Staff handbook

The request was successful.

Robert Cavendish

Dear Environment Agency,

Please provide a copy of the current staff handbook

Yours faithfully,

Robert Cavendish

Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

4 Attachments

Thank you for contacting the Environment Agency.


Please note; this is an auto reply message.


From the 1 April 2013 the functions carried out by the Environment Agency
in Wales were taken over by a new body called Natural Resources Wales
(NRW). Those with interests in Wales should use the following link for
more information:



Our Service Commitment

Our target is to respond to correspondence in 10 working days but you can
expect to receive a reply from us within 4 working days. If your enquiry
is of a technical nature this could take up to 20 working days.


The response day for all enquiries starts from the next working day of you
receiving this message.


For further information on what you can expect from us – our service
commitment, please visit our website: 



If you wish to report an incident i.e. pollution, fish in distress,
dumping of hazardous waste etc, please call our freephone 24 hour
Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60. For more details about incident
reporting please see our website:



Charging for information


Please note that there may be a charge for the provision of information in
line with the 'Charging for Information' policy, however this isn’t always
the case for a general enquiry. Please visit our website for further
charging information:



Kind Regards,


National Customer Contact Centre


Follow us on



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We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes.


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Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

4 Attachments

Dear Robert


Thank you for your enquiry requesting a copy of our current staff

Your email has been forwarded to our National Request Team and they will
contact you shortly. The customer charter for completing National Requests
is 20 working days. Should you wish to contact them in the meantime, you
can call them on 03708 506506, or by email at

[email address]

Please note that there may be a charge for the provision of information in
line with the 'Charging for Information' policy. If there is likely to be
a charge we will contact you to discuss this prior to commencing any work
on your request. You can find further information on our charging policy
at the link below:



I trust this information is useful and if you require anything further
please don’t hesitate to contact us again.


From the 1 April 2013 the functions carried out by the Environment Agency
in Wales were taken over by a new body called Natural Resources Wales

Any enquiries for Wales, with the exception of Rod licensing and the
Carbon Reduction Commitment, should be directed to Natural Resources

Natural Resources Wales will deal with your enquiry and / or process your
application.  If you have any further queries you can contact NRW Tel:
0300 065 3000  

e mail: [2][email address] or visit their
website: [3]


Kind Regards


Robert McCallum-Hamilton

Customer Service Advisor

Email Enquiries Unit

National Customer Contact Centre

Part of National Operations

Environment Agency

Tel: 03708 506506

Website: [4]

[5]Follow us on



We would really like to know what you think of our customer service.
Please can you spare five minutes to complete our short survey; your
feedback will help us identify where we need to improve.

The survey is completely anonymous.








show quoted sections

National Requests, Environment Agency

Dear Robert


Thank you for your request for a copy of our staff handbook.


We are treating your enquiry as an Information Request under Environment
Information Regulations 2004/Freedom of Information 2000.


Your request will be dealt with by our National Request Team under
reference NRJUN88.


The Environment Agency covers England only.


For Scotland, Ireland and Wales, please see the links below:








Unless the data requested is immediately accessible to us there may be a
cost, however we will make you aware of any charge prior to the request
being completed. 


The Environment Agency’s customer charter is to provide you with the
requested information within 20 working days from the date your enquiry is


Data will be provided in pdf format (wherever possible) unless
specifically requested in another format. 

Please be aware that data provided in a manipulable format may be subject
to an additional fee.


In the meantime should you have any queries regarding this request please
contact us at: [4][email address]


Kind regards,



The National Request Team

National Customer Contact Centre

Tel 03708 506 506



Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else.

We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it.
We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes.


Visible links
4. mailto:[email address]

National Requests, Environment Agency

5 Attachments

Dear Robert


RE: Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA) / Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)


Thank you for your enquiry which was received on 25/06/13


Requests for information that are recorded are generally governed by the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).The information you have requested
is environmental and it is therefore exempted from the provisions of FOIA
by FOIA s.39(1). We have therefore considered your request under the
provisions of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR).


Please find attached a copy of our employee handbook as requested.


I hope that we have correctly interpreted your request. Please see the
Standard Notice for details of permitted use.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information
you can contact us to ask for our decision to be reviewed. 


If you are still not satisfied following this, you can then make an appeal
to the Information Commissioner, who is the statutory regulator for
Freedom of Information. 


The address is:


Office of the Information Commissioner,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,





Tel: 01625 545700.

Fax: 01625 524 510.

E-mail:[email address]. 

Website: http//


Yours sincerely


Maria Bisby

Environment Agency

National Requests Team

Part of National Operations

03708 506 506

[1][email address]




Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else.

We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it.
We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]