │
│ │(FT) │
│Legal Disrepair │Legal │
│Team Leader │Disrepair │
│ │Officer │
│Project Manager │Surveyor │
│Project Officer │Resident │
│ │Services │
│ │Manager │
│Senior Financial │Emergency │
│Counsellor │Planning & │
│ │Resilience │
│ │Manager │
│Resident Services │Senior │
│Manager │Technical │
│ │Officer │


7)         Yes, our Cycle to Work scheme is available to all employees. 
It enables employees to hire a bike and accessories from the council for
the purpose of cycling to work, with the option to buy/keep the bike after
the hire period. The scheme allows employees to make savings against their
tax and national insurance contributions.


8)         Our essential car user mileage scheme enables employees to
receive a monthly lump sum, and a mileage rate based on business journeys
undertaken. As well as different mileage rates for essential users and
casual users; the lump sum payments and mileage rates further vary
according to the cubic capacity of the car.


9)         No



10)      Yes.  Employees may be eligible for an interest free season
ticket loan up to a maximum of £10,000 for the annual cost of travel to
and from work.


11)      No.




Your rights


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. You should request this review within
two months of receiving this response, by contacting
[1][Southwark Borough Council request email]. Please remember to quote the reference
number above in any future communications.


If you are not content with the outcome of your appeal you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the
Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have first
exhausted our internal appeal procedure and you should contact her within
two months of the outcome of the internal review. Further information on
the Freedom of Information Act is available through the Information
Commissioner’s website at [2]





Yours sincerely,


Martyna Plewniak
Senior Information Officer





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If you have received this in error please notify us immediately.

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Where opinions are expressed in the email they are not necessarily those
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Visible links
1. mailto:[Southwark Borough Council request email]