Sports and Leisure locations Scotland
Dear Scottish Sports Council,
I am writing to request a list of sport and leisure facility locations for Scotland including name, facilities available, organisation owner and address. I am hoping to make this request through FOI.
Many thanks and I look forward to your response
Yours faithfully,
Dear Georgina,
I acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request dated 26
February 2018. Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland)
Act 2002, sportscotland is obliged to reply to information requests within
20 working days, which means we will send you our response no later than
23 March 2018 .
Kind regards,
Aini Ghafoor
Legal Officer | sportscotland
Doges | Templeton on the Green | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA
Direct Dial | 0141 534 6560
w: [1]
sportscotland – putting sport first
Good afternoon Georgina,
Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002, asking for:
1. A list of sport and leisure facility locations for Scotland
including name, facilities available, organisation owner and address.
Our response is as follows:
We hold information on sport facilities in Scotland including facility
name and facilities available. We do not hold full postal addresses and
names of the facility owners, therefore, in line with section 17(1) of the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, (information not held) we
cannot provide you with all the information that you have requested. We
do, however, hold information on the ownership category and management
type of each facility. This information is published on sportscotland’s My
Sport website (Link to website: [1]
This is the latest information we hold, however as you will appreciate
things can and do change so the information on the site is the latest we
have albeit might all be up to date.
We have also provided an extract of the data by main facility type in the
spreadsheet attached to this email, again please note this is the most up
to date information we have although we cannot guarantee its accuracy as
it is supplied by third parties.
As part of our work to keep this data up to date, we would kindly request
that if you identify any issues, you share this with sportscotland at
[2][email address], so that any users of this dataset can benefit.
As for obtaining a comprehensive list of all the sport and leisure
facilities, you may wish to re-direct your enquiry directly to various
local authorities, individual and private sport and leisure facilities in
order to obtain a full list. However, please note that although local
authorities are subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002,
private and individual leisure facilities are not, and therefore would not
be legally obliged to respond.
To help us, we would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this
response for our records.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you are entitled to ask us to
review our decision. You must make this request within 40 working days of
the date of this response, explaining why you think we should carry out a
review, stating the information request to which this review relates, and
the name and address of the applicant for correspondence. Review requests
should be sent to Head of Finance, sportscotland, Doges, Templeton on the
Green, 62 Templeton Street, Glasgow, G40 1DA. Further information on our
Freedom of Information procedures can be found on sportscotland’s website
under the Freedom of Information section at the end of the home page.
If you are still dissatisfied, you have the right to apply to the Scottish
Information Commissioner for a decision. Further details on this process
are available on the Commissioner’s website:
[3] An online appeal may be made to the
Scottish Information Commissioner by following this link
Kind Regards,
Aini Ghafoor
Legal Officer | sportscotland
Doges | Templeton on the Green | 62 Templeton Street | Glasgow | G40 1DA
Direct Dial | 0141 534 6560
w: [5]
sportscotland – putting sport first
Disclaimer - This document is confidential and intended solely for the use
of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended
recipient, please inform the sender immediately and be advised that any
unauthorised use of this document is strictly prohibited
As a public body, sportscotland falls under the requirements of the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to disclose any information
(including electronic communication) that it may hold on a particular
topic when requested to do so by a person or body. If this causes concern,
sportscotland will be able to advise you further on this matter. For the
avoidance of doubt sportscotland's decision with regard to questions of
disclosure and non-disclosure shall be final.
Aithris-àichidh – Tha an sgrìobhainn seo dìomhair agus air a rùnachadh
a-mhàin don neach gu bheil e air a sheòladh. Mura h-e thusa an neach sin,
feuch gun cuir thu fios sa bhad gu an neach-seòlaidh a’ cuimhneachadh gu
bheil cleachdadh neo-ùghdarraichte sam bith air an sgrìobhainn seo air a
thoirmeasg gu tur.
Mar bhuidheann poblach, tha spòrsalba a’ tighinn fo riatanasan an Achd
Saorsa Fiosrachaidh (Alba) 2002 a thaobh foillseachadh air fiosrachadh sam
bith (a’ gabhail a-steach conaltradh eileagtronaigeach) a dh’fhaodadh a
bhith aige mu chuspair sònraichte, nuair a thèid sin iarraidh air le neach
no buidheann sam bith. Ma bhios dragh ann mu dheidhinn seo, is urrainn do
spòrsalba comhairleachadh mun chùis. Gus teagamh a sheachnadh, bidh
co-dhùnadh spòrsalba deireannach a thaobh ceistean foillseachaidh is
Visible links
2. mailto:[email%20address]
Hi Aini,
Thank you for getting back to me and sending the information that you hold, much appreciated. If I find any issues I will notify you as requested. Thanks again.
Yours sincerely,
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