Spiking: Yorkshire and the Humber Local Authorities (responsible for licensing premises)

The request was successful.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Local Government Association offer guidance on good practice for licensing authorities in response to spiking. Our inquiries relate to the extent to which your licensing authority implements these recommendations – specifically:-

Q1) Do you explicitly reference spiking prevention in your statement of licensing policy?

Q2) Have you run a communications campaign to clearly demonstrate that your council takes a zero-tolerance approach to spiking.

Q3) Which of the following partnership schemes are training packages are referenced in your statement of licensing policy?
· Pubwatch
· Best Bar None
· Purple Flag
· Community Alcohol Partnerships
· Street Pastors
· The Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) initiative
· ‘Ask for Angela’

Q4) Has your licensing authority followed the recommendation of the Home Affairs Select Committee to consider the prevalence, prevention and reporting of sexual harassment and misconduct and gender-based violence in statements of licensing policy.

Q5) For the previous 5 calendar years please provide the number of venues which have had their licence suspended, revoked, or/and had conditions added to the licence, as a result of spiking incidents within the venue. Please could you provide this data broken down by year.
a) 2018
b) 2019
c) 2020
d) 2021
e) 2022
f) 2023 (including latest available data)

Q6) How many incidents of alleged spiking have been recorded by the licensing authority in the past five years. Please break down by year
a) 2018
b) 2019
c) 2020
d) 2021
e) 2022
f) 2023 (including latest available data)

Q7) Please provide details of the three most recent cases where a venue has had its licence suspended, revoked or/and had conditions added, as a result of spiking incidents

Thank you in advance for your help with these queries.

Yours faithfully,
Will Hecker

FOI, Sheffield City Council

Dear Will Hecker,


Thank you for your request for information relating to spiking
recommendations in licensing which we received on 20/04/2023.


This has been logged as a Freedom of Information Request and will be dealt
with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The reference number for
your request can be found above.


The Freedom of Information Act 2000 states that we must respond to you
within 20 working days, by 22/05/2023, but we kindly ask for your patience
as we anticipate that there may be a delay in some cases. Please do not
hesitate to contact us at the email address below if you have any queries.


Yours sincerely,



Sheffield City Council

PO Box 1283

Sheffield, S1 1UJ

Email: [1][Sheffield City Council request email]




From: Will Hecker <[FOI #974181 email]>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:06 AM
To: FOI <[Sheffield City Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Spiking: Yorkshire and the
Humber Local Authorities (responsible for licensing premises)


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act.


The Local Government Association offer guidance on good practice for
licensing authorities in response to spiking.  Our inquiries relate to the
extent to which your licensing authority implements these recommendations
– specifically:-


Q1) Do you explicitly reference spiking prevention in your statement of
licensing policy?


Q2) Have you run a communications campaign to clearly demonstrate that
your council takes a zero-tolerance approach to spiking.


Q3) Which of the following partnership schemes are training packages are
referenced in your statement of licensing policy?

·          Pubwatch

·          Best Bar None

·          Purple Flag

·          Community Alcohol Partnerships

·          Street Pastors

·          The Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) initiative

·          ‘Ask for Angela’


Q4) Has your licensing authority followed the recommendation of the Home
Affairs Select Committee to consider the prevalence, prevention and
reporting of sexual harassment and misconduct and gender-based violence in
statements of licensing policy.


Q5) For the previous 5 calendar years please provide the number of venues
which have had their licence suspended, revoked, or/and had conditions
added to the licence, as a result of spiking incidents within the venue.
Please could you provide this data broken down by year.

a) 2018

b) 2019

c) 2020

d) 2021

e) 2022

f) 2023 (including latest available data)


Q6) How many incidents of alleged spiking have been recorded by the
licensing authority in the past five years. Please break down by year

a) 2018

b) 2019

c) 2020

d) 2021

e) 2022

f) 2023 (including latest available data)


Q7) Please provide details of the three most recent cases where a venue
has had its licence suspended, revoked or/and had conditions added, as a
result of spiking incidents


Thank you in advance for your help with these queries.


Yours faithfully,

Will Hecker




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[2][FOI #974181 email]


Is [3][Sheffield City Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Sheffield City Council? If so, please contact us using this



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:




Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



show quoted sections

FOI, Sheffield City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Will Hecker,


Thank you for your request for information relating to Spiking
recommendations in licensing which we received on 20/04/2023.


