We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are AA please sign in and let everyone know.

Springfield primary catchment

We're waiting for AA to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please could you identify the exact catchment for Springfield primary as I understand that there is a road list however during the 2023 allocations category 3 was the last category offered (children living in catchment) yet the child furthest away was further than my current address (by 200+ meters) yet my road is not named on the current catchment list. Is it possible then that my children would get in on distance before some of the roads named on this list? Which one has priority, is it distance to Springfield primary or the road list? As living closer I thought was the priority/determining factor, please do let me know if I’m wrong.

Also in 2023, where last category offered was 3, were there siblings who were not offered places or were there none applying? If there were siblings refused places at Springfield is it possible to have a number of those refused a place and how many appeals were successful.

Any information on the above matters would be very helpful.

Yours faithfully,

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Thank you for contacting Trafford Information Governance Team; please treat this automatic email reply as confirmation that we have received your enquiry and will respond to you accordingly.

If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online at [1]www.trafford.gov.uk.  The council's website enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well as providing comprehensive information.


Kind regards

Information Governance Team

Trafford Council

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Visible links
1. http://www.trafford.gov.uk/
2. http://www.trafford.gov.uk/emaildisclaim...

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam,


Further to your FOI request on the 12^th December 2023, I am writing to
request clarification under Section 1(3) of the Freedom of Information Act
2000, as follows:


• Please confirm your full name (first name and surname)



Please note that the Clock has now stopped on your request and your FOI
will be progressed once we receive the required clarification. We will
treat the clarified request within a new 20 working day time limit with
the ‘clock’ starting the day after we receive the required clarification.




Kind Regards,


Information Governance

Legal Services | Trafford Council | Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road |
Stretford | M32 0TH

Email: [1][Trafford Council request email]





show quoted sections

Dear Data Protection,

Where do I provide this information? Thanks

Yours sincerely,


Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Good Morning

If you could reply to this email with the requested information please?

Many thanks

Information Governance
Legal Services | Trafford Council | Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road | Stretford | M32 0TH
Email: [Trafford Council request email]

Trafford Council is a well-performing, low-cost council delivering excellent services to make Trafford a great place to live, learn, work and relax. You can find out more about us by visiting www.trafford.gov.uk

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Dear Data Protection,

Amy A

Yours sincerely,


Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Thank you for providing the information below, unfortunately a first name and an initial of a surname is not sufficient for the purpose of section 8(1)(b). The ICO provide examples on their website of the combinations that are acceptable, you can review these here https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/foi...

Kind regards,

Information Governance
Legal Services | Trafford Council | Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road | Stretford | M32 0TH

Trafford Council is a well-performing, low-cost council delivering excellent services to make Trafford a great place to live, learn, work and relax. You can find out more about us by visiting www.trafford.gov.uk

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are AA please sign in and let everyone know.