If phoning, please ask for: L Grierson
Direct Dial: 01387 734364
Our Reference: LG
14 July 2020
Mr J Gallacher
Dear Mr Gallacher
In accordance with your Freedom of Information Request, please find undernoted our responses:
2 Since lockdown until 19 June 2020, can you please provide details of the number of staff who have accessed
the college buildings or otherwise travelled on college business? Can you please break this down into dates,
roles, FTE numbers, duration in hours/minutes, reason for attendance and also indicate whether this was on
a voluntary basis or for reasons connected with their substantive roles?
Dumfries campus - Janitor hours until 1st May - 27 hours split between 3 janitors. 1 hour building check
in line with their role. Agreed prior to lockdown a rota was set by the team to suit individual needs. Duties
agreed as visual check of the building plus legionella check.
Dumfries campus - Janitors hours until 19th June - 54 hours split between 3 janitors. 3 hours per day to
cover cleaners in the building carrying out deep clean. Agreed prior to lockdown a rota was set by the
team to suit individual needs. Duties as before but assistance to cleaners added in for moving items for
deep clean.
Dumfries campus – Estates Team Leader - 74 hours since the beginning of lockdown. Supporting staff
Dumfries cleaners - Monday squad of 4 cleaners. 3 hours each for 7 weeks total of 84 working hours.
Deep Clean. Wednesday squad of 4 cleaners. 3 hours each for 7 weeks total of 84 working hours.
Deep Clean.
Stranraer campus - Janitor hours until 29th May - 50 hours split between 2 janitors. 1 hour building checks
agreed by janitors in advance of lockdown. Shift set by staff to suit their needs. Duties agreed as a visual
check of the building plus legionella check.
Stranraer campus - Janitor hours until 19th June - 45 hours split between 2 janitors. 3 hours per day to cover
deep clean in the building. Duties as before but assistance to cleaners added in for moving items for deep
Stranraer cleaners - Monday-Friday, 2 cleaners. 3 hours per day for 3 weeks total 90 hours. Deep clean.
Staff. Since lockdown we have had 18 staff members attend site to collect devices. 10 minutes each so
total of 180 minutes.
16 staff have collected folders or other educational equipment at a total of 30 minutes each. Total 480
Dumfries and Galloway College, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4FD Tel: (01387) 734000
Stranraer Campus, Lewis Street, Stranraer, DG9 7AL Tel: (01776) 706633
Web site
: http://www.dumgal.ac.uk E-mail
: xxxx@xxxxxx.xx.xx Scottish Charity No. SC021189
Principal – Joanna Campbell
3 Please advise whether there was prior consultation with Trade Unions before staff entered the building or
travelled on college business? If not, please indicate your reasons.
All trade unions have been fully involved in our decision making for access.
4 Were Trade Unions involved in the drafting/agreement of risk assessments prior to staff accessing the buildings
and did staff have sight of these prior to entry?
Trade unions have seen risk assessments prior to issuing. H&S committee has also met online to discuss
risk assessment.
5 Did any staff members have to travel more than five miles in order to attend work under these circumstances?
If so, how many?
Of the staff who came to site less than 10 will have travelled further than the 5 miles. This would be deemed
essential travel, as checked with Police Scotland, due to the nature of accessing educational materials
for ongoing delivery.
6 Did any staff have to use public transport to attend work under these circumstances? If so, how many?
No, staff have not used public transport. Local staff only have been working.
7 Was the decision to have staff attend work equality impact assessed? If not, why not?
Staff either continued to work or attended on a voluntary basis. Arrangements were made to help staff
who could not travel. It was felt that an EIA was not required on that basis due to the ad hoc nature of the
Yours sincerely
L Grierson
Central Administration Support Manager
Dumfries and Galloway College, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4FD Tel: (01387) 734000
Stranraer Campus, Lewis Street, Stranraer, DG9 7AL Tel: (01776) 706633
Web site
: http://www.dumgal.ac.uk E-mail
: xxxx@xxxxxx.xx.xx Scottish Charity No. SC021189
Principal – Joanna Campbell