Please find Sheffield City Council’s response to your request set out


Q1) Do you explicitly reference spiking prevention in your statement of
licensing policy? No – Policy attached.


Q2) Have you run a communications campaign to clearly demonstrate that
your council takes a zero-tolerance approach to spiking. Yes – A Night
Time Economy Newsletter, “Going Out Out”, which outlined a partnership
with South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield BID and the Council have pooled
together funding to purchase forty thousand stop tops and fifteen thousand
spikies to support the Night Time Economy. Posters have also been supplied
for display in premises.


Q3) Which of the following partnership schemes are training packages are
referenced in your statement of licensing policy?

·          Pubwatch                          See attached Policy

·          Best Bar None

·          Purple Flag

·          Community Alcohol Partnerships

·          Street Pastors

·          The Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) initiative

·          ‘Ask for Angela’


Q4) Has your licensing authority followed the recommendation of the Home
Affairs Select Committee to consider the prevalence, prevention and
reporting of sexual harassment and misconduct and gender-based violence in
statements of licensing policy. – See attached Policy


Q5) For the previous 5 calendar years please provide the number of venues
which have had their licence suspended, revoked, or/and had conditions
added to the licence, as a result of spiking incidents within the venue.
Please could you provide this data broken down by year.

a) 2018 - None

b) 2019- None

c) 2020- None

d) 2021- None

e) 2022- None

f) 2023 (including latest available data) - None


Q6) How many incidents of alleged spiking have been recorded by the
licensing authority in the past five years. Please break down by year

a) 2018 - none

b) 2019 - none

c) 2020 - none

d) 2021 – 1 alleged complaint

e) 2022 – 1 alleged incident but not submitted as formal complaint

f) 2023 (including latest available data)


Q7) Please provide details of the three most recent cases where a venue
has had its licence suspended, revoked or/and had conditions added, as a
result of spiking incidents - None



If you have any queries about this response, please do not hesitate to
contact us.


The information provided in this response is available for re-use under
the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0. The terms of the OGL can be
found [1]here. When re-using the information, Sheffield City Council
requires you to include the following attribution statement: “Contains
public sector information obtained from Sheffield City Council and
licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.”


If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your
request, you are entitled to have this reviewed. You can ask for an
internal review by replying to this email. Internal review requests should
be submitted within 40 working days from the date of this response.


If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your internal review, you
can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please see
for further details.


Kind Regards,


Sheffield City Council

PO Box 1283

Sheffield, S1 1UJ

Email: [3][Sheffield City Council request email]




From: Will Hecker <[FOI #974181 email]>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:06 AM
To: FOI <[Sheffield City Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Spiking: Yorkshire and the
Humber Local Authorities (responsible for licensing premises)


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act.


The Local Government Association offer guidance on good practice for
licensing authorities in response to spiking.  Our inquiries relate to the
extent to which your licensing authority implements these recommendations
– specifically:-


Q1) Do you explicitly reference spiking prevention in your statement of
licensing policy?


Q2) Have you run a communications campaign to clearly demonstrate that
your council takes a zero-tolerance approach to spiking.


Q3) Which of the following partnership schemes are training packages are
referenced in your statement of licensing policy?

·         Pubwatch

·         Best Bar None

·         Purple Flag

·         Community Alcohol Partnerships

·         Street Pastors

·         The Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement (WAVE) initiative

·         ‘Ask for Angela’


Q4) Has your licensing authority followed the recommendation of the Home
Affairs Select Committee to consider the prevalence, prevention and
reporting of sexual harassment and misconduct and gender-based violence in
statements of licensing policy.


Q5) For the previous 5 calendar years please provide the number of venues
which have had their licence suspended, revoked, or/and had conditions
added to the licence, as a result of spiking incidents within the venue.
Please could you provide this data broken down by year.

a) 2018

b) 2019

c) 2020

d) 2021

e) 2022

f) 2023 (including latest available data)


Q6) How many incidents of alleged spiking have been recorded by the
licensing authority in the past five years. Please break down by year

a) 2018

b) 2019

c) 2020

d) 2021

e) 2022

f) 2023 (including latest available data)


Q7) Please provide details of the three most recent cases where a venue
has had its licence suspended, revoked or/and had conditions added, as a
result of spiking incidents


Thank you in advance for your help with these queries.


Yours faithfully,

Will Hecker




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[4][FOI #974181 email]


Is [5][Sheffield City Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Sheffield City Council? If so, please contact us using this



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:




Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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