Dear Post Office Limited,In aFOI rply yousaid this"I can, however, confirm that there is a robust process in place to ensure postmasters have
signed their contracts. "Can you please detail what this process is and what % of SPM is POL aware have signed contracts?Pre 2019 and post 2019 please.

Yours faithfully,

john o'sullivan, Post Office Limited

Our ref: FOI2024/01456

Dear John O'Sullivan,

Thank you for your request for information which was received on 5th
November. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.

The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore reply at the latest by 4th

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future


Data Protection and Information Rights Team

100 Wood Street,


EC2V 7ER, Post Office Limited

Our ref: FOI2024/01456

Dear John O'Sullivan,

I am writing with regards to your information rights request, which was
received on 5 November.

We have started to consider your request; however, we require further
information before we are able to proceed. Could you please clarify the

 1. Are you seeking information on only active contracts/branches? Or are
you also wanting to include closed branches?
 2. How far back would you like us to go in relation to the pre 2019

As you will appreciate the statutory timescale for our response to your
request will not commence until we are supplied with the further
information which we require.

If we do not hear from you within 14 days, we will close this case with no
further action taken.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,

Information Rights Team

100 Wood Street,



Dear [email address],Thank you for a reply.I would have thought with the departure of Rodric Williams" puerile"( to use his description of award winning journalist Nick Wallis and his book that POL witnesses claim is compulsory reading for all new joiners)searches for additional detail would be a thing of the past.Are you cloth eared,is it all a joke,suicides,marriage failures,contempt of communities mean nothing to you?Please pass on to your new Chairman and Sir Rodric Williams your reply to this FOI.Imagine you were a victim of POL.How far back would you seek-£600 on a billion pound scandal?Get some perspective or humanity surely.

Yours sincerely,

john o'sullivan

information.rights, Post Office Limited

Classification: Public

Dear John O'Sullivan,

Please be aware, under section 1(3)(a)(b) of the FOIA, Post Office is not obliged to respond to a request for information if it requires further clarification in order to identify and locate the information requested and has informed the applicant of that requirement.

In our email sent to you on 27 November 2024, we asked that you clarify the
following in order for us to proceed with your request:

1. Are you seeking information on only active contracts/branches? Or are you also wanting to include closed branches?
2. How far back would you like us to go in relation to the pre 2019 contracts?

As clarification has not been provided, we are unable to proceed and will therefore close this request down.

It is also worth noting that if Post Office were to handle this as a clarification to your original FOI request, we would strongly consider the application of Section 14(1) of the FOIA. As under Section 14(1) Post Office are not obliged to comply with a request if the request is Vexatious.

In accordance with the Information Commissioner's guidance in dealing with Vexatious requests, this exemption could be applied as we would consider that the request doesn't have serious value or purpose alongside the offensive language and tone used.

Further detail on the Information Commissioner's guidance regarding section 14(1) of the FOIA please visit the following website:

Kind regards
Information Rights Team

Data Protection and Information Rights Team
100 Wood Street

[Post Office request email]

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