Spending on Mayoral Cars

The request was partially successful.


I'd be grateful if you can provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in regards to vehicles used to transport the Mayor of your Local authority.

1) A list of all vehicles owned or leased to the council for the use of transporting the Mayor of your Local authority and:
a) The make and model of each vehicle?
b) The cost of purchasing each vehicle (if not leased) since 2018?
c) The cost of leasing each vehicle (if not purchased) since 2018?
d) The cost of fuel for each vehicle since 2018?
e)The costs associated with maintaining each vehicle since 2018?
f) The cost of insuring each vehicle since 2018?
g) The costs of any parking fees and / or fines / PCNs issued to each vehicle since 2018?

Please provide cost per annum if possible for questions 1b-1g.

2) How many days a week on average is each vehicle used?

3) Is transporting the mayor the primary use of the vehicle? If not, please list other uses?

I look forward to receiving a response from you and I am happy to provide any additional information you require.

Yours faithfully
Akwesi Osei

Freedom of Information, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email received on 26 August 2022 requesting information about Spending on Mayoral Cars.

Please note you can now log a Freedom of Information request on our online portal on the following link https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/your-council...

I have recorded your request for information under reference F2022.08.5793.

This has been passed to the relevant service and you will receive a response by 26 September 2022.

In line with guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the council may make a charge for the provision of information – for example in order to cover the costs of postage (in line with the relevant postal charges) or charges for printing and copying (which will reflect photocopying charges levied by the council’s public libraries) or if this falls within the regulations of an EIR (Environmental Information).

You will be informed if a fee is to be applied before information is to be provided.

Kind regards,

Customer Liaison Team
Knowsley Council
Archway Road
L36 9UX

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Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Your FOI request has been completed

Dear Akwesi Osei

Your FOI with Reference Number : 5793 has been completed please click on the link
below to view it

Customer Liaison Team
Knowsley Council
Archway Road
L36 9UX


Visible links
1. https://knowsleytransaction.mendixcloud....
2. http://www.knowsley.gov.uk/