Spending on food per patient
Dear Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust,
How much does the Trust spend on Food per patient per day ?
Yours faithfully,
John Cowan
Dear Mr Cowan,
Your Freedom of Information Request has been forwarded onto the FOI
Compliance team, who will be in direct contact with you.
Kind Regards,
PALS Officer
Hellesdon Hospital
Tel : 01603 421191
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Dear Mr Cowan
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The information you requested is as follows:-
Our patient meal day cost is £9.26.
The Trust provides a complaints procedure to deal with complaints about
the Trust's handling of requests for information. If you feel you need to
make a complaint, in the first instance, you should contact a
Non-Executive Director via the Chair of the Trust. If you feel you have
exhausted our internal complaints procedure, you also have the right and
may feel you wish to write to the Information Commissioner who can be
contacted on telephone number 01625 545740 or at [1]www.ico.gov.uk .
Mike Mann
Compliance Manager (DPA/ FOI)
Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hellesdon Hospital
Drayton High Road
Tel: 01603 421283
Fax: 01603 421411
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