Staff dismissals / leaving due to ill health.

The request was successful.

Dear Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees,

I would like to know how many members of staff have been dismissed since 2011?

I would also like to know how many members of staff have left due to ill health since 2011?

I would also like to know how many members of staff have been suspended from work since 2011 please.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Smith

Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

Dear Mr Smith

Can I clarify one of your questions.

What category should I put a member of staff who was dismissed on ill health capability?
Also if a member has left through ill health by resigning or retiring - are you wishing them to be included in the left due to ill-health question or are you only looking for those people who have left and took a settlement due to ill health.

Sharon McHale
Head of HR

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Dear Sharon McHale,

Thanks for the reply.

I would appreciate it if you could include them in both categories please, but just put a note explaining that the same person is included in two or more categories.

I would also like you to include everyone that has left through ill health or retiring, irrespective of them taking any settlement due to ill health.

Hope this clarifies things for you? Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Smith

Dear Sharon McHale,

I've just been thinking further to your question, would it be possible to also list the age of the person for each question and the sex please? Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Smith

Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

Dear Peter

Please find below the answers to your questions. Unfortunately I am unable to add the additional information as it was not in your initial request.

5 members of staff dismissed (2 due to ill health) in the timeframe asked for

5 members of staff have left due to ill health (2 of which were dismissed) in the timeframe asked for

3 members of staff have been suspended from work in the timeframe asked for

Sharon McHale
Head of HR

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Dear Sharon McHale,

Thank you for your reply. Further to the initial request, I would now like for you to provide me with the additional information that I have requested please, namely the age of the person for each question and the sex please? Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Smith

Sharon McHale, Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees

Dear Peter

The additional information is below

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Dear Sharon,

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Smith