Special guardianship order financial support
Dear West Berkshire
Can you please provide me with the following information regarding
Special guardianship financial support.
1) Does West Berkshire council follow the DfE method
of assessing Special guardianship allowance. If not please provide
infomation as to the method used.
2) What is the maximum payment for a child.
a) Pre school age
b) Primary school age
c) Secondary school age
d) Over 16
3) Is the maximum payment based on recommended core foster care
rates. If not what is the maximum payment based on.
4) Does special guardianship rise each year in line with the
increase in core fostering rates.
5) Is the financial assessment where children were previously LAC
different to the financial assessment for children who were not
6) What deducations, if any, are made from Special guardianship
allowance, ie, Child benefit, Child tax credit.
7) If a carer is in receipt of Income support are any deductions
made from Special Guardianship allowance, ie, Child Benefit, Child
tax credit
8) Are Special guardianship allowances time limited. If so how long for.
Yours faithfully,
Cassie Felton
Dear Ms Felton
Request for information: Special guardianship order financial support
Thank you for your request received on 22nd May 2018; we will seek to
respond within twenty working days.
Yours sincerely,
Jessica Bailiss
Policy Officer
Strategic Support West Berkshire Council Market Street Newbury RG14 5LD
(01635) 503124 | Ext 3124 | [1][email address]
Please consider the environment before printing this
(Please note that I work Tuesday - Thursday)
Dear Ms Felton
Request for information: Special guardianship order financial support
Please see below the Council’s response to your request for information.
You have asked;
1) Does West Berkshire council follow the DfE method of assessing
Special guardianship allowance.
2) What is the maximum payment for a child.
a) Pre school age- £139.87
b) Primary school age- £159.33
c) Secondary school age- £198.34
d) Over 16 - £241.24
2) Is the maximum payment based on recommended core foster care rates.
Yes (age related fostering rate)
3) Does special guardianship rise each year in line with the increase
in core fostering rates.
4) Is the financial assessment where children were previously LAC
different to the financial assessment for children who were not LAC.
No, the assessment is the same. However, for children who were previously
LAC the carers are not subject to means testing for the first 2 years.
5) What deducations, if any, are made from Special guardianship
allowance, ie, Child benefit, Child tax credit.
Welfare benefits are deducted when appropriate
6) If a carer is in receipt of Income support are any deductions made
from Special Guardianship allowance, ie, Child Benefit, Child tax credit.
7) Are Special guardianship allowances time limited. If so how long
Up until aged 18, or 21 if in full time education.
We are currently mid-way through a review of fostering and support
allowances. The outcome of which may affect some of the answers above.
If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you may ask
for an internal review. You should contact The FoI Reviewing Officer,
Strategic Support, Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD, email
FoI[1]@westberks.gov.uk if you wish to request a review. If you are not
content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to
apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Suzi Kenchington
Information Access Compliance Officer
Strategic Support,
West Berkshire Council, Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD
email: [2][email address]
01635 519860 (external) 2860 (internal)
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